Level: Smiter
Rank Points: 300
Registered: 05-31-2007
IP: Logged
File: Monster control.hold (3.7 KB) Downloaded 78 times. License: Public Domain
Monster control-TCB hold (+1)
After monkey (the person not the animal) helped me with a player role problem, i decided to explore the concept fully, realizing that you can cross over water, pits, walls and even stop enemy attacks by using the Player Role function, included is the file for my monster control hold which i hope many people will get inspiration for their puzzles in their future holds, remember power tokens will always get you noticed by the enemy
here are their abilities if anyone needs to know
39th slayer, clone, decoy, guard, mimic, slayer, stalwart-killing
fegundo, wraithwings-fly over pits and water but not walls
seep-explore walls
water skipper-only able to explore water, not even normal floor
by the way, i never came up with this idea, i only made an extremely simple hold for it