SORRY ABOUT THAT! I got really confused as to which rooms you guys were on about. I just got a new pc, and had not installed DROD for all of 2 days (to think i had to installed crappy virus and internet protection and XP updates before this!!!) and been busy at work, so lost track of things.
If you stil need help, i have the answers below...
RoboBob3000 wrote:
Yeah, I probbaly should have said this in my post, but it's one of the tar rooms near the end. It's the one where you enter from the north and in the middle of the room, there is a tar baby generator made from two columns of tar with trapdoors underneath. I could do this room if it weren't for the time limit.
Ah yes, the second tar room.
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×There is a time limite to this yes, but you can time it just right if you step off the trap door at just the right time. You should just get to the mother befor it blocks you off completly.
How did you find 1N1E?
RoboBob3000 wrote:
In 2N2E, if you exit to the left after finishing the room, there's no way to go north. Maybe make a green door solution to fix this or make the entrance on the left a trap door.
If you mean there no way back out of the lava area, this is intentional.
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×if you have got this far, you have completed all the rooms you need to in the hold, and when you finish the lava-tar area, you will be advised to 'EXIT LEVEL' (and I like to think this part is done rather craftily too)
Greebo wrote:
Ooooo I'm almost there!
1N 3E is giving me a REAL problem!
go on... gizza clue! lol
I have to say that this is an amazing concept - just goes to show what is capable in drod with a vivid imagination! Hats off!
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×This is the third last tar room, but is probably the most tricky. The difficult part is to work your way up the middle, cuuting off the traps as you go. The only real advice I can give is the tale of the tortoise!
[Edited by geomatrx at
Local Time:02-17-2005 at 11:13 PM]
Get my holds:
MetDROiD Prime
MetDROiD Echoes
Deadly Gold Mine of Death (Architecture)