When you start to be cautious of fluffy animals.
When you begin to steer clear of any type of hook.
When you start to run down a thin hallway whenever you see at least fifteen people coming through the opposite direction.
When you begin to suspect visitors to your home are sent from kings trying to weasel money out of you.
When you start taking cups with you every time you go somewhere where snakes are, and if you find one, grab it and stick its head into a cup, thinking the snake will shorten to death.
When you expect everyone who is not near you to stop moving whenever you take a drink.
[Edited by NoahT at
Local Time:03-05-2005 at 11:58 PM: Addition]
[Edited by NoahT at
Local Time:03-06-2005 at 02:38 AM: Speeling fixes]
And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.
My stuff:
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[Last edited by NoahT at 05-16-2020 11:44 PM]