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Caravel Forum : DROD RPG Boards : RPG Bugs : End stair bug (In a hold with lots of running scripts.)
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icon End stair bug (0)  
I've been working on a one room entry for the limited room contest for a time now. It's pretty complicated, and got lots of running scripts, but I finally got it all to work. But when I left the editor to play it through my DROD RPG crashed. When I try to exit the hold the screen turns half dark and the game starts beeping a LOT. I had to turn of the game by force, and shut of the sound when waiting for an effect.

I've been trying for a couple of hours to get around this bug. Ive tried to end the hold with a script instead of a staircase. As I think that the bug might lie hidden somewhere among the many ongoing scripts in the room I've went through all scripts a few times. And I've been trying hard to end every script before you end the hold, not sure if I ever succeeded. But nothing has changed, and now I begin to seriously fear for my computer's and DROD code's health, as I keep exposing them to these horrible beeps.

So, HEEEEEEELP!!! :weep

Stairs work if they go to other entrances in the room. I remember there should be a way to check the reason for bugs like this, but I can't remember how.

Voligner is my very own DROD-like game. Please check it out!
03-27-2009 at 05:20 PM
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icon Re: End stair bug (+1)  
Rheb wrote:
I remember there should be a way to check the reason for bugs like this, but I can't remember how.
When it beeps, a line is added to drodrpg.err in [TT Installation Folder]\Data.

You don't have to attach the whole file (which probably grew a few kilobytes from that); just look at the entry for today and c+p any errors.

Also, what version is this occurring in?
I don't know the technical details about it, but Build 55 has a fix to some bug with staircases leading to other levels, which could be remotely related to this. I doubt it is, but I'm just trying to see if I can find anything related to your issue.

Also known as ExpHP everywhere else.

[Last edited by Kwakstur at 03-27-2009 08:18 PM]
03-27-2009 at 08:00 PM
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icon Re: End stair bug (0)  
Kwakstur wrote:
Rheb wrote:
I remember there should be a way to check the reason for bugs like this, but I can't remember how.
When it beeps, a line is added to drodrpg.err in [TT Installation Folder]\Data.
Ok... Looks a bit like this, only that I've got around ten thousand more lines (above and below the "Character script is in an infinite loop" klunk) saying " Assertion error in line 108 of .\DbCommands.cpp: "!this->bIsFrozen" ". I also cut out around 90% of the repeating "Character script is in an infinite loop" lines. This is freaking me out. :no

Click here to view the secret text

Edit: I feel I should add that it's all under the *** FIRST LOG IN SESSION 3/27/09 3:42PM ***. Also, thanks for the help Kwakstur.

Edit 2: And I'm running .54. Do you think updating would fix this? My impressions of it is that I have done something horribly wrong :(

Voligner is my very own DROD-like game. Please check it out!

[Last edited by Rheb at 03-27-2009 10:27 PM]
03-27-2009 at 10:06 PM
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icon Re: End stair bug (0)  
Ok, I'm now trying to recreate the hold from scratch, I haven't got all scripts in, but something new happened now. I was actually able to go down the stairs and see the end text, and only one slight beep was heard, it said:

*** FIRST LOG IN SESSION 3/27/09 11:28PM ***
Assertion error in line 2191 of .\CurrentGame.cpp: "!bIsComplexCommand(nCommand)"

Voligner is my very own DROD-like game. Please check it out!
03-27-2009 at 10:32 PM
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icon Re: End stair bug (0)  
Wow, this actually turned out pretty fun :)

By secluding whole characters in the room to see what happens I've managed two find the exact two scripts causing the problems. The smaller "one beep" problem is because of a question I have in the beginning. It has got four answer opinions with gotos and labels for each one. What happens after the question doesn't matter. If the question takes place Drod will beep at me once when I finish the hold.

The really bad bug is caused by a special script the hold basically circles around, (I'm still not completely happy with giving it away to the other architects O:-).
I have some custom monsters which I want to reappear some turns after they have been killed. The script I used for this seemed to work perfectly, but is apparently making the hold impossible to end, and is causing this really disturbing bug.

Label 1
  Generate entity Fluffling,9,2,northwest
  Wait while entity is NPC 9,2,9,2
  Wait 4
  Go to 1

Seems pretty harmless to me :?

Edit: This change would fix the room, if I can make sure the player stays long enough on 12,3 for all scripts to end.

Label 1
  Generate entity Fluffling,9,2,northwest
Label 2
  If ... 
        Wait for entity Player 12,3,12,3
  If End 
  If ... 
        Wait while entity is NPC 9,2,9,2
     Wait 4
     Go to 1
  If End 
  Wait 1
  Go to 2

Voligner is my very own DROD-like game. Please check it out!

[Last edited by Rheb at 03-27-2009 11:28 PM]
03-27-2009 at 11:05 PM
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icon Re: End stair bug (+1)  
Rheb wrote:
Wow, this actually turned out pretty fun :)
When you come at it with a good approach, it sure can be.

if I can make sure the player stays long enough on 12,3 for all scripts to end.
Have a character use Cutscene 1.
Make a variable (for examplary purposes I'll call it EndCount). Before each NPC ends, make it add 1 to EndCount.
Make the Cutscene character wait for EndCount to reach the number of NPCs before ending the cutscene.

  Wait for entity Player 12,3,12,3
  Cutscene 1
  Wait for var EndCount = 6
  Cutscene 0

Label 1
  Generate entity Fluffling,9,2,northwest
Label 2
  If ... 
        Wait for entity Player 12,3,12,3
     Set var EndCount + 1
  If End 
  If ... 
        Wait while entity is NPC 9,2,9,2
     Wait 4
     Go to 1
  If End 
  Wait 1
  Go to 2

Also known as ExpHP everywhere else.
03-28-2009 at 12:27 AM
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icon Re: End stair bug (+1)  
Kwakstur wrote:
Rheb wrote:
Wow, this actually turned out pretty fun :)
When you come at it with a good approach, it sure can be.
If you don't want to use a cutscene, here's an alternative using a loop incrementor:
Label 1
  Generate entity Fluffling,9,2,northwest
  Wait while entity is NPC 9,2,9,2
  Set var EndCount = 0
Label 2
  If ... 
        Wait until var EndCount = 4
     Go to 1
  If End
  Set var EndCount + 1
  Wait 1
  Go to 2

I believe this should cause a Fluffling to appear on the 5th move after you kill the previous one, but without having unended scripts still running if you leave the room (the loop is only 1 move in length). "wait while NPC is..." will not register your Fluffling death until the move after you kill your monster since I believe combat effects only occur after all character scripts have run (correct me if I'm wrong, however).

Resident Medic/Mycologist

[Last edited by agaricus5 at 03-28-2009 01:37 AM]
03-28-2009 at 01:36 AM
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icon Re: End stair bug (0)  
Thanks to you both! :)

I'll probably be using Kwaksturs script, as agaricus would require me to use one end variable for every reappearing monster in the room, and there are quite many of those.

Edit: I've looked a bit further into the question bug too. If there is any question in the room from which the player ends the hold the game will beep once. If the player leaves the room and exit the hold from somewhere else no harm is caused.

Voligner is my very own DROD-like game. Please check it out!

[Last edited by Rheb at 03-28-2009 11:00 AM]
03-28-2009 at 10:30 AM
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icon Re: End stair bug (0)  
Ok, I give up! Now not even the script I did get to work works :( In case it might have anything to do with it, this is the script I add to the custom characters to give them the right stats and make them appear when the generate entity script is activated:
  Behavior 1
  Set var "_MyHP" = 18
  Set var "_MyATK" = 30
  Set var "_MyDEF" = 1
  Set var "_MyGold" = 0
  Set var "_MyColor" = 996363

Voligner is my very own DROD-like game. Please check it out!
03-28-2009 at 03:25 PM
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icon Re: End stair bug (+1)  
Ok, so before I uninstall DROD RPG, uninstall the hard drive DROD RPG was on and smash it, I'm just going to say that no mater what scripts I have running it is possible to exit the room, both via a room edge or a stair case. And it is then possible to end the hold from the other room.

So exiting a room obviously pause all running scripts. Why doesn't ending the hold do the same???

Voligner is my very own DROD-like game. Please check it out!
03-28-2009 at 03:54 PM
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icon Re: End stair bug (0)  
I'm not clear on what the bug being reported is here. Is it that scripts run on the same turn the player exits the hold, but the scripts should not run?

How can I reproduce this issue?

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.
01-14-2016 at 08:20 PM
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icon Re: End stair bug (0)  

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.
01-23-2016 at 02:12 PM
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