Dragon Fogel wrote:
Guards 1W:
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×You "broke" this by doing something much more demanding than intended. In my solution, you only deal with the guard in close quarters and no walls are broken while you're on the inside.
I could prevent this architecturally, the simplest way I can see is replacing the walls with cracked orbs that prevent you from leaving the middle area. The main question is if I should. I definitely don't want people thinking this nonsense is what I expected them to do.
Uh... Oh boy, really? Yeah, cracked orbs shutting me in sounds like a decent idea if you want to prevent my previous thing
Alright, got it! That was indeed easier and I finally figured out what was the mirror for!
I think this version is better (if you're going for this solution), because it eliminates the potential of releasing things early.
Dragon Fogel wrote:
Giants 1N:
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×Not sure if that's the most elegant enforcement, but it's less blatant than having the giant hold down a pressure plate.
I think the room is broken and unsolvable, because the entrance to Beethro's corridor is 1 tile too north. (Unless I'm missing a further trick)
To remedy this, make the initially closed door 3 tiles wide instead, so the traps still line up.
Another possibility is to just put the firetrap on (24,13), I'm pretty sure this still negates any possibility of Giantgoign in there in a meaningful way.
Dragon Fogel wrote:
Tarstuff 1W:
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×Yeah, this is pretty easy, I mostly put it in because the activity is distinctive.
I guess I could try to toughen it up like I did the other rooms I thought were too easy, but I really don't have any ideas in that regard and I feel pretty drained on toughening things up.
Well, sounds like you did find some power to toughen it up, let's see what you made.
Okay, that was not easy, but I think quite satisfying, especially the decoy usage!
To me, this is much better room than its predecessor - that one was a little dull and the cleanup was kind of annoying; you solved both of those problems.
Dragon Fogel wrote:
Tarstuff 1S1W:
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×I don't think decoy double-cuts on gel can be done with explosions because a tile would have to be changed from uncuttable to cuttable. This can be done on tar if the tiles are diagonal, that would probably be weird to set up though.
Yeah, I realised it's not feasible.
Though, perhaps, you took some inspiration from this for Once West?
Dragon Fogel wrote:
Tarstuff 1W:
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×Well, the intended linchpin is spawning and trapping a baby on the tar side, but apparently that isn't necessary. Not sure I can reasonably enforce it, though, and doing that has a lot of overlap with what you do here.
Hm, I see, could be interesting, but I didn't try.
Does your solution require all 5 presses of the multiuse plate? As far as I can see, I only really need 4 in the current layout with my solution.
Dragon Fogel wrote:
Other Entrance:
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×This is a pretty open room, my only concern is having it not be too easy.
Hm, I can say I needed a few tries until I figured out just the right approach - especially the start with the three goblins was rough for me.
It is not "
by any means!
Dragon Fogel wrote:
Other 1S:
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×I have a different slayer setup, but like the Entrance,this is largely a room where I'm content with any solution that works as long as it's not way too easy.
Again, initially, I took a few tries to solve this.
Today I tried again and managed it with just one keg - challenge potential maybe?
The fact it's possible does not make it easy, the setup is quite particular at the end, as the slayer does not like that particular position.
That's all; demos are attached.