I'm rather enjoying this hold - not too difficult on the first couple of levels. I prefer architects who make me think, rather than wearing out my fingers.
Level 1 - 2N2W can be a little tedious - perhaps a crumbly wall in one of the S cagess?
1N2W - clever version of the roach maze
1W - Dances with roaches!
Level 2 - no problems. 2N2E - Whew!
Level 3 - Singing mimics? Do they do harmony?
1S1W - the orb banging mimics get old fast
2W - I don't like timed rooms but this one was fair - made it with a dozen moves to spare.
I agree that 1N1W is a great room.
Level 4
1N needs a checkpoint. It took me several tries to learn how to move, and starting from the beginning was not fun.
1W - very nice imagery.
I'm currently stuck on 2N, and 2N1E - could you give a couple of hints. I rather not skip them.