EDIT (1st Jan): As of now, the diagonal restriction is part of the main hold. As with many of the previous updates, you should start a New Game if you update to this version. If you do not wish to lose your progress, then don't upgrade until you've completed the hold. Changelog in secret tags:
Click here to view the secret text
×Original Release
1st Update: Fixed Dragon to be properly invulnerable to the Destructible Ball.
2nd Update: Fixed Zombie Knights in 14F to be properly weak to the Cross.
3rd Update: Added Diagonal Restriction. It can be turned off via the Orb of the Hero, but this also disables scoring. Also fixed Warp Staff visual effects.
4th Update: Fixed a few fringe cases regarding movement in 47F.
5th Update: Fixed another fringe case movement issue in 47F.
6th Update: Fixed issue with Warp Staff with the Diagonal Restriction. Fixed issue where Magic Sergeants/Magicians could attack you immediately after using the Warp Staff. Fixed issue where Magic Sergeants/Magicians could *not* attack you on the *2nd* turn immediately after using the Wings.
7th Update: Staircases on 46F and 47F now count as obstacles for diagonal movement, since you could otherwise theoretically sidestep some Magician attack ranges. All other staircases remain as non-obstacles, since any change in gameplay due to them is miniscule.
Current Update: Noticed a new quirk on my latest playthrough of TotS -- updated 38F to mimic it. It has no effect on game solution and shouldn't mess up anyone's save, but it's there now. Don't feel like you have to update if you've downloaded any of the previous two updates.
When DROD RPG was released, a natural question arose: could Tower of the Sorcerer be ported to it, with all its original game mechanics intact? Well, it's taken a while, but here's the result.
This hold is built to be played exactly like the original (which you can find
here for comparison. You'll find various things work differently than in standard DROD RPG - especially doors and secret walls - but the learning curve there isn't too great.
A few notes about this project:
* You can access your Inventory via the Cmd button or its associated key. This function is available to you at the start of the game.
* Score Checkpoints and scoring are as they were in the original TOTS.
* Hints for the original should work fine for this version. I've worked to duplicate all the quirks I know of between the two.
* Secret walls can only be opened by bumping into them orthogonally. This is deliberate, and half based around the next point.
* There are restrictions based on how you move diagonally. If you attempt to move diagonally in between two obstacles, you will automatically die, forcing you to restart the room or undo the move. Obstacles are essentially monsters, NPCs, walls, doors and weapons/shields/accessories. Potions, Gems and Keys do not count as obstacles and neither do (most) staircases.
Also, you are unable to move diagonally past an event trigger if there is no orthogonal space to dodge it. This also applies for the 'ranged' attacks of Magic Sergeants and Magicians: if you attempt to bypass them via diagonal movement, you will find that they will get to attack you anyways. These types of moves will not kill you (unless you take too much damage from a Magic Sergeant/Magician's attack), but you should find no advantage in trying to use diagonal movements to sneak past them.
You can turn off these diagonal restrictions by going into your inventory and touching the Orb of the Hero. You will then be asked if you wish to disable the restriction. However, doing so will disable scoring and all Score Checkpoints.
Finally, there's one other diagonal movement that can kill you in the final area, but you'll discover where on your own. Please remember that the original game was built to be played using the arrow keys only, and that diagonal movement in DROD RPG is a convenience here, not a right. That said, if you do notice any unfair deaths where you don't think you were attempting to cheat the system, let me know.
* The hold is mostly an exercise in scripting, but for now, the hold is marked Conquerers only. I may put up a version sometime in the future that's Anyone Edit, but I'd rather that most people first see the scripting in action through the game before diving in to see how it all works.
* I do not have the intention of publishing this hold, for various reasons. If you're interested in highscores, there are already other avenues you can explore (the original has its own highscore table, as an example).
Anyways, have fun with it.
[Last edited by TFMurphy at 01-01-2009 01:47 AM]