I really liked this hold, but there is some strange issue which makes it unconquerable, at least for me.
The problem is in Second Level 1N1E. Look at the picture attached to see. I went to the Hints & Solutions board to find an answer.
Here is a link to the proper topic. There are three demos there, and one (The last one by iamyum), in theory is Victory demo. But no, Player gets killed on Tenth move by roach, which shouldn't be unbrained, but is unbrained, because Decoy was placed on fuse to kill brain, which cannot be killed by any other way, and that fuse almost immediately killed the other brain, which should die at the end of the room.
I am using TCB *.56 if it matters
Other than this big-small problem, I enjoyed this hold really much ^^.
My website
[Last edited by skell at 02-10-2008 11:34 AM]