I just want to repeat something I've said before--not because anybody was doing anything wrong recently, but because I would like to see more non-English posts on the forum.
If you want to speak in other languages besides English on the forum, you can do it pretty much wherever and however you want. If you want to talk about Halo 2 on the Electronic Games board in French, go ahead. If you want to ask for hints in Italian, that's not a problem. English will be the language that most people understand, but we've reached a point where you can expect responses for some of the popular languages. And you are always welcome to invite friends who speak your language onto the forum too.
A basic rule of etiquette is that the default language is set by the person who posts a topic. If someone posts a topic in French, replies should try to be in French, and it would be rude to introduce a lot of English conversation in the middle of someone's French-started topic. The converse is also true for an English-started topic.
We might later find there is a large number of posts in one language that make it hard for people to sort through different-language posts. This would be a good problem to have, I think. In this case, we could add some filtering options that show only posts made in a certain language. There is also a possibility of having forum moderators who speak popular languages if the traffic is high enough to warrant it.
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