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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Holds : Deconstructed Dungeon (Beethro encounters a "new" element.)
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Author Name:Jacob
Submitted By:Jacob
Hold Name:Deconstructed Dungeon
Theme:Beethro encounters a "new" element.
Author's Difficulty:
Number of Levels:6
Number of Rooms:40
Number of Monsters:303
Version:DROD: The City Beneath (3.2)
High Scores:View High Scores
Hold Karma:9 (+9 / -0)
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Level: Legendary Smitemaster
Rank Points: 8
IP: Logged

File: Deconstructed Dungeon.hold (19.5 KB)
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License: Other
From: Unspecified
icon Deconstructed Dungeon  
This hold is set after Beethro's adventures in King Dugan's Dungeon, but before he journeyed to Rooted Hold.

As such he has not yet encountered any of the elements in JtRH or TCB and this hold only uses simpler AE elements, plus one new one.

There are two paths to play, one of which has easier room variants for more novice players.

This hold was intended to be used with the volcano style (created by vylycyn) and original (3.0) pressure plates. It looks nicer that way.

Thanks to the beta-testers: Blondbeard, BoyBlue, Chaco, mxvladi.
03-06-2010 at 08:28 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 03-31-2005
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icon Re: Deconstructed Dungeon (0)  
A fun, solid hold by Jacob, were almost every room have som kind of trick, and there is a simplified version of every room for those who wants to start out easy.
03-06-2010 at 08:36 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 02-11-2008
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icon Re: Deconstructed Dungeon (+1)  
This hold has some very cool puzzles, mostly lynchpin-based but also some manipulation ones.

You don't have to solve hardest puzzles if you want to just conquer the hold. If you want to master it, however, you'll need to solve Empirical Research.

Except Empirical Research(and secret rooms), puzzles are quite easy.

My favourite rooms are: Empirical Research entrance, 1N 2W, 1N 1W and secret in "A Demonstration"
03-06-2010 at 08:53 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 12-23-2005
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icon Re: Deconstructed Dungeon (+1)  
This is another good hold by Jacob, with quite a few nice rooms.

One word to the wise: If you enjoy solving harder puzzles, you should avoid the 'easier' level before you finish the main level. The easier level presents very similar puzzles, and understanding the solutions to those rooms makes the harder rooms a lot easier. (Not *easy*, mind you.)

I give this hold an 8 for fun and 7 brains of difficulty.


"Rings and knots of joy and grief, all interlaced and locking." --William Buck
03-07-2010 at 06:33 PM
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Level: Smiter
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Registered: 08-19-2005
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icon Re: Deconstructed Dungeon (+1)  
Another quality Jacob hold (does he make any that aren't???)

As above, there two variants of the same level although the solutions are not always the same for the room variants, and some of the solutions for the harder variants are inspired.

My only criticism (unless I missed something) was that the first secret can't be reached once you've cleared the preceeding room - this meant I had to restore to reach it. To caveat, this is only an issue for me since I like to master a hold in one play through and I'm sure most players aren't bothered by this.

In conclusion, play this hold and all others by Jacob and you won't be disappointed.

Difficulty: 6.5
Fun: 8

Without struggle, there is no progress, so get up, get out, and go make the rest of your life the best of your life; you deserve to live the life that YOU want to live...

Progress - Gavin G
09-16-2020 at 12:47 PM
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