Okay, so as I've mentioned in chat, I love the idea! Doris' dialogue is awesome (especially "
But ... I have diagrams and everything!"
) and the actual diagram is really neat. I felt like maybe the explanation was a bit lengthy, but for someone who has never seen it before, it may be adequate. And I want to see more of Doris
The puzzles themselves were fun, made good use of the torus mechanic, and once I got in the right mindset for them, they were actually pretty doable. I never actually counted squares and just moved until the roach changed direction, which worked fine. Pretty sure I kind of broke Porous Torus. I think the other stuff I did was intended, but just in case, I've attached my demos.
Some individual room comments:
Click here to view the secret text
×There's a Torus before us: Decent introduction room, pretty simple, but I think it gets the point across. Hardly even noticed the roach was aware of the torusness of its surroundings the first time I played it, but since there's enough examples of this in the other rooms, that's probably fine.
Torus Attraction: Pretty fun for "
being a roach maze. The second section is kind of tricky. I think I got stuck in the third section on my first try (meaning I felt like the roach was permanently stuck), but had no problems on my second try.
One thing I dislike here is that the stair is terribly easy to walk into.
Torus the Force: Very fun! That force arrow exploit was pretty nifty, as well as the wrong way to the goal.
Porous Torus: Probably broke this. Didn't need any of the trapdoor paths. Was still kind of fun, though.
Torus Trap: Nice. Not entirely sure how I got past that one wall. Keeping the upper roach low (or something like that, directions on a torus are weird) was a neat trick.
To the VicTorus go the Spoils: My favourite! I loved the lynchpin needed for this, very clever.
K3,3-Thing: This was a lot less intimidating than it looked. Neat!
7-Colour-Thing: Well, it's a room

I guess it's kind of hard to make a puzzle out of it though (though I actually know one game that has a level around it (which I've never solved)), so sure, why not. As I've mentioned, trapdoor / thin ice wrapping is missing here.
The scripting seems solid to me, though I didn't actively try to break it. It's a bit weird that the roach can walk onto stairs, but not sure if that can be easily fixed, and I think it only matters in one room at all.
So yeah, that's about it. Very inventive and pretty fun