First off some my favorite rooms:
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×L2 1W, which unfortunately is not high scorable. This was one was quite different from most of the other rooms in the hold, and created some interesting roach wave patterns that I hadn't seen before. Maybe a little random, but that really doesn't bother me.
L5 Entrance: Again, random, but fun to play through. I may be in the minority but I prefer seeps to wraithwings any day. Was there an intended solution here? The potions were not necessary, and in fact the invisibility potion, if taken early enough, made the room impossible.
Some (hopefully) constructive criticism for the hold designer:
I would agree with Tanan there were quite a few rooms that were walk throughs. L4 1S 3E just seemed completely pointless to me. Why bother spending the time to build a room that can be beaten so easily without any thought at all? Why put in the tunnels?
My bigger gripe though was the combination of entrance force arrows and no save points. To an optimizer this is tremendously frustrating, as in many cases it requires going back and beating an old room just to be able to enter the new room facing the right direction. A good example is L2 1S. A save point in the entrance would have made life a little easier there. As it turned out direction didn't truly matter there, but still, on first glance it sure seems like it does.
A problem worthy of attack, proves its worth by fighting back."
Paul Erdös