Hey, We haven’t had a contest in a bit. So while we all eagerly await part 2 of the Eighth Fairy Tales contest, why not have a little unofficial thing?
The (unofficial?) contest for June: What You See is What You Get
You’re making your way through Advanced Concepts and get to the Brain level. All of a sudden, you notice the walls of the room form a familiar shape. A quick peak at the mini-map reveals that – yes indeed! This room is designed to look like a giant brain! The very element it is supposed to showcase.
(room image secreted for length)
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We’ve all seen this sort of thing before of course. The earliest case I can think of is back in Claythro Tower. The final level had a series of rooms focusing on one or two elements in which the element in questions was writ large in the architecture. My favorite is the serpent room with a giant serpent made from trap doors:
Click here to view the secret text
What to do:
So what is the contest you ask? Simply this. Design a one room hold that focuses on a particular element or group of elements. Those elements must be somehow depicted artistically on a large scale using the room architecture. Ideally, it should be possible to identify your picture from the mini-map. Only standard game elements should be used, no custom artwork.
The depiction doesn’t have to be an exact replica, but should somehow be integrated with the puzzle. For example, a more recent use of this technique was done in the Elemental Showcase 5.0 hold. A room focusing on constructs had a terrific depiction of a giant robot in the middle. It doesn’t look exactly like the construct art in the game, but the idea comes across perfectly. Bonus points for the fact that the elements making up the picture figure prominently in the puzzle
Click here to view the secret text
EDIT: Just to clarify what you should be striving for. The ideal first place submission will have both a super cool puzzle using an element, an awesome room art image depicting the same element, and some sort of synergy between the two (i.e. the elements that make up the image are also part of the puzzle.) Criteria for judging will be based on the following three things in no particular order:
1) How fun, interesting, and creative was the puzzle, and how important was the selected element to it?
2) How creative and interesting was the room image of the element?
3) Did the room elements that made up the picture integrate with the puzzle?
So given all that, we'll all pretty much just vote for the room that we liked the best as always, so just have fun with it and try to go with the spirit of the contest as best you can. Good luck!
The rules:
1) Anyone interested in taking part can submit up to three entries.
2) Each entry must contain one puzzle room. Your puzzle room should be designed so that the walls, floor, ect. of the room form an image of the element you are choosing to focus on. The room should contain some sort of puzzle that makes use of that element.
3) Include one other empty room acting as an entrance to your puzzle room. This will make assembling a compilation hold a bit easier.
4) No custom media. This is art through architecture only.
5) Your room must be solvable from the entrance. If you have challenge scrolls, the challenge must be scripted and possible to complete.
6) Your hold must be compatible with build 6060
7) Submissions are due
Local Time:06-22-2015 at 01:00 PM which means that you either have
negative 506 weeks, 3 days left to submit your entry or that I have no idea how to use local time tags.
To submit your spectacular winning entry, go to the
Submissions thread.
First place contestant will earn a warm place in my heart as a master architect and the eternal respect of the DROD community, along with 5 rank points. (UPDARE: Pinnacle has generously donated a Smitemaster's Selection credit as the tasty icing on the cake for first place prize. As though a special place in my heart wasn't enough incentive.
Second place contestant will earn a warm place in my heart as a master architect and the eternal respect of the DROD community, along with 3 rank points.
Third place contestant just gets the heart thing. Hey this is an unofficial contest and I only have 8 of these to give out!
Okay, ignore all of that. I've been informed by Schik that a new mod point production facility is about to come online and that the surplus will be diverted to winners of this contest. So here are the revised prizes.
First place contestant will earn 100 Rank points and a Smitemaster's Selection credit generously donated by Pinnacle.
Second place contestant will earn 50 Rank points.
Third place contestant will earn 25 Rank points.
You will all of course still earn a place in my heart for your architectural excellence.
Links to neat forum tools that I always have trouble finding:
Click here to view the secret text
[Last edited by Insoluble at 06-04-2015 08:55 PM]