On a windswept plain somewhere in the continental United States, three hooded figures stand around an odd contraption, one tinkering with it.
Does it work?"
The figure by the contraption responds, "
Well, I'm not sure. Avatars still seem to be broken, but oh, wait, I've got it. Didn't configure this properly. And... there we go."
Another of them speaks. "
I wonder, where are we going to put this? Hasn't it been organised?"
Yeah, Matt's on it. Where is Matt?"
The tinkerer replies, "
I'm Matt."
No, the other Matt."
A cellphone rings, and one of them answers it.
It's me, Matt. I'm a bit lost."
crackles out of the mobile phone.
the owner of the phones asks, "
where are you?"
Ummm... London."
After major kinks (losing passwords and inexplicable errors in logging in count as kinks, right?) finally the measly update has been done.
I've done a few things: firstly, and most notably, Stuart's button work has been incorporated into the site, as well as trick's HTML suggestions. That annoying little black bar has disappeared, as well as the two extra backgrounds. The upshot: DROD.net loads at a decent speed now. Hooray!
The other, more minor thing, is that the new DROD FAQ is up. I'm not happy with this and plan to add more answers.
Also, congratulations to Erwin Hatch, Peter King, Chris Marks and Martin Salazard, who have finished DROD since the last update.
On the forum front, the new forum FAQ is up... but only on the new forum. We decided to switch to a new server to take advantage of a new PHP version and faster load times, and we're not ready to port everything over yet. More news as it happens.
My next priority is to get the site ready for DROD:AE. I'm still trying to work out what the overall structure will be, as there's stuff everywhere, but it looks like they'll be a section for the game itself, an info and hints section, a section on the Eighth and a section for architects among the new structure. After that, dealing with the two redundant images and getting the favourite icon fixed. On that note, if anyone can point me towards a freeware icon editor, that would be wonderful.
Speaking of architects... I've been
discussing an idea I've had on the forum tentatively called Architect's Toolbox. This would be written by architects discussing general techniques for building particular types of rooms, the way I'm seeing it. If anyone wants to volunteer, they're more than welcome. I might have to ask Erik if he's got any time to write the inaugural one.
As always, comments, questions, deaththreats and bank account numbers to webmaster@drod.net.
What do you call an elephant at the North Pole?
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