Post mastered.
And I have now fulfilled my big dream in DROD, to take or tie every first score in a Larry Murk hold

I really have to make the most out of this before someone like TF comes around, or the beta testers start uploading their scores.
For me, this hold doesn't really keep quality of SSSlitherin Expert. Well, that is one of the few holds I've ever rated a perfect ten, and I still think this is a great hold. It's probably one of the easier Larrymurk holds but that definitely wasn't a bad thing. The hold does require some really good knowledge of the snake movement but that's not a bad thing either, it's what you get with a serpent based hold.
What I don't really like about this hold is the few quite tedious platform puzzles (especially the post mastery puzzles I just couldn't see the point of). The hold also has a slight lack of "
puzzles, especially after clearing some of the rooms in the first level I just got the feeling that I had been through the same thing before...
Well, you should always end a hold review on the positive side.
The puzzles I liked best in the hold must have been the secrets, some of them really had me stumped. My favourites must be:
OtS: 3E, 4E, which seemed random at first, but then proved to have a really clear strategy.
U: 1W2S, which probably is the hardest room in the hold
U: 3E, now that I had gotten a hang of the strategy this room was much more fun to figure out than the required one, and it turned out to be really fun to optimize too.
and IitS: 1N2W, thanks a lot for leaving this hold anyone edit Larry! I would never have figured this out if I hadn't first played through the secret room which made me realised that...
Click here to view the secret text
×...Spoiler alert!...
Click here to view the secret text
×...of course there's no need for the adder to be five squares long, I might as well stab it once

Voligner is my very own DROD-like game. Please check it out!