I wouldn't say pretty, so much, but the art style of the Warcraft games is very distinctive, so using polygons didn't take away what made the Warcraft games what they were. Plus, you know, in-engine cutscenes.
I'm not really a zealot for the presentation of games, and one of the biggest advantages to 3D was that it forced developers to think about how they'd possibly make their formulas
work in 3D, and most every game genre got a big shot of innovation. One can certainly stay in 2D, so long as you don't retread the same old games while you do it - you need to prove that the 2D was made for a choice, not because you can't let go of the past. Otherwise it's pointless nostalgia, recycling the old in order to replace it, and that's not the way to write a history.
Edit: god, do I even read what I write any more?
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[Last edited by Mattcrampy at 10-01-2005 11:55 AM]