Cool hold. I was worried at first by the name, but I enjoyed the puzzles in this hold. I like that you focused on interesting ways to manipulate the slayer. There were no rooms where the slayer was just there to be annoying while Beethro deals with the puzzle. Each room requires you to use the slayer in an interesting way.
I have attached demos so that you can see how I did the rooms. They are not the most efficient. I also think I may have done things in a way you did not intend in some rooms.
Below are some suggestions for the hold.
Eleventh Level
Eleventh Level intro text:
With permission from Sleyar, Beethro goes back to the eleventh level of Sleyar's Dungeon.
With permission from Sleyar, Beethro returns to the eleventh level of Sleyar's Dungeon.
Alternate Entrance text
"Wait, aren't I here to clear Sleyar's Dungeon!" said Beethro.
1E Scroll might read better as "
Please go back or you will die."
OR "
Please go back or face death!"
1E Entrance text
"There's no need to use these stairs," said Beethro.
1S1E Entrance text
Beethro returns from the deadly chamber where the slayer remained trapped.
1S1E Second Entrance text
Beethro looked around and saw a sign that read, "Slayer Auditorium."
"Not Again! I don't want to be chased by those dumb slayers!"
He climbed back up the stairs to the eleventh level.
Negotiator: Did you find something?
Beethro: There was sla.. sla..
Beethro: Slayer Headquarter!
Negotiator: Thank goodness you're still alive!
Negotiator: Wait,
Negotiator: What do you say?!
Negotiator: Slayers?!
Negotiator: Let's go back to surface and discuss it.
Slayers and Brains
Slayer and Brains intro text
The Slayer chased Beethro in order to use him in his presentation. Luckily, Beethro managed to escape from the auditorium... ...but he's going the wrong way!
The Entrance:
The first scroll would read better as:
If You go to the marked area you will never solve the room."
The challenge scroll would read better as:
CHALLENGE! Clear this room after stepping on the marked floor"
Also, I would suggest not putting this on a green door. It might even be nicer for the player to put it closer to the beginning of the room.
3E: I believe my solution to this room is unintended. You can prevent this by placing open yellow doors at (33,3) and (34,3) to prevent me from placing the decoy there.
4E: Scroll should read "
Wow! You figured it out."
5E: Crumbly walls hidden under tar are usually not well liked these days. Maybe put a check point to the right of it to hint at where the crumbly wall is? A secret wall passage that goes nowhere with while the slayer is chasing you is also probably not going to go over well.
6E: Scroll would read better as "
If you try to go on the marked area you will die."
Check points are very out of the way in this room. Could you put one more in the middle?
Slayers and Monsters
Slayer and Monsters intro text
The Slayer chased Beethro, but Beethro successfully hid from him by closing the cage door.
The Entrance: Checkpoint please.
1N: This could use another check point in the north end of the room (I really liked this room by the way!)
2N: I don't know if I did this one correctly. I did not see anything to do with the trap doors or red gates in the middle of the room.
This scroll is only here to block the serpent."
4N: "
Slayer Headquarter"
should be "
Slayer Headquarters"
Also, I like that you gave us just enough room to kill the slayer here
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