Well, I'm reluctant to start up something new to maintain. These days I'm really getting weighed down by all the little subprojects that take up 5 or 50 minutes a month on a recurring basis. And then when thinking about what is ideal for caravelgames.com, it isn't to add extra information to it. That site is oriented towards people that know nothing about the game and have the typical short attention span. Very little reading gets done over there--it is typically just front page ->
screenshots ->
download. And maybe a few sentences and bullet points get picked up along the way. In some places, I actually need to
remove information to make that site more effective. What I am interested in doing on caravelgames.com is making use of good quotes from reviews, and I've recently done that.
Then one might consider having a list of reviews on DROD.net somewhere, but I don't personally want to do that either. There is an ego-stroking side of me that I'm trying to nail shut into a coffin. I figure if I post about a review here then it's interesting and encouraging news for some people. But when I catch myself rereading old reviews and putting them into what amounts to a trophy case, then I'm edging off into a self-indulgence. If somebody else wanted to make an index of reviews, that'd be cool, but I shouldn't do it. Kind of like Gandalf can't carry the Ring.
I didn't mean this to sound negative. I just wanted to explain myself completely.
The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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