You might have read this already. I've been making retroactive posts and generally mucking about with the spacetime continuum. I'm just as confused by it as you are, if not more so.
We are about ready to release DROD: Architect's Edition. It will be at least one week, but probably not three. Who's "
anyway? That's the question that needs to get answered pretty quick. If you worked on beta-testing DROD:AE, you should at least give me your real name so I can include it in the credits. If you don't, I'll just use your forum alias. Also, you are entitled to a splendorous certificate celebrating your contribution. For me to send this to you, I would need your street address, but it's also fine if you'd rather not give it out.
Here's forum aliases of people for whom I have neither name or address:
- billbuckner
- dorus
- gigaleon
- innocuous innominate
- j.l.
- khong
- mathwiz
- mister
- noman
- scott
- sitnaltax
- sokko
- zmann
And here's people that I just want a street address from:
- agaricus
- captainpirate
The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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