First Level: Easy but that's perfectly OK - gets you're hand in. One specific comment:
First: 1W - It's boring having to do the up-and-down bit on the way back from 2W. I suggest putting a green door halfway up each of the vertical walls so on the way back you can run straight through
Second:1S: About 50 too many WraithWings.
Second:1E: The snake dies very easily, I wonder if a brain would help
Second: 1N: What is the point of the structures in the SE corner?
Third: East is the way to the Exit and if you do that part first you have to retrace your steps, I suggest a scroll in the entrance that aids the adventurer to avoid this necessity.
Third:1N: The first scroll is not clear - 'no diagonals'? You can't enter the first maze horizontally or vertically. Also, why 'hitting the walls?'. A Checkpoint between the mazes would be good, as would a green door in the SE corner for those who ignore any instructions not to go East first.
Third:1W: As far as I can see
Click here to view the secret text
×Using the orbs is suicide so the room doesn't start until 135 moves have passed.
That's a bit boring - particularly if you do a typo later on and have to restart (no checkpoints!). Nice satisfaction when it's completed though.
Two typos:
Llama not Llamma (third:2S1W)
Beat not Beet (end credits)
Thanks for the hold.
[Edited by HopelessAmateur at
Local Time:03-10-2005 at 11:34 AM]