This hold is where Beethro (Later in the hold) Meets Anson, Samuel, And Aaron.
And at the start he had to invade a slayer school.
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×I'm buliding a army to take over the internet! MUHAHAHAHA!.Ohhhhhhhh,
Oompa Loompa Doopity doo- ~Zork-zap-zoom~ Search Bayswater primary school
~Rs rules~
Lets do the party man!
:Explode: Awwwwwww did it work?
/\ Ah ha!
HOLDS: (GOOD AND NOT FINSHED) Map to Dugandy Prison.
Please, I admire Guthix, I solve problems, I fix rules too. I used to be a Scoundril, Complaining about the forums, But now i changed.
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×Everytime i get upset, I find another path, when i find that path no upset anymore, now knowladge in the place is happyness, In the flaw - Anson's 1st True poem.