Update: Coppro is now updating the list in his own topic found
This is a list of everybody who has participated in contests and which contests those were. It is okay to post replies to this topic but note that I will be deleting them after a bit to keep this topic presenting information clearly.
* 00000 (Grand Audition 2)
* Abyzzmal (Unfortunate Architect, Grand Audition, The Secret, Smite to the Death, Grand Audition 2)
* Acidwolf (The Secret)
* Acrobat (The Secret, Room Mosaic)
* Agaricus5 (DROD Haiku Challenge, Eleventh Hour, I Ching, Songs of the Eighth, Least Number of Moves, Dungeons of Snoll, Unfortunate Architect, Grand Audition, Roaches in our Midst, The Secret, Beethro's First Job, 2005 DROD Film Festival, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, Limited Resources, Deflectomundo, Grand Audition 2)
* Al W (Deflectomundo)
* Alneyan (Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.)
* Amourav (The Angry Man)
* Ander (5-Suite Speaking Grounds, War of the Dungeons, 2005 DROD Film Festival)
* Andy101 (Smite to the Death)
* Asmussen (The Secret)
* AtakeeR (Grand Audition)
* Banjooie (Beethro's First Job, Room Mosaic, War of the Dungeons, 2005 DROD Film Festival, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, Limited Resources, The Angry Man, Death to Death, Tiny Jokes, Snakes!, Bluff Me, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Cheap Trick)
* Bdwing (Unfortunate Architect, The Secret, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.)
* Beef Row (Death to Death, Tiny Jokes, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Goblin Talk)
* bflatjeff (Snakes!)
* Bibelot (I Ching, Short/Long, The Secret)
* Bingbing (B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.)
* Birkoff (Room Mosaic)
* Blondbeard (Deflectomundo, Bluff Me)
* Bobpie (Cheap Trick)
* Bombadil (Deflectomundo, Tiny Jokes)
* Bomber50 (Holds al Dente)
* Boyblue (Holds al Dente, Elemental Showcase, Cheap Trick)
* Bradwall (Predict the Future, The Secret, Smite to the Death)
* Brainy (The Truthbringers, Snakes!)
* Briareos (Grand Audition 2, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.)
* Bunches (The Angry Man, Virtual Burning Man, Grand Audition 2)
* buzz70 (B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.)
* captainzakku (Snakes!, Holds al Dente, Grand Audition 2, Beauty over Brains, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.)
* casebier (Interface Change, Bluff Me)
* Chaco (Hermetic Puzzles, Limited Resources, Deflectomundo, Ad-Surd, The Angry Man, Death to Death, Tiny Jokes, Story of You, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Holds al Dente, Grand Audition 2, Beauty over Brains, Interface Change, Goblin Talk, Number 1 Fan, Bluff Me, Elemental Showcase, Cheap Trick, Invisibility)
* chalks (The Secret, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, The Angry Man)
* Cheese Obsessive (Unfortunate Architect)
* Chris (Snakes!)
* ChrisB (The Angry Man)
* christine83 (Grand Audition 2, Number 1 Fan)
* chowyunbrent (The Angry Man)
* Claythro (Grand Audition 2)
* ClaytonW (Master Map of the Eighth, I Ching, Songs of the Eighth, Grand Audition, Roaches in our Midst, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, The Angry Man, Tiny Jokes)
* Conker (The Secret)
* coppro (Hermetic Puzzles, Deflectomundo, The Angry Man, Tiny Jokes, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Holds al Dente, Grand Audition 2, Goblin Talk, Bluff Me, Elemental Showcase, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.)
* Crazy Ivan (Smite to the Death, Hermetic Puzzles)
* Cytrin (Deflectomundo)
* Dali (The Secret, Hermetic Puzzles, Limited Resources, Deflectomundo, The Angry Man, Death to Death, Tiny Jokes, Beauty over Brains *got TCB*, Goblin Talk)
* Daniel Fishman (Cheap Trick)
* darkmatt (Snakes!)
* DelverDom (Smite to the Death)
* Dex Stewart (Interface Change, Elemental Showcase, Bluff Me, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Cheap Trick, Invisibility)
* DGM (Bluff Me, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.)
* DiMono (I Ching, Short/Long, Predict the Future, Grand Audition, The Angry Man, Tiny Jokes, Grand Audition 2)
* django (The Secret, The Truthbringers)
* Doom (Least Number of Moves, Dungeons of Snoll, Trompe Le Monde, Unfortunate Architect, Grand Audition, The Secret, Room Mosaic, War of the Dungeons, 2005 DROD Film Festival, Golden Pie Awards, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, Limited Resources, Deflectomundo, Ad-Surd, Death to Death, Snakes!, Holds al Dente, Elemental Showcase, Cheap Trick)
* Dolan42 (Bluff Me, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Cheap Trick)
* DrDerekDoctors (Grand Audition 2)
* Drgamer (Virtual Burning Man)
* eb0ny (Invisibility)
* egg egg (Grand Audition)
* Elfstone (Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Grand Audition 2, Beauty over Brains)
* eytanz (DROD Haiku Challenge, 5-Suite Speaking Grounds, Least Number of Moves, Predict the Future, Roaches in our Midst, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Deflectomundo, The Angry Man, Tiny Jokes, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man)
* Ezlo (The Angry Man, Tiny Jokes, Story of You, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Holds al Dente, Grand Audition 2, Interface Change, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.)
* Fafnir (Trompe Le Monde, Predict the Future, The Angry Man, Grand Audition 2)
* Farren (The Secret)
* forrestfire (The Truthbringers)
* gamer_extreme_101 (Songs of the Eighth, Tourist, Trompe Le Monde, Grand Audition, The Secret, Beethro's First Job, 2005 DROD Film Festival, Smite to the Death, The Angry Man, Tiny Jokes, Grand Audition 2, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Cheap Trick)
* Gerry (Holds al Dente)
* Geiler Hengst (B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.)
* goldenlion (Beethro's First Job, Snakes!, Goblin Talk)
* Goldfinger, (Cheap Trick)
* Golfrman (Story of You, Snakes!, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.)
* Grumpf (Snakes!)
* HappyMutant (The Secret)
* hellblazerjj (Grand Audition 2)
* hikagi (B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.)
* Hikari (Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man)
* Hix (The Secret)
* Holdmaster (Holds al Dente)
* HopelessAmateur (War of the Dungeons, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers)
* hyperme (Cheap Trick, Invisibility)
* Jacob (Unfortunate Architect, War of the Dungeons, 2005 DROD Film Festival, Smite to the Death, Hermetic Puzzles, Limited Resources, Holds al Dente, Cheap Trick, Invisibility)
* jamesdenem (Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Bluff Me, Elemental Showcase, Cheap Trick)
* Jason (Death to Death, Tiny Jokes, Story of You, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Holds al Dente, Grand Audition 2, Interface Change, Goblin Talk, Number 1 Fan, Bluff Me, Elemental Showcase, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Cheap Trick, Invisibility)
* Jatopian (The Truthbringers, Virtual Burning Man, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Cheap Trick)
* jaxpylon (Snakes!)
* jbluestein (The Angry Man, Death to Death, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Bluff Me, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.)
* JDyer (Dungeons of Snoll, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Cheap Trick)
* Jeff_Ray (Limited Resources, Holds al Dente, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Cheap Trick, Invisibility)
* jemann (B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.)
* jim (Holds al Dente)
* Joker5 (I Ching, Predict the Future)
* Jolima (The Truthbringers, Snakes!)
* jmpava (The Angry Man, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.)
* Jutt (Cheap Trick)
* Karcher (The Angry Man)
* KevG (Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers)
* Kevin (Eleventh Hour, Least Number of Moves, Smite to the Death, Snakes!, Elemental Showcase)
* Kevin_P86 (Holds al Dente, Bluff Me)
* kie (The Truthbringers, Snakes!)
* Koro (5-Suite Speaking Grounds, Short/Long)
* Krammer (Predict the Future, Grand Audition, The Secret, Beethro's First Job, Golden Pie Awards, The Truthbringers, Snakes!, Grand Audition 2)
* Krishh (The Secret, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, The Angry Man, Death to Death, Snakes!, Interface Change)
* Krissan (Holds al Dente)
* Kunzite (Unfortunate Architect)
* kzc (Beethro's First Job)
* Lardarse (Virtual Burning Man)
* larrymurk (The Secret, 2005 DROD Film Festival, Smite to the Death, Snakes!, Cheap Trick)
* LeForce (Grand Audition)
* leroy00 (The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles)
* Leus (Beethro's First Job, Golden Pie Awards, Smite to the Death, The Angry Man)
* Lst6 (Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Holds al Dente, Grand Audition 2, Beauty over Brains, Elemental Showcase, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Cheap Trick)
* maestro8 (The Angry Man)
* Malarame (DROD Haiku Challenge, Smite to the Death)
* Marlowe (Snakes!)
* masonjason (Least Number of Moves, Tourist, Predict the Future, The Angry Man)
* MasterGiga (Beethro's First Job, Room Mosaic)
* Mattcrampy (Master Map of the Eighth, Predict the Future, War of the Dungeons, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, Deflectomundo, The Angry Man, Snakes!, Grand Audition 2, Interface Change)
* Maurog (The Secret, Room Mosaic, War of the Dungeons, The Truthbringers, Deflectomundo, Ad-Surd, The Angry Man, Tiny Jokes, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Interface Change)
* Mazer (Cheap Trick)
* md5i (Smite to the Death)
* MeckMeck GRE (Predict the Future, Grand Audition, Roaches in our Midst, the Secret, Beethro's First Job, 2005 DROD Film Festival, Golden Pie Awards, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, The Angry Man, Beauty over Brains, Interface Change, Bluff Me, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Cheap Trick)
* McFrugal (The Angry Man, Snakes!)
* micah (Grand Audition 2)
* Michthro (Deflectomundo, Death to Death, Snakes!)
* Miketo (Tiny Jokes)
* Mikko (Least Number of Moves, Unfortunate Architect, Hermetic Puzzles, The Angry Man, Snakes!, Cheap Trick)
* Monkey (Cheap Trick)
* Mouse (Beethro's First Job, War of the Dungeons, Smite to the Death, The Angry Man, Tiny Jokes)
* Muffington (Grand Audition 2)
* Muiff (Smite to the Death, Death to Death)
* Myarbro (Deflectomundo)
* Nabla (Snakes!)
* Neathro (Elemental Showcase)
* NekoIncardine (Smite to the Death, Hermetic Puzzles, Limited Resources, Tiny Jokes, Snakes!, Grand Audition 2, Goblin Talk)
* NeonElephant (B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.)
* Niccus (Snakes!)
* Nillo (5-Suite Speaking Grounds, Trompe Le Monde, the Secret, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, Virtual Burning Man)
* NiroZ (Deflectomundo, Ad-Surd, The Angry Man, Death to Death, Tiny Jokes, Story of You, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Holds al Dente, Grand Audition 2, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.)
* NoahT (Short/Long, Grand Audition, Elemental Showcase)
* NobleHelium (The Angry Man, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.)
* nobodybutyours (Snakes!)
* Noma (Bluff Me, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.)
* NyteStorm (Grand Audition 2)
* nyviolet (Grand Audition 2)
* Oneiromancer (Master Map of the Eighth, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers)
* Ostegolectr1c (The Angry Man, Death to Death, Tiny Jokes, Snakes!)
* Patrick Alexander (Grand Audition 2)
* Penumbra (The Secret, Smite to the Death, The Angry Man, Snakes!)
* Philmort (Goblin Talk)
* Phweengee (The Secret, Beethro's First Job, Room Mosaic)
* Pilchard VIII (Death to Death, Tiny Jokes, Story of You, Snakes!)
* Pinnacle (Ad-Surd, The Angry Man, Tiny Jokes, Snakes!, Grand Audition 2, Bluff Me, Cheap Trick)
* plewyli (B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.)
* PoV (Grand Audition 2)
* Ptanzoricis (Holds al Dente, Elemental Showcase, Cheap Trick)
* Ptownkid (Grand Audition)
* RabidChild (Deflectomundo, Snakes!)
* Rabscuttle (Dungeons of Snoll, Trompe Le Monde, Unfortunate Architect, Predict the Future, Roaches in our Midst, War of the Dungeons, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Limited Resources, Deflectomundo, The Angry Man, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Elemental Showcase, Cheap Trick)
* Ravon (The Angry Man, Elemental Showcase)
* Rescator (Grand Audition 2)
* Rheb (Invisibility)
* roach strangler (Elemental Showcase, Cheap Trick)
* robin (The Truthbringers, Limited Resources, Deflectomundo)
* RoboBob3000 (5-Suite Speaking Grounds, Songs of the Eighth, Least Number of Moves, Predict the Future, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, Tiny Jokes, Virtual Burning Man, Grand Audition 2, Bluff Me, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Invisibility)
* rowrow (Predict the Future, Roaches in our Midst, Beethro's First Job)
* RuAdam (The Secret, The Truthbringers)
* RubellaGolda (Smite to the Death)
* Saqqara (Beethro's First Job, Hermetic Puzzles)
* Sarngate (The Truthbringers)
* Schep (The Secret, Room Mosaic, The Truthbringers, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Holds al Dente, Grand Audition 2)
* Schik (Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, The Angry Man, Tiny Jokes, Virtual Burning Man, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.)
* Sebhaque (Tourist)
* Sergenth (Deflectomundo, Snakes!, Holds al Dente)
* SGACreative (Grand Audition 2)
* Sillyman (Bluff Me)
* silver (The Secret, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.)
* Sim (I Ching, Dungeons of Snoll)
* skell (Death to Death)
* Slug (Trompe Le Monde, Unfortunate Architect)
* Snacko (Snakes!)
* Someone Else (Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Limited Resources, Death to Death, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Holds al Dente, Grand Audition 2, *got TCB* Beauty over Brains, Bluff Me, Elemental Showcase, Invisibility)
* Speicus (The Secret)
* Squeekie (The Secret)
* Stefan (Least Number of Moves, Dungeons of Snoll, Unfortunate Architect, The Secret, Room Mosaic, Hermetic Puzzles, Deflectomundo, The Angry Man, Snakes!, Grand Audition 2, Number 1 Fan, Bluff Me)
* Stephen4Louise (Smite to the Death, Snakes!, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Cheap Trick, Invisibility)
* stigant (Grand Audition, The Secret, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, The Angry Man)
* strabo (Predict the Future, Grand Audition)
* StuartK (Smite to the Death)
* Stuwy (Unfortunate Architect)
* svante (Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Deflectomundo)
* swann_88 (Least Number of Moves, The Secret)
* swivel (The Truthbringers, Limited Resources)
* sylia (Grand Audition 2)
* Syril Ram (Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man)
* Tahnan (Hermetic Puzzles, Limited Resources, The Angry Man, Tiny Jokes, Story of You, Snakes!, Holds al Dente, Beauty over Brains, Goblin Talk, Bluff Me, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Cheap Trick)
* Techant (Unfortunate Architect, Grand Audition, Roaches in our Midst, The Secret, Beethro's First Job, Room Mosaic, War of the Dungeons, 2005 DROD Film Festival, Golden Pie Awards, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, Limited Resources, Deflectomundo, Ad-Surd, The Angry Man, Death to Death, Tiny Jokes, Story of You, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Holds al Dente, Grand Audition 2, Beauty over Brains, Interface Change, Goblin Talk, Number 1 Fan, Bluff Me, Elemental Showcase, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M., Cheap Trick, Invisibility)
* Telvayne (The Angry Man)
* The_Fang (B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.)
* The_Red_Hawk (Master Map of the Eighth, The Secret, Room Mosaic, The Truthbringers, Deflectomundo, Ad-Surd, Virtual Burning Man)
* The Spitemaster (Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Death to Death, Holds al Dente)
* TheHammer (The Secret)
* Tim (Short/Long, Unfortunate Architect, Predict the Future, The Secret, War of the Dungeons, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, Deflectomundo, The Angry Man, Tiny Jokes, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, Cheap Trick)
* Timo006 (Snakes!, Holds al Dente)
* tokyokid (Story of You, Snakes!, Holds al Dente, Grand Audition 2, Beauty over Brains, Goblin Talk, Number 1 Fan, Bluff Me, Elemental Showcase, Cheap Trick)
* tonyk (Interface Change, Number 1 Fan)
* Tooth and Nail (Death to Death)
* Trick (5-Suite Speaking Grounds, Beethro's First Job, Smite to the Death, Deflectomundo, Snakes!, Holds al Dente)
* TripleM (Predict the Future, The Secret, Room Mosaic, War of the Dungeons, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, The Angry Man, Snakes!)
* Tscott (DROD Haiku Challenge, Ad-Surd, Tiny Jokes)
* Tuttle (The Angry Man, Death to Death, Tiny Jokes, Snakes!, Virtual Burning Man, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.)
* tyrion (Death to Death, Snakes!)
* UrAvgAzn (Grand Audition 2, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.)
* VIPCOOL (Elemental Showcase, Invisibility)
* vittro (Cheap Trick)
* VortexSurfer (Smite to the Death)
* voyager (Elemental Showcase, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.)
* Vylycyn (Roaches in our Midst, The Secret, Beethro's First Job, Room Mosaic, War of the Dungeons, 2005 DROD Film Festival, Golden Pie Awards, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Hermetic Puzzles, Limited Resources, Deflectomundo, Ad-Surd)
* Wackhead (Short/Long, Trompe Le Monde, Grand Audition, The Secret)
* Wallu (Room Mosaic, Smite to the Death)
* Watcher (I Ching, Short/Long, The Secret, The Truthbringers, Snakes!)
* Whitehelm (The Secret, The Angry Man)
* worm (Smite to the Death)
* Yellow_Mage (Smite to the Death)
* Zaratustra (Hermetic Puzzles)
* zaubberer (Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, Grand Audition 2)
* Zex20913 (Beethro's First Job, The Truthbringers, Snakes!, Grand Audition 2, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.)
* ZMann (Songs of the Eighth, Predict the Future, The Secret)
* Znirk (2005 DROD Film Festival, Smite to the Death, The Truthbringers, The Angry Man, Snakes!, Grand Audition 2, Bluff Me, B.A.C.K.R.O.N.Y.M.)
* zoombini (The Angry Man)
* Zophos (Cheap Trick)
* zZah (The Truthbringers)
* Zzyzx (5-Suite Speaking Grounds)
The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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[Last edited by ErikH2000 at 10-13-2007 02:20 AM]