Xindaris wrote:
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×Obey Your Master:
-1S: I don't quite understand your hint, I confess. I don't see any way to store anything temporarily anywhere. I mean, I see that the doors close to the room entrances can be closed, but I don't see any reasonable setup to make use of that.
Master of Puppets:
Lots of rooms where I don't even get what the room is asking me to do, let alone me making any progress toward a solution. I guess that's fine in the "hardmode" level, though?
-1W: Didn't find this too hard.
-1E: Frustratingly, as you can see in my partial-solution demo, I can get all but the southmost button. Nothing I tried, even using decoys stabbing other decoys, can get a roach to even walk on (29, 1), let alone past there. (EDIT: If I release the 3 northern roaches and pull all of them south, then two of them will block the 3rd, and it can get to that button--but then one of those two is stuck on a force arrow.)
-1S: I can see that I need the aumtlich to look north, but there isn't even time for the soldier to get that far east between when he's summoned and the aumtlich's arrival at the checkpoint tile, let alone me having any way to actually attract him that far east.
-1W: I struggled with this forever to just get Beethro to the west of the eye, and then realized that wasn't even useful for what I wanted--not unless I could magically keep the golem on the east side! I just want one golem pile east and one south of the eye, but there's just no way to actually get a golem to stand on that south tile.
-1N1W: After all that struggling in 1W, this felt so much easier. Maybe I'm trying to do the wrong thing in 1W.
-1S1W: Can't survive the northern horde with a caber; can't press the orb and keep a roach alive with the sword. Definitely need to have one of those northern roaches alive to complete the room.
-2S2W & 2S1W: I didn't really find the "new version" any harder, but I feel like the trick in either one isn't too bad.
-2S: Feels like I need at least one more golem to have any chance of keeping the queen from running past the arrows. I tried lots of placements for the one there is, but none of them worked.
Obey your master
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1S: sorry if my hint was misleading, what I meant was the corridor above the trapdoor. See screen attached. From that position you can manipulate freely everything on the east side of column 22.
Master of puppets:
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1E:I built that room months ago and had no demo for it. So I replayed and I actually found an improvement of the solution that indeed does involve doing what you said. I also added a challenge, conquering the room with 5 spare decoys. Hint and screen:
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× the southern plate doesn't imply southern roach.
1W: this was the original version of the room, intended for OBM, but I thought it was too hard, so I created two versions of the room. It's fine if it is not too hard.
1S: indeed, there is not time to do what you said. However, there is time enough to freeze the aumtlich with the soldier sword. The key points are:
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The alcove in the north, where you have to trap something there.
The fact that the orb toggles a certain door.
The fact that if you take the horn while facing east, the soldier will not waste time rotating the sword.
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1W: yes, what you are trying to do is the intended solution for 1N1W. 1W has 2 solutions, the one I intended
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× the mimic kills the eye with the dagger, and Beethro kills the last golem with his sword.
1S1W: the inner architect inside of me really wants to say "
right now. You said that
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× Definitely need to have one of those northern roaches alive to complete the room, this is wrong. The linchpin is about the mimic, the caber, and the conquer token.
2S: as far as I know, the room can be solved only if the golem is killed either at
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× (18,11) or (20,9).
2S1W: ok, I left this room and deleted the other.
I also switched Eureka 1W with Ah! 1E.
Added a challenge for Master of puppets 1E.
There's not some other world out there where everything's gonna be okay.
There's just this one, just this rock.
-33th Skywatcher
[Last edited by Red-XIII at 04-13-2024 10:18 PM]