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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Architecture : WYSIWYG (A compilation for the June contest... What's that? Oh yeah, June of last year.)
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File: WYSIWYG.hold (666.2 KB)
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License: Public Domain
icon WYSIWYG (0)  
EDITD: This has been promoted to holds. You can download it here:

Hey all, remember the WYSIWYG contest from last year? You don't? Okay then here are some links to things:

Contest Thread
Voting Thread

Anyway, it had some cool entries and it's definitely worth publishing a compilation. I've been bad and taken forever to make one. But it's here now! So let's make it happen! It could use some beta testing of course. I went with a map (and a silly one at that) instead of a hub because that's a lot easier, but any ideas for improvement are welcome. Also I'm sure there are some unintended solutions that folks may want to fix. Just as a reminder, here are the folks who submitted something to this contest in alphabetical order:

EDIT: Latest version attached on 29/June

EDIT: Latest version attached on 18/Sept

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[Last edited by Insoluble at 10-09-2016 07:42 AM]
06-18-2016 at 04:13 AM
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icon Re: WYSIWYG (0)  
New version is up in the first post.

*The Spirit of Cold Mountain has been changed slightly by request of the architect to prevent a U.S. (an open yellow door was placed under the conquer token to prevent the player from simply placing the clone there.)

*The "map" was changed slightly so that you can now just click on the name of an entry to go to it.

*And Now Please Turn Your attention to... was changed slightly after a discussion with the architect. After clearing the room the image of the arrow token toggles.

To do:
*Test all entries and record a demo. If anyone wants to help with this it would be much appreciated.

*Get permission from Schik to use the CaravelNet imagery in the level map. Shcik do you mind downloading the hold and just looking at the map to let me know if this is okay? Maybe I'd better PM you hunh?

*Look for possible challenges to add?

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06-28-2016 at 06:41 AM
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icon Re: WYSIWYG (+1)  
Yo hey there!

I can't realy put my thoughts in to 1 coherent monologue or what not, so i'll just list stuff.

- I'd prefere if the entries didn't touch. That way they'd make small distinct pictures. (also pretty sure you can slip into the gent from winter skippers using puff. Which would result in the player getting stuck.)

- Force arrows on my entrance rooms. I get why you placed them... but i'm pretty sure people would get over it if they bumped into like 3 walls. Also pretty sure I hinted strongly on which way to go in both cases.
(ps. in winter skippers theres a spot u missed under the bushes on the left and the complete bottom if you realy wana go with the arrows.)

- Scores, I dunno if it's tradition to include scores or not, but the few compilations i've seen had them.

- Challenge... well in w.skippers blorx did something with 2 puffs if I recall correctly instead of the intended keg + puff for the last skipper, so that could be one I guess? "doin it the blorx way" or something :D

Yeah I guess as always, I'm just obsessing over aesthetics with the layout and the arrows and scores shown so it's all neat and consistent with other compilations and stuff... No real issues to speak of.
(apart from that silly way to get stuck thing.)

..and remember kids, don't fear war! In nuclear winter, everyday's a christmas!
06-29-2016 at 12:08 AM
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File: WYSIWYG LeoS demo.demo (15 KB)
Downloaded 47 times.
License: Public Domain
icon Re: WYSIWYG (+2)  
Hi - I worked through this again (though I had to go back and look at my demos from the original contest for a few rooms) so here's a complete set.

Really cool ending screen! It is somewhat off center, though. Adding 15 or so periods to the beginning of each line would line it up better (and you can pad the end with more dots for balance)

And the 1-2-3 places deserve a mention somewhere, either the choose level screen if it's not too much hassle to move those selections around, or on the scrolls for the winning entries?
06-29-2016 at 01:55 AM
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icon Re: WYSIWYG (+2)  
Thanks both for the comments. The hold has been updated with a few thing based on these suggestions. Schik has graciously granted permission to use the CaravelNet imagery in the map, thus enabling me to be lazy and not make a map myself. And now we have a full set of demos thanks to LeoS. There are still a couple of things I'd like to fiddle with in the map screen (including updating it to show the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners.) I'd also still like to wait at least a little while before submitting to HA in case any more of the architects who contributed to the contest want to change anything.

D.Craven_0ne wrote: - I'd prefere if the entries didn't touch. That way they'd make small distinct pictures. (also pretty sure you can slip into the gent from winter skippers using puff. Which would result in the player getting stuck.)
Sure thing. I kind of want to have everything on the same level so that folks playing can look at all the lovely minimap art at the same time, but I agree it looks better with things separated.

D.Craven_0ne wrote: - Force arrows on my entrance rooms. I get why you placed them... but i'm pretty sure people would get over it if they bumped into like 3 walls. Also pretty sure I hinted strongly on which way to go in both cases.
(ps. in winter skippers theres a spot u missed under the bushes on the left and the complete bottom if you realy wana go with the arrows.)
Room edges that look like possible exits but are not are a big pet peeve of mine. Because of that I'm strongly leaning towards putting the arrows in. If it really bothers you I can change it back. I'm also happy to use obstacles or something else other than arrows. Thanks for pointing out the spot I missed though!

D.Craven_0ne wrote: - Scores, I dunno if it's tradition to include scores or not, but the few compilations i've seen had them.
I have no idea how I missed putting those in! Fixed.

D.Craven_0ne wrote: - Challenge... well in w.skippers blorx did something with 2 puffs if I recall correctly instead of the intended keg + puff for the last skipper, so that could be one I guess? "doin it the blorx way" or something :D
I'm working on figuring this one out, but I'm happy to put that in as a challenge.

LeoS wrote: Really cool ending screen! It is somewhat off center, though. Adding 15 or so periods to the beginning of each line would line it up better (and you can pad the end with more dots for balance)

LeoS wrote: And the 1-2-3 places deserve a mention somewhere, either the choose level screen if it's not too much hassle to move those selections around, or on the scrolls for the winning entries?
I updated the scrolls for now, but like the idea of putting this in the level select screen. I want to play around with the level select stuff a bit anyway to have things indicate when a level has been cleared, so I'll probably be doing some work on that and updating again some time soon.

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06-29-2016 at 06:40 AM
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icon Re: WYSIWYG (0)  
Insoluble wrote: Sure thing. I kind of want to have everything on the same level so that folks playing can look at all the lovely minimap art at the same time, but I agree it looks better with things separated.
You can space them out by putting extra rooms inbetween entries and deleting them after. That way they're still on the same level, spaced out, AND only the selected room will have that bracket on it so it won't touch the ones next to it.

Or ya know if I'd take a look at the update before saying something stupid and redundant could also be an option. xD

Also the arrows are fine if you want them.
(ps you still missed the one spot on the left under the bushes above the water (0,8)pos )

..and remember kids, don't fear war! In nuclear winter, everyday's a christmas!

[Last edited by D.Craven_0ne at 06-29-2016 08:34 AM]
06-29-2016 at 08:21 AM
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icon Re: WYSIWYG (0)  
Hold submitted to HA. Sorry about the delay folks! I seem to have gotten seriously side tracked. I made a minor tweak to the level map to show what the first, second, and third place winners were and to check off levels once they are done. Also put in an arrow that D.Craven_0ne pointed out.

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09-18-2016 at 09:12 AM
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