Samuel wrote:
Sorry for double posting, but here is the new version, i cannot get the "Question" and "Answer Option" commands to work together, so if there is anyone who knows how to get those to work could you please fix it up in this hold and then post the fixed version, thank you.
Can't do that right now, but here's the steps:
1) Make labels that the Answer options will lead to
2) Make the Answer options that lead to the labels
3) Make the question after ALL the answer options to be used
Answer option: Steak, go to Label steak
Answer option: Mushroom, go to Label mushroom
Answer option: Chicken, go to Label chicken
Question: What non-fruit pie do you like most?
Label steak
Speech "
Me too!"
Go to Label done
Label mushroom
Speech "
Yeah, mushrooms are cool"
Go to Label done
Label chicken
Speech "
Who doesn't like chicken?"
Label done
End on room exit
The go to Label done command is to make sure that your answer option won't lead into another