I'm back, and I'm not going to stall this any longer than needed.
For March's contest, we are going to take DROD away from the computer and bring roaches into our normal, everyday world. No, it's not going to be trying to collect the largest collection of live cockroaches in your house and send them to me. Not only would the participation be low, but I wouldn't want to have to deal with a room full of cockroaches in bottles and have to count them all.
This month, we are going to get you to create
replicas of the trademarked DROD roach using normal, everyday objects you have lying around your pad. Yes, it does sound weird, but it will involve creativity, something the forum has so large an amount of, Erik was thinking of selling it on eBay. Using the picture below as a guideline, you are going to
create a roach using any medium you can find, take a picture of it, and ship it to the forum. Anything found around the house, office, or outdoors will work - pop cans, books, pens, grass clippings, etc. As long as you can get it to look like a roach, it'll work just fine.
The image above shows the roach used in 1.6 enlarged to eight times it's normal size. While the colour inside shows the third dimension a bit, all you really need to worry about is the black outline and the eyes.
However, there are a few guidlines:
1. No computer editing!! This is all about what you can make using actual physical mediums. If I find a picture of Mount Rushmore turned into four roaches, it won't be an entry and I'll be extremly upset. Simple as that.
2. The roach doesn't need to be 3D or have extreme detail in it. All we are looking for is a distinguishable outline of a roach.
3. Feel free to submit as many entries as you want in either JPG, PNG, or BMP format, but you will only be allowed to place
one entry into the final poll.
4. Entries can be posted in this topic. When you post an entry, tell us what you used to make it, where the picture was taken place, and approximatly how big it is. I also ask that you
please change the subject of your entry to the corresponding entry number. It'll make things a lot easier in the long run.
5. The deadline for submissions is
Local Time:03-23-2005 at 06:00 PM. Please conact me by PM or email (CrazyCanuck00@gmail.com) before that date telling me which entry you want to go in the poll. If you do not contact me,
I will choose your first entry. I don't want to spend a week hunting you down.
6. First place will receive one of the lovely prizes from the
Prize Pile and a whopping 100 rank points. Second place gets 50 rank points, which is a nice chunk of change. Third gets a sum of 25 points. Any people who have never entered a contest on DROD.net before get 10 points just for making a single, valid entry.
7. For submitting more than one entry, you will get 5 points for the second entry, 4 points for the third entry, 3 points for the fourth, etc. It's a small incentive, but I don't want people submitting millions of entries just to get some bonus points.
Well, get to it! You have exactly
negative 1037 weeks to enter, and the more the merrier! And I fully invite all moderators to at least make submissions. If submissions are plentiful, I may start a seperate moderator versus forum challenge using my own stock of mod points. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. There aren't a lot of strict guidlines, and that will make it a lot easier to decide on what to do. Good luck to all!
--That guy with a million different aliases since he doesn't like this name anymore.