Jeff_Ray... wrote:
I must finish level 8 first, and i would like to use it as a way to make it in the Smitemaster Selection. Good thing you seem to like the eighth level pic.
Hmm... You need to read the thread concerning
Smitemasters' Selection again.
You must be the author of at least one hold that was rated 8 or higher at least a month after release [In order to be eligible for SS].
As far as I know, you don't have a hold released that meets that criterion (I don't think you've actually released anything major at all), so it's therefore impossible for you to have anything considered for SS.
If you want i can talk a bit of Roach.
You find Roach in level 2 1w as a guard. Then after passing the blue doors, Roach is released. Roach is entirely made of scripting. You must wonder what it does. It's like an Halph, but it is another graphic and less features. Plus, you can only stand beetween the door edges so you don't bump a wall and let it go off.
Okay. That sounds like an interesting idea, which has some potential for development.
One thing I've noticed is that you seem to be rather enthusiastic about hold-building, but you don't appear to be very focused about how you're going about it. Since you've already failed numerous times to build anything, and although I am very busy, and do not have a great deal of time to spare, I will make you an offer to look through all your ideas so far, in terms of hold fragments, storyline concepts and other things you may have already created in order to help you put together a shell, which you can then proceed to fill.
Hold building is a serious business, however,
which requires a large amount of effort to be put into it even to get a reasonable hold at the end of it - you can't build a hold overnight, like I said. So, I make my offer with this condition attached to it:
If you accept my offer, you must stay focused on this one project alone, and make a reasonable effort to do something with it. If you start another project involving building holds that's not involved in any way with this, I will stop helping you and leave you to your own devices.
Basically, I feel sorry that you seem unable to finish something properly and want to help you (I know what the feeling is like, since I get that problem too). However, I do not have much free time, and don't want to see it wasted, which is why you must stick to one project and it alone in order to finish it, otherwise you'll have wasted any time I spent helping you completely. So, if you're interested, and want to reply, please PM me about it (so I'm not cluttering this thread any more).
Resident Medic/Mycologist
[Last edited by agaricus5 at 11-01-2005 11:28 PM]