The automatically saved victory demos are described with variations on "
The player kills some number of monsters. Then he leaves."
This refers to "
the player"
as "
, which isn't always correct. It could be fixed three ways, one easy, one medium, one hard (but cool).
The Easy Way: Just change "
Then he leaves."
to "
Then they leave."
. "
The player"
is absolutely a case where unknown singular they is a reasonable choice.
The Medium Way: Add a new option to set the player's pronouns. He/She/They at a minimum, it'd be nice to support arbitrary neopronouns as well.
The Hard Way: Instead of referring to "
the player"
, refer to the character being played. Honestly it's probably not so much "
as "
, since you'd have to figure out the proper way to refer to every player role, and there's still the issue of customized player roles. But it'd be pretty neat!
636th Trapdoor Replacer
Official Hold Progress:
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King Dugan's Dungeon 2.0 - Mastered+
Journey to Rooted Hold - Mastered+
The City Beneath - Conquered, 55%
Gunthro and the Epic Blunder - Mastered+
The Second Sky - Conquered 40%
Smitemastery 101 - Mastered
Master Locks - Mastered
Devilishy Dangerous Dungeons of Doom - Mastered
Suit Pursuit - Conquered, 37%
Finding the First Truth - Conquered, 18%
[Last edited by Keiya at 03-07-2021 03:02 AM]