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From the mouth of Patrick:

Part 1: A Restrospective on 2008.

2008 turned out to be a surprising year. Yes, I could go on and on talking about all the crazy real-world events that took place in the longest year on record (Bonus points to the first person to mention why that was), but you can do that on any news site around. Yes, the USA elected a new president. Yes, the Canadian government almost ended up in the hands of a coalition, but all of that's unimportant in my world. What made 2008 so surprising for me was that I went into every single month of this year not looking forward to a single game's release, and yet ended up with a couple of new favorite games.

And what's even better is that all but one of those games were independent.

2008 was the year that independent gaming finally entered mainstream. A lot of this was to do with the the consoles letting independent developers gain access thanks to content delivery systems such as WiiWare, XBOX Live, and, you know, that five-lettered service that PC owners have. That solved a problem that indie developers have always had – lack of exposure.

Secondly (And this is just my opinion), mainstream developers dropped the ball when it came to the PC. If someone offered me a hundred dollars to name five big name titles that got released for the PC in the last year, I would still have the same amount of money in my bank as I do now. Well, let's take a look at my list:

-Left 4 Dead: A game that shouldn't technically be on this list because there's a XBOX port of it, but it is, in my mind, a PC game. This game, while incredibly fun and intense, does start to lose it's replay value rather quickly. Still, I do play it regularly, and look forward to the custom content if/when it comes out.

-Spore: Any game that makes it difficult to play legally thanks to the magic of DRM barely deserves a mention. Plus, every single one of my friends who's played the game says it gets dull very quickly.

-WoW:Wrath of the Lich King: I have never played this game, nor do I ever intend to play it. RPGs aren't my thing, and subscription games certainly aren't my thing.

Now, if that same person were to ask me to name five independent games made for the PC last year, I'd be able to buy a new hard drive. DROD:RPG, Audiosurf, World of Goo, I-Fluid, Crazy Machines 2, Crayon Physics Deluxe, Multiwinia, Sam & Max 2. The list goes on. I've played all of the games above with the exception of one, and they were all fantastic. In fact, one of these games I would even claim to be the greatest game of 2008. But which one? Well, I'll cover that next month. ;)

Right now, we need to get onto the news at hand.

Belated Holiday Greetings

First of all, I'd like to wish everyone a rather belated holiday season. I hope it was filled it laughter, joy, and a lot of food (That's usually my sign of a good holiday season). Of course, if your holiday season wasn't as great as you expected, look on the bright side: you have more than three hundred days to plan out the next one!

You Owe Us An Illumination!

My apologies to everyone in regards to last month, but the lack of an Illumination last month was not only due to the busy holiday season, but I took a new job at the start of the month. The problem with that? A couple of days before I started, they told me I would be spending the first week of my job in Altona, Manitoba, a small town where my company's headquarters are located. This meant an entire week of no non-job computering.

Things should start to be a little bit more regular now, especially considering that because I'm working around computers all day, I can type out articles like this in my free time.

DROD:RPG nominated for the 2009 Independent Games Festival

Well, it got a spot in as an entrant, but sadly didn't make the finalists. Still, there are other interesting games on the list, and they're worth taking a look at. (List of Finalists) (DROD:RPG entrant page)

DROD Hops Onto The Online Content Delivery Train

No, it's not on....that five-letter-word system. The entire DROD series has been released onto Direct2Drive, a system run by IGN that promotes games that don't have DRM attached to it, including indie games. Yes, the DROD series is completely DRM free if you buy it online through them. Its game library is rather large too, and pricing does seem competitive with most other online retailers.

And yes, it takes Paypal, which is always a good thing. (Direct2Drive) (the Indie Games section)

Great New Holds Released

There's been a few great ones since I last wrote here, so be sure to check them out!

Have a great rest of the month!


Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.

[Last edited by mrimer at 01-18-2009 05:44 AM]
01-18-2009 at 03:02 AM
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icon Re: 2008: The Year of the Independent Game (0)  
gamer_extreme_101 wrote: the longest year on record (Bonus points to the first person to mention why that was)
Because the earth revolves approximately 365.24 times per year?

Every 4 years it needs an extra day. Every 100 years, it needs an extra extra day. But I'm not so sure 2008 had an extra extra day.

So instead I'm going to appeal to the Democrats and everyone not in America by attributing the abnormal perceived year length to the fact that Bush was so close to leaving office, yet so far...

Also known as ExpHP everywhere else.

[Last edited by Kwakstur at 01-18-2009 04:45 AM]
01-18-2009 at 03:16 AM
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icon Re: 2008: The Year of the Independent Game (+1)  
Kwakstur wrote:
mrimer wrote: the longest year on record (Bonus points to the first person to mention why that was)
Because the earth revolves approximately 365.24 times per year?

Every 4 years it needs an extra day. Every 100 years, it needs an extra extra day. But I'm not so sure 2008 had an extra extra day.

So instead I'm going to appeal to the Democrats and everyone not in America by attributing the abnormal perceived year length to the fact that Bush was so close to leaving office, yet so far...
Actually, the extra day is removed every 100 years, (but put back every 400) but MikePatrick is referring to the leap second in December (although it's not quite the longest, 1974 had two leap seconds, and is therefore the longest year on record. 1752 is the shortest (at least in Britain))

Once (adv.): Enough.
Twice (adv.): Once too often.
~Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

[Last edited by Pinnacle at 01-18-2009 03:52 AM]
01-18-2009 at 03:49 AM
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icon Re: 2008: The Year of the Independent Game (+8)  
The year 1974 was not a leap year. Therefore, 2008 was longer even without the leap second.

In the words of Cyndi Lauper:

"Until it ends, there is no end."
01-18-2009 at 04:00 AM
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icon Re: 2008: The Year of the Independent Game (0)  
Patrick wrote:
WoW:Wraith of the Lich King
Did you do this on purpose to incur the wrath of WoW fans?

DROD has some really great music.
Make your pressure plates 3.0 style!
DROD architecture idea generator
01-18-2009 at 04:43 AM
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icon Re: 2008: The Year of the Independent Game (0)  
I hate typos.

My should be "Wrath of the Lich King" (Although I swear I copy-pasted that name from some other website. Grrrr.)

And bdwing got it - leap year + extra second makes 2008 the longest year on record.

I'd be curious to hear what everyone's favourite independent game over the past year is, though. I know mine, and next month's Illumination will cover it nicely. But what's yours?

--That guy with a million different aliases since he doesn't like this name anymore.
01-18-2009 at 05:33 AM
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icon Re: 2008: The Year of the Independent Game (+1)  
What makes an independent game an independent game? Is it the size of the development team? Their affiliations or lack thereof? Is it the distribution channel?

I took a look at the IGF entry rules. Here is one criteria for entry:
Independently Created: The Nominating Committee must be confident that the submitted game was created in the 'indie spirit' by an independent game developer, fulfilling the question asked on the entry form. The Nominating Committee reserves the right to refuse any game at its sole discretion.
For the sake of discussion: What is the so-called "indie spirit"?

01-18-2009 at 07:42 AM
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icon Re: 2008: The Year of the Independent Game (+1)  
RoboBob3000 wrote:
What makes an independent game an independent game? Is it the size of the development team? Their affiliations or lack thereof? Is it the distribution channel?
Perhaps all of the above? I think this defined the term fairly well:
Click here to view the secret text
01-18-2009 at 07:54 AM
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icon Re: 2008: The Year of the Independent Game (+1)  
Yay! An Illumination! I'll take some free advertising space:
Needed: one Missioneer! PM me or Elfstone if you're interested!

Currently working on GaTEB and KDD (never finished the silly thing). :yahoo:
01-18-2009 at 03:50 PM
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icon Re: 2008: The Year of the Independent Game (0)  
Just a question, why isn't DROD on that five letter distribution service?

Director of the Department of Orderly Disruptions
01-20-2009 at 01:22 AM
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icon Re: 2008: The Year of the Independent Game (0)  
Snacko wrote:
Just a question, why isn't DROD on that five letter distribution service?
I suggest you to search on this forum for a discussion thread that is named after that particular five letter combination. :)

Oh, and read it.

The best way to lose customers is to let little kids running loose on a forum with too many mod points.
01-20-2009 at 01:53 AM
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