In this game (like many other defense games) you have to fend off waves of enemies from killing you; however, you have no weapons. The only item you have to defend yourself with is a missile deflector, which you have to draw across the screen within the effective circle. If you've ever tried any kind of light & mirror puzzle, you'll have a basic grasp of how the deflector will work, though even with that you may have a difficult time of it. There are four powerups: L (longer line), R (repair base), T (more time for your deflector to deflect), and S (spread shot, which means that when a missile hits your deflector three will be reflected/deflected back).
Some tips:
1. Enemies will have a white circle pop up around them and slightly change shape when they are ready to fire their weapons. Keep this in mind and you'll be ready for them.
2. If you're trying to destroy someone shooting at you, a line near the edge of the circle generally works better than a line near the planet; just don't forget to watch for other shots!
3. Powerups only come from destroyed ships, which means that if you want them you'll have to try and aim for them by angling your deflecting line.
4. If you feel lucky (or you have good aim) you can try bouncing shots off of the shielded ships to hit the un-shielded ones. Be careful though; if the shot hits the shield at a dead-on angle it will come back!
5. If you get the spread shot, you can purposely bounce shots directly at a shielded ship to get more shots going in the same area, since the shots seem to spread indefinitely. Don't forget to watch for enemy fire, though, or it'll all be for naught.
6. My personal rating of the powerups is spread shot, repair, length and time. Spread shot is very useful since most of the enemies only take one shot even in wave 6, meaning that it will cause a lot of damage if you aim well. Repair is obvious (you will most likely get hit at least once in this game, unless your reflexes are top-notch). Length is slightly more useful than time, since it gives you more room for error in drawing, while time is only good if you have a lot of shots coming from the same direction (which really doesn't happen that often). Neither are as helpful as the spread shot, since fewer enemies means less things you need to try to deflect, and the spread shot makes that much easier. Beware, though, for when I've gotten it it seems like the enemies shoot a lot more often, so you really need to be on your toes.
Submitted because I got up to wave 6 before quitting and want to see others suffer the madness.
EDIT: D'oh.
Link here. Also here.
[Last edited by BDR at 01-03-2007 11:32 PM]