I'm trying to make a 12-hour AM/PM clock system as part of a very, very devious hold. This relies on a script which increments a raw Minutes variable every few turns, and there's a further script to convert the raw minutes into a clock timer... However, I can't figure out how to actually do this. I tried, but it caused some issues with the values essentially turning into -1:0... Which is not exactly a known time.
For reference, he's the script that initializes the original values for these variables, located at the first room of the hold:
Set var "Minutes" = 0
Set var "Clock_Hour" = 6
Set var "Clock_Minutes" = 0
Here's my script to process the Minutes into the clock format:
Label timer
Wait 0
Set var "Clock_Minutes" = Minutes % 60
Set var "Clock_Hour" = (Minutes / 60) - (Minutes % 60)
Go to timer
A way to make it forcibly display two digits would also be nice, but is optional. If anyone has any leads, let me know.
Camwoodstock - The Epic Blunder, Dugan's Best Janitor, Rooted Hold Runner, Lowest Point Watcher, and 132nd Skywatcher (and 13th Gel Authority)
Mastered all of GatEB, KDD 2.0, JtRH, and TCB! | Saw The Second Sky! (lots of secrets left!)
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