Looks like 1 more person has mastered this hold.
Like people have already said, the difficulty of this hold gradually goes up til Level 7 and then gets easier on Levels 8 and 9 where I was able to get the rooms after a few tries. Perhaps it is because after playing 7 levels before, you kinda get accustomed with these rooms.
IMO, the set of rooms I liked most are the Roach Queen puzzles. Then comes the Challenge rooms and tar puzzles, and lastly the least I liked where the snake puzzles. I liked the roach queen puzzles most because there were so many techniques during the 9 levels that you learn through experimentation. The rooms were informative and challenging. There were some challenge and tar puzzles I did not like simply because some required luck or perfect efficiency. Lastly, those snake puzzles are mostly timing, they aren't really challenging and some were irritating as you would restart a lot to get down to the snakes at the right times. Despite this, my rating for this hold is 10 overall and 8.5 brains
Also, just like any other official holds, this hold has wonderful story and humour. That I Saw Isosceles song was hilarious.
If I was to choose a favourite room, it would either be Level 6, 7 or 8's 1S1E rooms or Level 8 or 9's 1N rooms or the Observatory's 1W room. So many awesome rooms to choose from.
Awesome hold.