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Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 1309
Registered: 11-24-2005
IP: Logged
icon The Complete List of Contest Participants (+3)  
This thread shall serve from now on as the official list of who's been in what contest, until such a time as I quit the job of Participant Tracker, or someone gets a better idea.

Please report any errors you find to me via PM.


Official contests, held once a month, are hosted by whomever the Contest Coordinator (currently NiroZ) chooses. The prizes for those contests are usually 100 rank points for first, as well as a choice from the Prize Pile; 50 rank points for second; and 25 rank points for third. Also, you get 10 rank points for participating in your first official contest.

In addition, for each 8 official contests you participate in, you are eligible to receive one 8-timer prize. This is any prize chosen from the Prize Pile that is marked as being an 8-Timer prize. It's worth noting that some people may have been grandfathered into receiving any prize; for more information, look at the rules outlined in the Prize Pile.

Contact the Prize Distributor (currently Dex Stewart) to inquire about prize status.

The second post of this thread has a complete list of the participants to these contests, including hosts. (A new decision means that hosts do get participation credit). I have also included the list of assistants to official contests in a few special cases. So far, these include Schik for coding the Snakes... to the Death! contest, and ErikH2000 for providing the scripts for Grand Audition 2. Most contests should not need assistants.

After each official contest, the person running the contest must give me the list of participants.


Unofficial contests are contests run by anyone else. The prize structure and other affairs differ by the contest. See Erik's topic for more details.

If you run an unofficial contest, please report me with the list of participants and any assistants you may have had!

I will only index unofficial contests which are submitted to me by the contest hosts. I need the following information:

Contest name
Contest host(s)
All participants
Anyone you wish mentioned as an assistant

The third post of this thread contains the complete list of recorded unofficial contests.

[Last edited by coppro at 02-14-2008 04:53 AM]
10-10-2007 at 11:45 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 1309
Registered: 11-24-2005
IP: Logged
icon Now officially more important than the Second Foundation! (+11)  
Official List of Official Contests

Last updated: 14 February 2024

Now includes "Make a ZelDROD Dungeon".


* 00000 (Grand Audition 2) [1]
* 12th Archivist (Limited Room RPG, Crowd-Sourcing, Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [3]
* Abbyzzmal (Unfortunate Architect, Grand Audition, The Secret, Smite to the Death, Grand Audition 2) [5]
* Acidwolf (The Secret) [1]
* Acrobat (The Secret, Room Mosaic) [2]
* adS (Guess the number of rooms in TSS)[1]
* Agaricus5 (DROD Haiku Challenge, Eleventh Hour, I Ching, Songs of the Eighth, Least Number of Moves, Dungeons of Snoll, Unfortunate Architect, Grand Audition, Roaches in our Midst, The Secret, Beethro's First Job, 2005 DROD Film Festival, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, Limited Resources, Deflectomundo, Grand Audition 2, Paper Scissors Rock, Limited Room RPG) [20]
* Al W (Deflectomundo) [1]
* Alneyan (Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.) [4]
* Amourav (The Angry Man) [1]
* Ander (5-Suite Speaking Grounds, War of the Dungeons, 2005 DROD Film Festival) [3]
* Andy101 (Smite to the Death) [1]
* Anson (Media of the Eighth) [1]
* Asmussen (The Secret) [1]
* AtakeeR (Grand Audition) [1]
* averagemoe (Arky's Revenge, Where in the Eighth?, Fake Hold Review) [3]
* azb (Guess the number of rooms in TSS, Year of RPG) [2]
* Banjooie (Beethro's First Job, Room Mosaic, War of the Dungeons, 2005 DROD Film Festival, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, Limited Resources, The Angry Man, Death to Death, Tiny Jokes, Snakes!, Bluff Me, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Cheap Trick) [8]
* bbb (Fake Hold Review, Architectural Bad Habits: Backtracking (host)) [2] {1}
* Bdwing (Unfortunate Architect, The Secret, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Paper Scissors Rock, Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [7]
* Beef Row (Death to Death, Tiny Jokes, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Goblin Talk) [5]
* Bent (Arky's Revenge) [1]
* bflatjeff (Snakes!, DoDoGC, Bluff Me Again) [3]
* Bibelot (I Ching, Short/Long, The Secret) [3]
* Bingbing (B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Meta Contest) [2]
* Birkoff (Room Mosaic, Secret Santa) [2]
* Blondbeard (Deflectomundo, Bluff Me, Bluff Me Again, Bluffhanger) [4]
* blorx1 (Secret Message, Reflectorations, Cramped Confines, Drod History Month, Completely Intended Solutions(host), Keeping it Secret!, Guess the number of rooms in TSS, Elemental Showcase 5.0, The Random Number God Hates Me, DROD: Standard Edition, Make it More Challenging, The Twelve Days of Christmas, Custom Element, Hold Title Mixup, Putting the Pieces Together, Mix and Match) [16] {1}
* BlueFlower (The Other 10%, Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [2]
* Bobpie (Cheap Trick) [1]
* Bombadil (Deflectomundo, Tiny Jokes, Flags of the Eigth, The Eighth Needs A New Number!, The Cutest Roach Ever, Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [6]
* bomber50 (Holds al Dente, Keeping it Secret!, Guess the number of rooms in TSS, Make it More Challenging, Year of RPG, Hold Title Mixup) [6]
* Boyblue (Holds al Dente, Elemental Showcase, Cheap Trick, HAD II, Suicidal Beethro, Copycat, Reflectorations, EEGC, Hold the Riddle of the Bar, Drod History Month, Make it More Challenging) [11]
* Bradwall (Predict the Future, The Secret, Smite to the Death) [3]
* Brainy (The Truthbringers, Snakes!) [2]
* brian_s (Top Drawer, Bluff Me Again, Puzzles Galore, Resolutions of the new year. Paper Scissors Rock, Flags of the Eigth, Suicidal Beethro, Amazing Maze, Secret Message, Shotgun!, Architecture by Hand, Cramped Confines, Keeping it Secret!, Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [14]
* Briareos (Grand Audition 2, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.) [2]
* Bunches (The Angry Man, Virtual Burning Man, Grand Audition 2) [3]
* buzz70 (B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.) [1]
* bwross (Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [1]
* calamarain (DoDoGC, Invisibility (host), Meta Contest, Media of the Eighth, Secret Santa, Top Drawer (host), DtD#, Bluff Me Again, Frankenstein's Wanderer (host), Bluffhanger) [10] {3}
* captainzakku (Snakes!, Holds al Dente, Grand Audition 2, Beauty over Brains, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., DtD#) [6]
* casebier (Interface Change, Bluff Me) [2]
* Chaco (Hermetic Puzzles, Limited Resources, Deflectomundo, Ad-Surd, The Angry Man, Death to Death, Tiny Jokes, Story of You, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Holds al Dente, Grand Audition 2, Beauty over Brains, Interface Change, Goblin Talk, Number 1 Fan, Bluff Me, Elemental Showcase, Cheap Trick, Invisibility, Meta Contest, Secret Santa, HAD II, Bluff Me Again, Limited Room RPG, Suicidal Beethro, Crowd-Sourcing, Cramped Confines, Drod History Month, Guess the number of rooms in TSS, Elemental Showcase 5.0, The Random Number God Hates Me, Eighth Fairy Tales, Year of RPG, The Twelve Days of Christmas, Custom Element, DROD is Odd, Putting the Pieces Together, King Dugan's Alternate Reality, Arky's Revenge, Where in the Eighth?, Fake Hold Review, Architectural Bad Habits: Backtracking, Challenge Crafting) [44]
* chalks (The Secret, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, The Angry Man, DtD#) [5]
* Cheese Obsessive (Unfortunate Architect) [1]
* Chris (Snakes!) [1]
* ChrisB (The Angry Man) [1]
* christine83 (Grand Audition 2, Number 1 Fan) [2]
* chowyunbrent (The Angry Man) [1]
* Claythro (Grand Audition 2) [1]
* ClaytonW (DROD Haiku Challenge (host), Master Map of the Eighth, I Ching, Songs of the Eighth, Grand Audition, Roaches in our Midst, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, The Angry Man, Tiny Jokes, Vegetable Torch (host)) [11] {2}
* Clock (Architectural Bad Habits: Backtracking, Challenge Crafting) [2]
* Conker (The Secret) [1]
* coppro (Hermetic Puzzles, Deflectomundo, The Angry Man, Tiny Jokes, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Holds al Dente, Grand Audition 2, Goblin Talk, Bluff Me, Elemental Showcase, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., DoDoGC, Meta Contest, DtD#, Bluff Me Again, Secret Message, EEGC, Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [19]
* Crazy Ivan (Smite to the Death, Hermetic Puzzles) [2]
* Crimson Moon (Elemental Showcase 5.0, Custom Element, DROD is Odd) [3]
* Cytrin (Deflectomundo) [1]
* D.Craven_One (Drod History Month, Guess the number of rooms in TSS, The Random Number God Hates Me, WYSIWYG) [4]
* da rogu3 (Promote The Eighth's New Official Number, Hold the Riddle of the Bar, Art in the Real World, Cramped Confines, The Cutest Roach Ever, Drod History Month, Completely Intended Solutions, The Other 10%, Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [9]
* Dali (The Secret, Hermetic Puzzles, Limited Resources, Deflectomundo, The Angry Man, Death to Death, Tiny Jokes, Beauty over Brains, Goblin Talk) [9]
* Damien (The Cutest Roach Ever) [1]
* DanielFishman (Cheap Trick, Puzzles Galore, Paper Scissors Rock, Bluffhanger, Flags of the Eighth) [5]
* darkmatt (Snakes!) [1]
* Delpolo (King Dugan's Alternate Reality) [1]
* DelverDom (Smite to the Death) [1]
* Dex Stewart (Interface Change, Elemental Showcase, Bluff Me, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Cheap Trick, Invisibility, Secret Santa, Flags of the Eigth) [8]
* DGM (Bluff Me, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.) [2]
* Dimitris (Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [1]
* DiMono (I Ching, Least Number Of Moves (host), Short/Long, Snoll (host), Predict the Future, Grand Audition, The Angry Man, Tiny Jokes, Grand Audition 2, The Eighth Needs A New Number! (host), Promote The Eighth's New Official Number(host), Let's do some writing (host), Hold the Riddle of the Bar(host), Art in the Real World (host)) [14] {5}
* DimWiddy (WYSIWYG) [1]
* Dischorran (HAD II, DtD#, Paper Scissors Rock, EEGC, The Eighth Needs A New Number!, Let's do some writing, Architecture by Hand (co-host), Cramped Confines, The Cutest Roach Ever, Drod History Month, The Other 10%, Keeping it Secret!, Guess the number of rooms in TSS, The Random Number God Hates Me, The Twelve Days of Christmas, Custom Element, Hold Title Mixup, Arky's Revenge) [18] {1}
* disoriented (Keeping it Secret!, Guess the number of rooms in TSS, Eighth Fairy Tales, Endless Puzzles?, Make it More Challenging, WYSIWYG, Custom Element, Hold Title Mixup, Putting the Pieces Together, The Untold Tales of Gunthro Budkin, Sequel Contest, Arky's Revenge, Unchained Malady, Custom Element Revival, Make a Good DROD Level, Fake Hold Review, Challenge Crafting, Make a ZelDROD Dungeon (host)) [18]
* django (The Secret, The Truthbringers) [2]
* Dolan42 (Bluff Me, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Cheap Trick) [3]
* Doom (Least Number of Moves, Dungeons of Snoll, Trompe Le Monde, Unfortunate Architect, Grand Audition, The Secret, Room Mosaic, War of the Dungeons, 2005 DROD Film Festival, Golden Pie Awards, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, Limited Resources, Deflectomundo, Ad-Surd, Death to Death, Snakes!, Holds al Dente, Elemental Showcase, Cheap Trick, Copycat, Completely Intended Solutions, Guess the number of rooms in TSS, The Random Number God Hates Me, Make it More Challenging, Custom Element, Arky's Revenge, Challenge Crafting) [29]
* Dragon Fogel (The Random Number God Hates Me, Endless Puzzles?, Make it More Challenging, The Twelve Days of Christmas, Hold Title Mixup, Putting the Pieces Together (host), Mix and Match, Sequel Contest, Arky's Revenge (host), Make a Good DROD Level, Fake Hold Review, Architectural Bad Habits: Backtracking, Challenge Crafting (host), Make a ZelDROD Dungeon) [13] {5}
* DrDerekDoctors (Grand Audition 2) [1]
* Drgamer (Virtual Burning Man, The Other 10%, Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [3]
* Dying Flutchman (Arky's Revenge, Unchained Malady (host)) [2] {1}
* eb0ny (Invisibility, Meta Contest, Top Drawer, DtD#, Bluff Me Again, Frankenstein's Wanderer, Puzzles Galore, Vegetable Torch, Paper Scissors Rock, Flags of the Eighth, Secret Message) [10]
* ebenezer (Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [1]
* egg egg (Grand Audition) [1]
* Elfstone (Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Grand Audition 2, Beauty over Brains, DoDoGC, Secret Santa, DtD#, The Other 10%, Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [9]
* Emojk (Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [1]
* ErikH2000 (I Ching (host), Eleventh Hour (host), The Master Map of the Eighth (host), Five-Suite Speaking Grounds (host), Songs of the Eighth (host), Short/Long (host), Trompe le Monde (host), The Grand Audition (host), The Secret (host), DROD Film Festival (host), The Golden Pie Awards (host), Smite to the Death (host), The Truthbringers (host), Hermetic Puzzles (host), Deflectomundo! (host), Angry Man (host), Tiny Jokes (host), Story of You (host), Virtual Burning Man (host), Snakes! (host), Grand Audition 2 (assistant), Cheap Trick (host), DoDoGC (host), DtD# (host)) [24] {23}
* eytanz (DROD Haiku Challenge, 5-Suite Speaking Grounds, Least Number of Moves, Predict the Future, Roaches in our Midst, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Deflectomundo, The Angry Man, Tiny Jokes, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man) [12]
* Ezlo (The Angry Man, Death to Death (host), Tiny Jokes, Story of You, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Holds al Dente, Grand Audition 2 (host), Interface Change, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., DoDoGC, Mini Contests) [12] {2}
* Fafnir (Trompe Le Monde, Predict the Future, The Angry Man, Grand Audition 2) [4]
* Fang (B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Secret Message, Keeping it Secret!) [3]
* Farren (The Secret) [1]
* forrestfire (The Truthbringers) [1]
* gamer_extreme_101 (Songs of the Eighth, Tourist, Trompe Le Monde, Unfortunate Architect (host), Grand Audition, Roaches in our Midst (host), The Secret, Beethro's First Job, War of the Dungeons (host), 2005 DROD Film Festival, Smite to the Death, Ad-Surdium, The Angry Man, Tiny Jokes, Grand Audition 2, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Cheap Trick, DoDoGC, The Cutest Roach Ever, Keeping it Secret! (host), Eighth Fairy Tales (host)) [21] {5}
* gavgav123 (The Other 10%) [1]
* Geiler Hengst (B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.) [1]
* Godot23 (Completely Intended Solutions, Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [2]
* goldenlion (Beethro's First Job, Snakes!, Goblin Talk) [3]
* Goldfinger (Cheap Trick) [1]
* Golfrman (Story of You, Snakes!, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., DoDoGC, DtD#) [5]
* Grumpf (Snakes!) [1]
* halyavin (Bluff Me Again) [1]
* HappyMutant (The Secret) [1]
* hartleyhair (Secret Santa, DtD#, HAD II, Bluff Me Again, Mini Contests) [5]
* hellblazerjj (Grand Audition 2) [1]
* hikagi (B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.) [1]
* Hikari (Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man) [2]
* Hix (The Secret) [1]
* Holdmaster (Holds al Dente) [1]
* HopelessAmateur (War of the Dungeons, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers) [3]
* hyperme (Cheap Trick, Invisibility, HAD II, Mini Contests, Frankenstein's Wanderer, Sand Tar, Paper Scissors Rock, Limited Room RPG, Bluffhanger, Flags of the Eighth, Amazing Maze, Secret Message, The Other 10%, Keeping it Secret!, The Random Number God Hates Me, Eighth Fairy Tales, DROD: Standard Edition (host), Custom Element, Putting the Pieces Together, Year of RPG 2018, King Dugan's Alternate Reality (host), Arky's Revenge, Make a ZelDROD Dungeon) [23] {2}
* increpare (Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [1]
* Insoluble (Elemental Showcase 5.0, The Random Number God Hates Me, Eighth Fairy Tales, Endless Puzzles? (host), Make it More Challenging (host), Year of RPG, WYSIWYG (host), The Twelve Days of Christmas, Custom Element, Hold Title Mixup, Arky's Revenge) [11] {3}
* IQubic (Make it More Challenging, The Twelve Days of Christmas, Custom Element, DROD is Odd, Putting the Pieces Together) [5]
* Jacob (Unfortunate Architect, War of the Dungeons, 2005 DROD Film Festival, Smite to the Death, Hermetic Puzzles, Limited Resources, Holds al Dente, Cheap Trick, Invisibility, Suicidal Beethro, Copycat, Reflectorations, Crowd-Sourcing(host), Drod History Month, The Other 10%, Keeping it Secret!, The Random Number God Hates Me) [17] {1}
* jamesdenem (Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Bluff Me, Elemental Showcase, Cheap Trick, Secret Santa, Keeping it Secret!, Guess the number of rooms in TSS, The Random Number God Hates Me, Eighth Fairy Tales, Endless Puzzles?, DROD: Standard Edition, Make it More Challenging, Custom Element) [14]
* Jason (Death to Death, Tiny Jokes, Story of You, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Holds al Dente, Grand Audition 2, Interface Change, Beauty over Brains (host), Goblin Talk, Number 1 Fan, Bluff Me, Elemental Showcase, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Cheap Trick, DoDoGC, Invisibility, Vegetable Torch, Paper Scissors Rock, Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [20] {1}
* Jatopian (The Truthbringers, Virtual Burning Man, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Cheap Trick, DoDoGC, Cramped Confines, The Cutest Roach Ever) [7]
* jaxpylon (Snakes!) [1]
* jbluestein (The Angry Man, Death to Death, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Bluff Me, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., DoDoGC, Meta Contest, Secret Santa, Secret Message, Reflectorations(host), Shotgun!(host)) [12] {2}
* jdyer (Dungeons of Snoll, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Cheap Trick, Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [4]
* Jeff_Ray... (Limited Resources, Holds al Dente, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Cheap Trick, Invisibility, Secret Santa, HAD II, Sand Tar, Flags of the Eighth, Keeping it Secret!, Guess the number of rooms in TSS, DROD: Standard Edition, WYSIWYG, The Twelve Days of Christmas) [14]
* jemann (B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.) [1]
* jim (Holds al Dente) [1]
* Joker5 (I Ching, Predict the Future) [2]
* Jolima (The Truthbringers, Snakes!) [2]
* jmpava (The Angry Man, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.) [2]
* Jutt (Cheap Trick, Top Drawer, DtD#, Paper Scissors Rock, Flags of the Eighth, Secret Message) [6]
* Kaelyn (Arky's Revenge) [1]
* Kalin (The Twelve Days of Christmas, Architectural Bad Habits: Backtracking, Challenge Crafting, Make a ZelDROD Dungeon) [4]
* Karcher (The Angry Man) [1]
* Kargaros (Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [1]
* karlpopper (Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [1]
* Keiya (Cramped Confines) [1]
* KevG (Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [3]
* Kevin (Eleventh Hour, Least Number of Moves, Smite to the Death, Snakes!, Elemental Showcase) [5]
* Kevin_P86 (Holds al Dente, Bluff Me) [2]
* kie (The Truthbringers, Snakes!, Paper Scissors Rock) [3]
* kieranmillar (Elemental Showcase 5.0, The Random Number God Hates Me, DROD: Standard Edition, Year of RPG (host), Year of RPG 2018 (host)) [5] {2}
* KingCookie (Keeping it Secret!, Elemental Showcase 5.0, Endless Puzzles?, WYSIWYG) [4]
* komachi (Guess the number of rooms in TSS, The Twelve Days of Christmas, Sequel Contest, Make a Good DROD Level) [4]
* Koro (5-Suite Speaking Grounds, Short/Long) [2]
* Krammer (Predict the Future, Grand Audition, The Secret, Beethro's First Job, Golden Pie Awards, The Truthbringers, Snakes!, Grand Audition 2) [8]
* Krishh (The Secret, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, The Angry Man, Death to Death, Snakes!, Interface Change) [8]
* Krissan (Holds al Dente) [1]
* Kunzite (Unfortunate Architect) [1]
* Kwakstur (DoDoGC, Paper Scissors Rock, Bluffhanger) [3]
* Kwerulous (Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [1]
* kzc (Beethro's First Job) [1]
* Lardarse (Virtual Burning Man) [1]
* larrymurk (The Secret, 2005 DROD Film Festival, Smite to the Death, Snakes!, Cheap Trick, Copycat, The Random Number God Hates Me) [7]
* Lamkin (Bluffhanger, Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [2]
* LeForce (Grand Audition) [1]
* leadleaf (Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [1]
* LeoS (Eighth Fairy Tales, Endless Puzzles?, DROD: Standard Edition, Make it More Challenging, WYSIWYG, Hold Title Mixup) [6]
* leroy00 (The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles) [2]
* Leus (Beethro's First Job, Golden Pie Awards, Smite to the Death, The Angry Man) [4]
* Lexxors (The Cutest Roach Ever) [1]
* lopsidation (Puzzles Galore, Paper Scissors Rock, Limited Room RPG, Keeping it Secret!) [4]
* Lst6 (Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Holds al Dente, Grand Audition 2, Beauty over Brains, Elemental Showcase, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Cheap Trick) [8]
* Lucky Luc (Drod History Month, Completely Intended Solutions, Keeping it Secret!, Guess the number of rooms in TSS, Elemental Showcase 5.0, The Random Number God Hates Me, Eighth Fairy Tales, Make it More Challenging, The Twelve Days of Christmas, Custom Element, DROD is Odd, Hold Title Mixup, Year of RPG 2018) [13]
* LvanPelt (Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [1]
* maestro8 (The Angry Man) [1]
* Malarame (DROD Haiku Challenge, Beethro's First Job (host), Smite to the Death) [3] {1}
* Marlowe (Snakes!) [1]
* marphlets (Bluff Me Again) [1]
* martz (Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [1]
* masonjason (Least Number of Moves, Tourist, Predict the Future, The Angry Man) [4]
* MasterGiga (Beethro's First Job, Room Mosaic) [2]
* Mattcrampy (Master Map of the Eighth, Tourist (host), Predict the Future, War of the Dungeons, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, Deflectomundo, The Angry Man, Snakes!, Holds Al Dente (host), Grand Audition 2, Interface Change, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M. (host), DoDoGC, HAD II (host)) [16] {4}
* Maurog (The Secret, Room Mosaic, War of the Dungeons, The Truthbringers, Deflectomundo, Ad-Surd, The Angry Man, Tiny Jokes, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Interface Change, DoDoGC, Meta Contest, DtD#, The Eighth Needs A New Number!, The Cutest Roach Ever) [16]
* mauvebutterfly (The Twelve Days of Christmas, Custom Element, DROD is Odd, Hold Title Mixup, Putting the Pieces Together, The Untold Tales of Gunthro Budkin (host), Mix and Match, Sequel Contest, Year of RPG 2018, King Dugan's Alternate Reality, Arky's Revenge, Unchained Malady, Custom Element Revival, Fake Hold Review) [14] {1}
* Mazer (Cheap Trick, Limited Room RPG) [2]
* md5i (Smite to the Death) [1]
* MeckMeck GRE (Predict the Future, Grand Audition, Roaches in our Midst, the Secret, Beethro's First Job, Room Mosaic (host), 2005 DROD Film Festival, Golden Pie Awards, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, Limited Resources (host), The Angry Man, Beauty over Brains, Interface Change, Bluff Me, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Cheap Trick, Media of the Eighth (host), Secret Santa (host), HAD II) [21] {4}
* meta (Fake Hold Review) [1]
* MHighbrow (Arky's Revenge) [1]
* micah (Grand Audition 2) [1]
* Michthro (Deflectomundo, Death to Death, Snakes!) [3]
* Miketo (Tiny Jokes) [1]
* Mikko (Least Number of Moves, Unfortunate Architect, Hermetic Puzzles, The Angry Man, Snakes!, Cheap Trick, Flags of the Eighth) [7]
* Monkey (Cheap Trick, Secret Santa) [2]
* Moo (Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [1]
* Mouse (Beethro's First Job, War of the Dungeons, Smite to the Death, The Angry Man, Tiny Jokes, Bluffhanger, Shotgun!, Cramped Confines) [8]
* Mr. Slice (HAD II, Mini Contests) [2]
* mrimer (DoDoGC, DtD#, Architecture by Hand (co-host), The Cutest Roach Ever (host), The Other 10%, Guess the number of rooms in TSS (host)) [6] {3}
* Muffington (Grand Audition 2) [1]
* Muiff (Smite to the Death, Death to Death) [2]
* mxvladi (Mini Contests, Frankenstein's Wanderer, Puzzles Galore, Sand Tar, Paper Scissors Rock, Limited Room RPG, Cramped Confines, Drod History Month, Guess the number of rooms in TSS, Make it More Challenging, The Twelve Days of Christmas) [11]
* Myarbro (Deflectomundo) [1]
* Nabla (Snakes!) [1]
* navithmastero (Drod History Month, Hold Title Mixup, Unchained Malady, Where in the Eighth?) [4]
* Neather2 (Paper Scissors Rock, Secret Message, Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [3]
* Neathro (Elemental Showcase) [1]
* NekoIncardine (Smite to the Death, Hermetic Puzzles, Limited Resources, Tiny Jokes, Snakes!, Grand Audition 2, Goblin Talk) [7]
* NeonElephant (B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.) [1]
* Nerby (Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [1]
* neveragain (Amazing Maze) [1]
* Niccus (Snakes!) [1]
* Nillo (5-Suite Speaking Grounds, Trompe Le Monde, The Secret, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, Virtual Burning Man) [7]
* NiroZ (Deflectomundo, Ad-Surd, The Angry Man, Death to Death, Tiny Jokes, Story of You, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Holds al Dente, Grand Audition 2, Interface Change (host), Goblin Talk (host), Number 1 Fan (host), Bluff Me (host), Elemental Showcase (host), B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., DoDoGC, Meta Contest (host), Mini Contests (host), Puzzles Galore (host), Sand Tar (host), Resolutions of the New Year (host), Paper Scissors Rock (host), Flags of the Eighth (host), Suicidal Beethro (host), Amazing Maze (host), Secret Message (host), DROD RPG Does the Discovery Channel (host)) [28] {16}
* NoahT (Short/Long, Grand Audition, Elemental Showcase, DoDoGC, HAD II, Crowd-Sourcing, The Cutest Roach Ever, Keeping it Secret!, Elemental Showcase 5.0, An Eighth of the Real World) [10]
* NobleHelium (The Angry Man, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.) [2]
* nobodybutyours (Snakes!) [1]
* noma (Bluff Me, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Mini Contests, Bluff Me Again (host), Puzzles Galore, Paper Scissors Rock, Bluffhanger (host), Flags of the Eighth, Secret Message, Reflectorations, Shotgun!, EEGC (host), Eighth Fairy Tales) [13] {3}
* Nuntar (Secret Santa, DtD#, Sand Tar, Resolutions of the new year, Paper Scissors Rock, Limited Room RPG (host), Bluffhanger, Secret Message, The Other 10% (host), Elemental Showcase 5.0 (host), The Random Number God Hates Me (host), Eighth Fairy Tales, Make it More Challenging, Year of RPG, The Twelve Days of Christmas (host), Custom Element, DROD is Odd (host), Putting the Pieces Together, The Untold Tales of Gunthro Budkin, Mix and Match (host), Sequel Contest, Year of RPG 2018, King Dugan's Alternate Reality, Arky's Revenge, Make a Good DROD Level) [25] {7}
* NyteStorm (Grand Audition 2) [1]
* nyviolet (Grand Audition 2) [1]
* Oneiromancer (Master Map of the Eighth, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers) [3]
* Ostegolectr1c (The Angry Man, Death to Death, Tiny Jokes, Snakes!) [4]
* Patrick Alexander (Grand Audition 2) [1]
* Pearls (Drod History Month (host), King Dugan's Alternate Reality) [2] {1}
* Pekka (Secret Message, Hold Title Mixup) [2]
* Penumbra (The Secret, Smite to the Death, The Angry Man, Snakes!, Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [5]
* Penwielder (Copycat, Reflectorations, The Eighth Needs A New Number!, Let's do some writing, Hold the Riddle of the Bar, Architecture by Hand) [6]
* Philmort (Goblin Talk) [1]
* Phweengee (The Secret, Beethro's First Job, Room Mosaic) [3]
* PigmyWubba (Make it More Challenging, WYSIWYG, The Untold Tales of Gunthro Budkin, Arky's Revenge) [4]
* Pilchard VIII (Death to Death, Tiny Jokes, Story of You, Snakes!) [4]
* Pinnacle (Ad-Surd, The Angry Man, Tiny Jokes, Snakes!, Grand Audition 2, Bluff Me, Cheap Trick, Invisibility, Keeping it Secret!, Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [10]
* Plasmarifle (Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [1]
* plewyli (B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.) [1]
* PMIT (Drod History Month, The Other 10%, Guess the number of rooms in TSS, Elemental Showcase 5.0) [4]
* Pneh (Top Drawer, Bluff Me Again) [2]
* Professor Tio (King Dugan's Alternate Reality, Arky's Revenge) [2]
* PoV (Grand Audition 2) [1]
* Punf (Make a Good DROD Level) [1]
* Ptanzoricis (Holds al Dente, Elemental Showcase, Cheap Trick) [3]
* Ptownkid (Grand Audition) [1]
* RabidChild (Deflectomundo, Snakes!, Where in the Eighth?) [3]
* Rabscuttle (Dungeons of Snoll, Trompe Le Monde, Unfortunate Architect, Predict the Future, Roaches in our Midst, War of the Dungeons, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Limited Resources, Deflectomundo, The Angry Man, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Elemental Showcase, Cheap Trick, DtD#, Guess the number of rooms in TSS, King Dugan's Alternate Reality, Arky's Revenge, Unchained Malady, Custom Element Revival, Where in the Eighth?, Make a Good DROD Level, Fake Hold Review) [24]
* Rat Man (The Eighth Needs A New Number!, Promote The Eighth's New Official Number) [2]
* Ravon (The Angry Man, Elemental Showcase) [2]
* Red-XIII (Drod History Month, Completely Intended Solutions, Guess the number of rooms in TSS, Elemental Showcase 5.0, The Random Number God Hates Me, Make it More Challenging, Year of RPG, Challenge Crafting) [8]
* Remlin (DtD#) [1]
* Rescator (Grand Audition 2) [1]
* Resert On (Hold Title Mixup, Putting the Pieces Together) [2]
* reyll3 (Limited Room RPG, Cramped Confines, Guess the number of rooms in TSS, The Random Number God Hates Me) [4]
* Rheb (Invisibility, Top Drawer, HAD II, Bluff Me Again, Frankenstein's Wanderer, Vegetable Torch, Limited Room RPG, Flags of the Eighth, Copycat) [9]
* roach strangler (Elemental Showcase, Cheap Trick) [2]
* robin (The Truthbringers, Limited Resources, Deflectomundo, Guess the number of rooms in TSS, Where in the Eighth?) [5]
* RoboBob3000 (5-Suite Speaking Grounds, Songs of the Eighth, Least Number of Moves, Predict the Future, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, Tiny Jokes, Virtual Burning Man, Grand Audition 2, Bluff Me, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Secret Santa, Bluffhanger) [14]
* Rompeprop (DROD: Standard Edition) [1]
* rowrow (Predict the Future, Roaches in our Midst, Beethro's First Job) [3]
* RuAdam (The Secret, The Truthbringers, DtD#) [3]
* RubellaGolda (Smite to the Death) [1]
* Samuel (Secret Message) [1]
* Saqqara (Beethro's First Job, Hermetic Puzzles) [2]
* Sarngate (The Truthbringers) [1]
* Schep (The Secret, Room Mosaic, The Truthbringers, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Holds al Dente, Grand Audition 2, DoDoGC) [8]
* Schik (Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, The Angry Man, Tiny Jokes, Snakes! (assistant), Virtual Burning Man, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., DoDoGC) [8]
* Sebhaque (Tourist) [1]
* Sergenth (Deflectomundo, Snakes!, Holds al Dente) [3]
* Seth (Cramped Confines, The Cutest Roach Ever) [2]
* SGACreative (Grand Audition 2) [1]
* shade1985 (Secret Message) [1]
* Shendy (Drod History Month, Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [2]
* Sillyman (Bluff Me, DtD#, HAD II, Limited Room RPG, Amazing Maze, Secret Message, Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [7]
* silver (The Secret, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., DoDoGC) [5]
* Sim (I Ching, Dungeons of Snoll) [2]
* SirNiko (Bluffhanger) [1]
* skell (Death to Death, Suicidal Beethro, The Cutest Roach Ever, The Other 10%, The Random Number God Hates Me, Endless Puzzles?, DROD is Odd, Year of RPG 2018) [8]
* slimm tom (Paper Scissors Rock) [1]
* Slug (Trompe Le Monde, Unfortunate Architect) [2]
* Snacko (Snakes!) [1]
* Someone Else (Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Limited Resources, Death to Death, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Holds al Dente, Grand Audition 2, Beauty over Brains, Bluff Me, Elemental Showcase, Invisibility, Meta Contest, DtD#, HAD II, Bluff Me Again, Mini Contests, Paper Scissors Rock, Bluffhanger, Copycat(host), Cramped Confines(host), Drod History Month, The Other 10%, Keeping it Secret!, Guess the number of rooms in TSS, Endless Puzzles?, Arky's Revenge, Challenge Crafting) [28] {2}
* Speicus (The Secret) [1]
* Squeekie (The Secret) [1]
* Stefan (Least Number of Moves, Dungeons of Snoll, Unfortunate Architect, The Secret, Room Mosaic, Hermetic Puzzles, Deflectomundo, The Angry Man, Snakes!, Grand Audition 2, Number 1 Fan, Bluff Me, Promote The Eighth's New Official Number) [13]
* Stephen4Louise (Smite to the Death, Snakes!, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Cheap Trick, Invisibility, Meta Contest, Media of the Eighth) [7]
* stigant (Grand Audition, The Secret, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, The Angry Man, The Other 10%) [7]
* strabo (Predict the Future, Grand Audition) [2]
* StuartK (Smite to the Death) [1]
* Stuwy (Unfortunate Architect) [1]
* Suwako (Drod History Month) [1]
* surrealcanine (Arky's Revenge) [1]
* svante (Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Deflectomundo) [3]
* swann_88 (Least Number of Moves, The Secret) [2]
* swivel (The Truthbringers, Limited Resources) [2]
* sylia (Grand Audition 2) [1]
* Syntax (Meta Contest, Bluff Me Again, Bluffhanger, Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [4]
* Syril Ram (Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man) [2]
* Tahnan (Hermetic Puzzles, Limited Resources, The Angry Man, Tiny Jokes, Story of You, Snakes!, Holds al Dente, Beauty over Brains, Goblin Talk, Bluff Me, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Cheap Trick, DoDoGC, Top Drawer, HAD II, Bluffhanger, Secret Message, DROD RPG Does the Discovery Channel, Reflectorations, Crowd-Sourcing, The Eighth Needs A New Number!, Let's do some writing, Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [23]
* Tamsk (Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [1]
* techant (Unfortunate Architect, Grand Audition, Roaches in our Midst, The Secret, Beethro's First Job, Room Mosaic, War of the Dungeons, 2005 DROD Film Festival, Golden Pie Awards, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, Limited Resources, Deflectomundo, Ad-Surd, The Angry Man, Death to Death, Tiny Jokes, Story of You, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Holds al Dente, Grand Audition 2, Beauty over Brains, Interface Change, Goblin Talk, Number 1 Fan, Bluff Me, Elemental Showcase, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Cheap Trick, DoDoGC, Invisibility, Meta Contest, Media of the Eighth, Secret Santa, Top Drawer, DtD#, HAD II, Bluff Me Again, Mini Contests, Frankenstein's Wanderer, Puzzles Galore, Vegetable Torch, Sand Tar, Resolutions of the new year, Paper Scissors Rock, Limited Room RPG, Bluffhanger, Flags of the Eighth, Suicidal Beethro, Amazing Maze, Secret Message, Copycat, Reflectorations, Shotgun!, EEGC, Crowd-Sourcing, The Eighth Needs A New Number!, Promote The Eighth's New Official Number, Hold the Riddle of the Bar, The Cutest Roach Ever, Mix and Match, An Eighth of the Real World) [64]
* Telvayne (The Angry Man) [1]
* tempestadept (Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [1]
* The Architest (Sand Tar, Paper Scissors Rock, Limited Room RPG, Bluffhanger, Flags of the Eighth, Crowd-Sourcing, Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [6]
* TheEpickz98 (Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [1]
* TheHammer (The Secret) [1]
* ThemsAllTook (Mix and Match) [1]
* The_Red_Hawk (Master Map of the Eighth, The Secret, Room Mosaic, The Truthbringers, Deflectomundo, Ad-Surd, Virtual Burning Man) [7]
* The spitemaster (Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Death to Death, Holds al Dente, Bluff Me Again, Mini Contests, Cramped Confines, Keeping it Secret!, Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [9]
* The Stew Boy (Bluffhanger, Secret Message) [2]
* Tim (Short/Long, Unfortunate Architect, Predict the Future, The Secret, War of the Dungeons, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, Deflectomundo, The Angry Man, Tiny Jokes, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Cheap Trick, DoDoGC, DtD#, Puzzles Galore, Secret Message) [18]
* TimmyWing (Bluffhanger) [1]
* Timo006 (Snakes!, Holds al Dente, Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [3]
* tokyokid (Story of You, Snakes!, Holds al Dente, Grand Audition 2, Beauty over Brains, Goblin Talk, Number 1 Fan, Bluff Me, Elemental Showcase, Cheap Trick) [10]
* tonyk (Interface Change, Number 1 Fan) [2]
* Tooth and Nail (Death to Death) [1]
* Trick (5-Suite Speaking Grounds, Beethro's First Job, Smite to the Death, Deflectomundo, Snakes!, Holds al Dente) [6]
* Trickster (Crowd-Sourcing, Hold the Riddle of the Bar, Guess the number of rooms in TSS, Mix and Match) [4]
* TripleM (Predict the Future, The Secret, Room Mosaic, War of the Dungeons, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, The Angry Man, Snakes!, Mini Contests, Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [11]
* Tscott (DROD Haiku Challenge, Ad-Surd, Tiny Jokes) [3]
* Tuttle (The Angry Man, Death to Death, Tiny Jokes, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Meta Contest, DtD#, Paper Scissors Rock, Shotgun!, Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [11]
* tyrion (Death to Death, Snakes!) [2]
* uncopy2002 (The Twelve Days of Christmas) [1]
* UrAvgAzn (Grand Audition 2, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Paper Scissors Rock) [3]
* Vike91 (Guess the number of rooms in TSS)[1]
* vinheim (EEGC) [1]
* VIPCOOL (Elemental Showcase, Invisibility, HAD II, Bluff Me Again, Frankenstein's Wanderer, Paper Scissors Rock, Limited Room RPG,, Bluffhanger, Suicidal Beethro) [9]
* vittro (Cheap Trick, Bluff Me Again) [2]
* Vladilav (The Cutest Roach Ever) [1]
* VortexSurfer (Smite to the Death) [1]
* voyager (Elemental Showcase, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.) [2]
* Vylycyn (Roaches in our Midst, The Secret, Beethro's First Job, Room Mosaic, War of the Dungeons, 2005 DROD Film Festival, Golden Pie Awards, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, Limited Resources, Deflectomundo, Ad-Surd) [13]
* Wackhead (Short/Long, Trompe Le Monde, Grand Audition, The Secret) [4]
* Wallu (Room Mosaic, Smite to the Death) [2]
* Watcher (I Ching, Short/Long, The Secret, The Truthbringers, Snakes!) [5]
* west.logan (Let's do some writing, Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [2]
* Whitehelm (The Secret, The Angry Man) [2]
* worm (Smite to the Death) [1]
* Xindaris (Endless Puzzles?, DROD: Standard Edition, Year of RPG, The Twelve Days of Christmas, Custom Element (host), DROD is Odd, Hold Title Mixup (host), Putting the Pieces Together, The Untold Tales of Gunthro Budkin, Mix and Match, Year of RPG 2018, King Dugan's Alternate Reality, Arky's Revenge, Unchained Malady, Custom Element Revival, Make a Good DROD Level, Fake Hold Review, Architectural Bad Habits: Backtracking, Challenge Crafting, Make a ZelDROD Dungeon) [20] {2}
* Yellow_Mage (Smite to the Death) [1]
* Yur-Val (The Cutest Roach Ever) [1]
* Zaratustra00 (Hermetic Puzzles, Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [2]
* zaubberer (Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Grand Audition 2) [3]
* Zch (Reflectorations) [1]
* Zex20913 (Beethro's First Job, The Truthbringers, Snakes!, Grand Audition 2, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., DtD#, Paper Scissors Rock) [7]
* Ziki (Guess the number of rooms in TSS) [1]
* ZMann (Songs of the Eighth, Predict the Future, The Secret) [3]
* Znirk (2005 DROD Film Festival, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, The Angry Man, Snakes!, Grand Audition 2, Bluff Me, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., DtD#, Bluff Me Again, Flags of the Eighth) [11]
* zoombini (The Angry Man) [1]
* Zophos (Cheap Trick) [1]
* zwetschenwasser (Film Festival 2008, Resolutions of the new year, Paper Scissors Rock, Limited Room RPG, Bluffhanger, Suicidal Beethro) [6]
* zZah (The Truthbringers) [1]
* Zzyzx (5-Suite Speaking Grounds) [1]

[Last edited by Nuntar at 03-02-2024 06:27 PM]
10-10-2007 at 11:45 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 1309
Registered: 11-24-2005
IP: Logged
* Briareos (Limerick Contest) [1]
* calamarain (Limerick Contest) [1]
* Chaco (Technology, Holds with No Doors (host)) [2] {1}
* Elfstone (Golden Sword, Thanksgiving Hold Art (player/assistant)) [3]
* eytanz (Thanksgiving Hold Art (assistant)) [1]
* Ezlo (Golden Sword, Technology) [2]
* Hartleyhair (Holds with No Doors) [1]
* Hikari (Technology) [1]
* Jacob (Holds with No Doors) [1]
* Jason (Technology (host), Request a Feature, Thanskgiving Hold Art) [2] {1}
* Jeff_Ray... (Technology, Request a Feature) [2]
* jbluestein (Golden Sword (host)) [1] {1}
* larrymurk (Golden Sword, Technology) [2]
* Lst6 (Technology) [1]
* Mazer (Holds with No Doors) [1]
* Monkey (Limerick Contest) [1]
* Mr. Slice (Limerick Contest) [1]
* mrimer (Limerick Contest) [1]
* Neather2 (Holds with No Doors) [1]
* NekoIncardine (Request a Feature) [1]
* Niccus (Technology) [1]
* NiroZ (Request a Feature (host)) [1] {1}
* noma (Limerick Contest (host)) [1] {1}
* Nuntar (Limerick Contest) [1]
* Pilchard VIII (Thanksgiving Hold Art) [1]
* Rabscuttle (Limerick Contest) [1]
* Remlin (Limerick Contest) [1]
* Runtly (Limerick Contest) [1]
* Syntax (Limerick Contest) [1]
* Tahnan (Limerick Contest) [1]
* Timo006 (Technology) [1]
* Tokyokid (Technology, Request a Feature, Thanksgiving Hold Art) [3]
* UrAvgAzn (Thanksgiving Hold Art (host)) [1] {1}
* VIPCOOL (Holds with No Doors) [1]

[Last edited by coppro at 07-13-2009 04:06 AM]
10-10-2007 at 11:45 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 11-24-2005
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icon Re: The (new) Official List of Contest Participants (+1)  
Update: I've added the Technology contest, and bold the contest hosts (per request).
10-11-2007 at 11:25 PM
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Registered: 02-04-2003
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icon Re: The (new) Official List of Contest Participants (0)  
Coppro, this is just a suggestion, but if you are inclined, I think it would be good to include 8-timer rules from the original participants post here. You can copy-and-paste me or rewrite in your own style. But I think it would be less confusing to have your participants post be the main one, and let mine fall into unstickied obscurity.


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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10-13-2007 at 02:19 AM
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icon Re: The (new) Official List of Contest Participants (0)  
There was some vague information there, but I've made it more clear, and also changed a few other things in the intro text.
10-13-2007 at 02:31 AM
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File: (11.2 KB)
Downloaded 83 times.
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icon Re: The (new) Official List of Contest Participants (+4)  
Here is a little utility I wrote to make adding to the list easier. It requires .NET 2.0, but I think there are ways to run it on Linux. I can send source code if anyone wants to port it or make changes, but it's in C# so I'm not sure how easy it would be to port. Anyway, any ideas for features or bug reports would be welcome.

"To understand recursion you must first understand recursion."
10-13-2007 at 09:45 AM
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icon Re: The (new) Official List of Contest Participants (-1)  
I'd really like people who are not updating list making tools for things that can be added easily manually.

Unless you are volunteering to update all the participants from now on, because I'm not willing to run a contest if I have to update using a "tool" I can't use. And I do want to run a contest sometimes.

Thanks for spending the time though.

The best way to lose customers is to let little kids running loose on a forum with too many mod points.
10-13-2007 at 11:16 AM
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icon Re: The (new) Official List of Contest Participants (0)  
Tim wrote:
Unless you are volunteering to update all the participants from now on, because I'm not willing to run a contest if I have to update using a "tool" I can't use. And I do want to run a contest sometimes.
Wait, what? :|

Did I miss the part where it says that use of this tool is mandatory for contests from now on? O:-

EDIT: Okay, the Mono Migration Analyzer says running this binary using Mono is a go (haven't actually tried running it for want of a non-headless non-Windows box), but TBH if I wanted to make a tool that runs cross-platform I'd have used Java, or C/C++, or one of the oodles of cross-platform scripting languages...

np: The Orb - A Huge Ever Growing Pulsating Brain That Rules From The Centre Of The Ultraworld: Live Mix Mk10 (Adventures Beyond The Ultraworld Deluxe Edition (Disc 2))

"I'm not anti-anything, I'm anti-everything, it fits better." - Sole
R.I.P. Robert Feldhoff (1962-2009) :(

[Last edited by Briareos at 10-13-2007 11:48 AM]
10-13-2007 at 11:42 AM
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icon Re: The (new) Official List of Contest Participants (0)  
Tim, did you even look at the file?

It was pretty straightforward to me, and I can see how it can save plenty of time. Besides, isn't coppro managing this list now? I don't get how you'd have to update anything if you run a contest. Maybe list the participants but that's it...

And here's how to use it and what it does if you're too lazy to read the included files and maybe experiment for a minute.

You start by executing the Contests file. Then load the Master List to see all current contest information on the screen. Then click "Add Contest" and either add the data manually or locate a text file containing it (see the example file "New Contest" that's included). After this the contest list gets automatically updated and reports which participants have reached a multiple of 8 contests and the newcomers. It shouldn't be that hard...

[Last edited by Doom at 10-13-2007 11:51 AM]
10-13-2007 at 11:51 AM
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Registered: 08-07-2004
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icon Re: The (new) Official List of Contest Participants (0)  
Doom wrote:
Tim, did you even look at the file?
Doom, have you ever noticed that I don't have .net? Some of the people here don't use that, and I'm sure people with a Mac or Linux (and *BSD) don't use them.

And since I can't use it, I'm not going to. I think that's actually a valid reason ;)

The best way to lose customers is to let little kids running loose on a forum with too many mod points.
10-13-2007 at 03:18 PM
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icon Re: The (new) Official List of Contest Participants (0)  
I should probably mention that I have something in the works for tracking contests and participants that will be integrated into the forum. The basic functionality I have planned at the moment sounds somewhat similar to what Dolan's tool does.

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals.
--Mahatma Gandhi
10-13-2007 at 03:23 PM
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icon Re: The (new) Official List of Contest Participants (0)  
Tim wrote:
And since I can't use it, I'm not going to. I think that's actually a valid reason ;)
Heh, I actually interpreted "can't" here as "don't know how to" :D Sorry about that.
10-13-2007 at 03:28 PM
View Profile Send Private Message to User Send Email to User Show all user's posts High Scores This architect's holds Quote Reply
Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 1302
Registered: 02-12-2006
IP: Logged
icon Re: The (new) Official List of Contest Participants (0)  
Tim wrote:
I'd really like people who are not updating list making tools for things that can be added easily manually.

Unless you are volunteering to update all the participants from now on, because I'm not willing to run a contest if I have to update using a "tool" I can't use. And I do want to run a contest sometimes.

Thanks for spending the time though.
The Participant Tracker (which is Coppro at the moment) is the only one required to use the program. All the contest host has to do is send him the list of participants.

There is, however, a small problem in the program. There needs to be a 0 put in front of single digit numbers to ensure that they sort properly.
Also, the program doesn't detect duplicates.
10-13-2007 at 03:53 PM
View Profile Send Private Message to User Send Email to User Show all user's posts This architect's holds Quote Reply
Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 01-18-2005
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icon Re: The (new) Official List of Contest Participants (+1)  
NiroZ wrote:
The Participant Tracker (which is Coppro at the moment) is the only one required to use the program.

if (and only if) coppro chooses to accept Dolan's gift of free work, then he may use the tool. no one is actually required to use it. ... even if coppro chooses to use it, it would place no obligation on temporary placeholders who keep track of the contests while coppro is on vacation (who could say, "but I have a mac, no .net for me, so I kept track in a text file. here's the raw data, though") or the next contest participant tracker, who would just ask coppro to provide a data dump before taking over (or, failing that, use the stickied forum post)

which is to say there's very little to say here except "thanks, Dolan." there's certainly no reason to be complaining at him. bad Tim. no biscuit.

so... thanks, Dolan.

...and, hey, did you know the same functionality could probably have been achieved in like 2 lines of configuration of Rails? cause I'm pretty sure this is one table with 2 columns... well, okay, 2 tables, since you want to keep the contest names separately to make a nice menu of selecting one or adding a new one. so 4 lines or so -- provided you had a webserver to host it on. me personally, I'd've gone the 30 lines of perl route, though - very cross platform that.


[Last edited by silver at 10-13-2007 05:38 PM]
10-13-2007 at 04:48 PM
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icon Re: The (new) Official List of Contest Participants (0)  
I don't know whether I'll use it - I've found this list relatively easy to update, and my experiences with Mono have involved irritation at best (I haven't had a lot though). Thanks for the effort, though.
10-13-2007 at 05:11 PM
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icon Re: The (new) Official List of Contest Participants (0)  
Wait, are we having a Participant Tracker now?

I thought the discussion we had here:
NiroZ wrote:
Well to deplete the current backlog, either me or the CC would work to get rid of it. For the future, I'd make it the task of the CC to be done, whether they want to have the task done by the current contest host (which I'd encourage) or assign someone separate to do the task is up to them. I'd also look into creating something a little more elegant than the current list, perhaps a database or the like. (depends on how well the current list parses)
Did I missed a part of the discussion, or have you changed your mind?


And I stand by the fact that someone is trying to provide a solution for a problem that did not exist in the first place. It's like starting a war because they supposedly had found WMD somewhere. Taking Initiative is one thing, but please think about whether it is a good idea first.

The best way to lose customers is to let little kids running loose on a forum with too many mod points.
10-13-2007 at 06:00 PM
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icon Re: The (new) Official List of Contest Participants (0)  
Schik wrote:
I should probably mention that I have something in the works for tracking contests and participants that will be integrated into the forum. The basic functionality I have planned at the moment sounds somewhat similar to what Dolan's tool does.
Oh no, not again... :lol

NiroZ wrote:
There is, however, a small problem in the program. There needs to be a 0 put in front of single digit numbers to ensure that they sort properly.
Also, the program doesn't detect duplicates.
I Fixed the numbers. Duplicate contest names or duplicate participants?

coppro wrote:
I don't know whether I'll use it - I've found this list relatively easy to update, and my experiences with Mono have involved irritation at best (I haven't had a lot though). Thanks for the effort, though.

Use it or not as you wish. I knew you were running Linux so I figured you probably wouldn't use it. It was really just an exercise for fun in parsing and string manipulation. Yes, I think parsing and string manipulation is fun, I'm weird.

"To understand recursion you must first understand recursion."
10-13-2007 at 06:07 PM
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icon Re: The (new) Official List of Contest Participants (0)  
A "mono Contests.exe" using Debian Unstable yields the following after choosing Master List.txt:
Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index is less than 0 or more than or equal to the list count.
Parameter name: index
  at System.Collections.ArrayList.get_Item (Int32 index) [0x00000] 
  at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellCollection.get_Item (Int32 index) [0x00000] 
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellCollection:get_Item (int)
  at Contests.Form1.updategrid (System.String eight, Boolean newcontest) [0x00000] 
  at Contests.Form1.button1_Click (System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) [0x00000] 
  at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick (System.EventArgs e) [0x00000] 
  at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick (System.EventArgs e) [0x00000] 
  at System.Windows.Forms.Button.PerformClick () [0x00000] 
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Windows.Forms.Button:PerformClick ()
  at Contests.Form1.Form1_Load (System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) [0x00000] 
  at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnLoad (System.EventArgs e) [0x00000] 
  at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnLoadInternal (System.EventArgs e) [0x00000] 
  at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnCreateControl () [0x00000] 
  at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl () [0x00000] 
  at System.Windows.Forms.Control.SetVisibleCore (Boolean value) [0x00000] 
  at System.Windows.Forms.Form.SetVisibleCore (Boolean value) [0x00000] 
  at System.Windows.Forms.Control.set_Visible (Boolean value) [0x00000] 
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Windows.Forms.Control:set_Visible (bool)
  at System.Windows.Forms.Application.RunLoop (Boolean Modal, System.Windows.Forms.ApplicationContext context) [0x00000] 
  at System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run (System.Windows.Forms.Form mainForm) [0x00000] 
  at Contests.Program.Main () [0x00000]
but at the UI part works otherwise... but I guess it could use some better error handling...

np: The Orb - Assassin (Chocolate Hills Of Bohol Mix) (U.F.Orb Remixes)

"I'm not anti-anything, I'm anti-everything, it fits better." - Sole
R.I.P. Robert Feldhoff (1962-2009) :(
10-13-2007 at 06:08 PM
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Dex Stewart
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coppro wrote:
* eb0ny ()
* Rheb ()
What's up with that?
10-13-2007 at 06:28 PM
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icon Re: The (new) Official List of Contest Participants (+1)  
Tim wrote:
Wait, are we having a Participant Tracker now?

Did I miss a part of the discussion?

you missed this part of the discussion:

which is perfectly understandable given that it was spread over four threads in three boards, and possibly includes some deleted posts.

but it was also highly apparent from the context in this thread alone that coppro was now keeping track of the contests. what's the first sentence of this post?

...and the fact that it got stickied might have been a clue.

And I stand by the fact that someone is trying to provide a solution for a problem that did not exist in the first place. It's like starting a war because they supposedly had found WMD somewhere. Taking Initiative is one thing, but please think about whether it is a good idea first.

strongly disagree -- this isn't "solving a problem that doesn't exist" this is providing volunteer help to a task which looks annoying and prone to error. I know if I were in coppro's shoes, I'd at least be using a spreadsheet, if not a tool I made for the job. Dolan was probably thinking the same thing.

More to the point, this isn't like starting a war, because he was providing a tool which coppro was free to ignore (unlike your average bomb).

IMHO, it IS a Good Idea to try to be helpful in an unobtrusive way, and this was unobtrusive because it was just an optional gift. well, it was unobtrusive until you decided to object...


[Last edited by silver at 10-13-2007 06:47 PM]
10-13-2007 at 06:36 PM
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icon Re: The (new) Official List of Contest Participants (0)  
Dolan42 wrote:
NiroZ wrote:
There is, however, a small problem in the program. There needs to be a 0 put in front of single digit numbers to ensure that they sort properly.
Also, the program doesn't detect duplicates.
I Fixed the numbers. Duplicate contest names or duplicate participants?
Duplicate contest names under the one participant.
coppro wrote:
I don't know whether I'll use it - I've found this list relatively easy to update, and my experiences with Mono have involved irritation at best (I haven't had a lot though). Thanks for the effort, though.

Use it or not as you wish. I knew you were running Linux so I figured you probably wouldn't use it. It was really just an exercise for fun in parsing and string manipulation. Yes, I think parsing and string manipulation is fun, I'm weird.
I agree, although I have to point out that this program works well as a prototype for the future, thus it is not all in vain.
Tim wrote:
Wait, are we having a Participant Tracker now?
Yes. I though this topic was a dead giveaway to the fact, but I guess I'm wrong.
I thought the discussion we had here... [snip]
Did I missed a part of the discussion, or have you changed your mind?
Neither. The past backlog has been deal with already. How the participants of future contests will be dealt with is what we are up to now.
And I stand by the fact that someone is trying to provide a solution for a problem that did not exist in the first place. It's like starting a war because they supposedly had found WMD somewhere. Taking Initiative is one thing, but please think about whether it is a good idea first.
Um, just because you don't perceive it to be a problem doesn't mean you have to kick up a fuss about it. But if you must, please expand on this link between a small forum with a list prone to human error and long update intervals, and attempts at trying to fix that, with WMD's, Iraq and George Bush.

[Last edited by NiroZ at 10-13-2007 06:37 PM]
10-13-2007 at 06:36 PM
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icon Re: The (new) Official List of Contest Participants (0)  
Briareos wrote:
at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Windows.Forms.Button:PerformClick ()
I knew errors laugh at me, I've just never seen one do it before :)

As for the error I'm not sure what could cause it. Here is the code for the section generating the error:
 dataGridView1.Rows[dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1].Cells[0].Value = name;

and so on, every reference to the datagrid uses .count-1 and a constant for the cell number. So, yeah, I have no idea. It's never thrown an exception in windows. Source is attached if you want to take a look.

"To understand recursion you must first understand recursion."
10-13-2007 at 06:45 PM
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Dex Stewart wrote:
coppro wrote:
* eb0ny ()
* Rheb ()
What's up with that?
They are first time participants in the current Invisibility contest and with all the updates recently the participants for that contest were added somewhere along the line and then that contest was removed. Their names stuck on the list for some reason.

"To understand recursion you must first understand recursion."
10-13-2007 at 06:52 PM
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icon Re: The (new) Official List of Contest Participants (0)  
Thanks, silver! I'm actually glad I know which part of the discussion I've missed. Just mod you up.

And I understand your (and everyone's) point, but I still think that the tool is just not a good idea. But let's not clutter this thread further, and keep this thread to comments regarding the list instead of a tool.

The best way to lose customers is to let little kids running loose on a forum with too many mod points.
10-13-2007 at 07:36 PM
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icon Re: The (new) Official List of Contest Participants (0)  
I've updated the list with the Invisibility contestants. The following players are new contestants and are entitled to 10 rank points:


Congratulations to Pinnacle, who is now eligible for an 8-Timer prize, having participated in his 8th contest.
10-13-2007 at 09:29 PM
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icon Re: The Complete List of Contest Participants (0)  
I noticed the 10 rank points I was supposed to get from Cheap Trick in April were never delivered. Did the out of control UPS truck come back?

hooray for obscure references
Edit: Oops. mod -> rank


[Last edited by Monkey at 10-20-2007 08:47 PM]
10-20-2007 at 03:32 AM
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That's the Prize Distributor's department. See Dex Stewart for that.
10-20-2007 at 03:45 AM
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icon Re: The Complete List of Contest Participants (0)  
Monkey wrote:
I noticed the 10 mod points I was supposed to get from Cheap Trick in April were never delivered.
Errr... if you mean the first timer bonus - that's 10 rank points, not mod points.

np: Underworld - To Heal (Oblivion With Bells)

"I'm not anti-anything, I'm anti-everything, it fits better." - Sole
R.I.P. Robert Feldhoff (1962-2009) :(
10-20-2007 at 09:48 AM
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icon Re: The Complete List of Contest Participants (+1)  
Okay, I've finally added the entrants for Meta Contest and...

jbluestein has completed his first eight contests! Congratulations! You are hereby granted an 8-Timer prize!

My records show that Syntax has participated in his first contest! This doesn't seem right, but if he has finally ascended from his basement to Erik's, our very own lexically parsed input code is granted 10 rank points!

Also, I only have participant lists from one measly unofficial contests! C'mon folks! Let's see more effort!
11-14-2007 at 04:55 AM
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