eytanz wrote:
So don't keep it to yourself.
Fair enough.
The most annoying thing about this hold, to me, is that the rooms
are way too packed with tricks and traps. One of the better examples
of this is 1S. Every little queen section could be a separate room,
but they've all been crammed into one. So when I solve one little
queen section, I've really solved (ca.) the equivalent of a normal
hold's room, but I don't get the gratification that comes with
solving a room, because there are 4 more sections to do. Again, it's
not the difficulty of each little section that puts me off, it's the
fact that the room itself is artificially being made more difficult
by cramming it with puzzles. Compare this to any room from KDD,
which is, in my opinion, still the finest hold ever created and,
at this stage, I doubt it will ever be topped. It is absolutely
perfect. Every room is a single idea, tightly implemented, with
none of the "
well, you've solved this little bit, but you've got
10 billion more to go before I let you out of here"
To be fair, I haven't completed level 1 of Teacher. I simply
don't want to play it. It's not fun. I don't get any satisfaction
from it. Maybe it gets better at level 2 and I'm being unfair.
I might never know, because I don't see myself going back to this