I haven't used it much myself, but you can very easily test whether 'face toward like guard' is a turn-ending command or not.
Get Natural Target: asks the entity what it would be trying to kill if it were a normal monster (like a roach). This means that it respects things like decoy proximity or "
nearest timeclone"
rules. It outputs to _ReturnX, _ReturnY the X and Y coordinates of the answer to that question.
Get Entity Direction: Feed it the location of an entity and it will return that entity's _O value (orientation, the direction it's currently facing). I think it sends that value to _ReturnX, if I'm not mistaken. The _O values are organized like this:
0 1 2
3 x 5
6 7 8
where 'x' is the location of the entity. 4 is "
no direction"
109th Skywatcher
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[Last edited by Xindaris at 07-22-2017 04:31 PM]