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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Holds : TSS Elements Showcase (Basics for Beginners)
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4.4/10 (15 votes)
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Author Name:azb
Submitted By:azb
Hold Name:TSS Elements Showcase
Theme:Basics for Beginners
Author's Difficulty:
Number of Levels:4
Number of Rooms:28
Number of Monsters:168
Version:DROD: The Second Sky (5.0)
High Scores:View High Scores
Hold Karma:0 (+0 / -0)
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Level: Legendary Smitemaster
Rank Points: 8
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File: TSS Elements Showcase v19.hold (16 KB)
Downloaded 610 times.
License: Other
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icon TSS Elements Showcase  
Here's a nice hold for TSS newbies, but it requires prior knowledge from other DROD games sometimes.
08-24-2014 at 10:19 PM
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icon Re: TSS Elements Showcase (+1)  
Bombs blow up in a 7x7 square, not 5x5 as indicated on the scroll.
08-25-2014 at 01:55 AM
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icon Re: TSS Elements Showcase (+1)  
For a tutorial hold, the elements tend to be explained pretty well. There are some inaccuracies and also some obtuse explanations (e.g. the rattlesnake explanation with floor spikes still doesn't make sense to me). Also, some important interactions are missing (e.g. constructs can push powder kegs/mirrors). But it was decent on this level.

The presentation, however, wasn't up to snuff. While the first level is pretty good, the second is where the hold really falls apart. You got lots of unnecessary scripting that could have easily been replaced by orbs and force arrows. The unnecessary scripting just complicates everything and confuses the player.

Everything feels sorta messy. Some more care with the aesthetics would have been good. There's also a lack of checkpoints in the entire hold.

2W on the second level, has an unintended solution that make the element being taught obsolete. Interestingly enough, this (along with some of the stuff above) was reported in the Architecture thread by me. For some reason, it wasn't changed, and ultimately, we're left with a completely broken room. Which makes this hold a little harder for me to like.

I give this 4 overall, and 3 brains for difficulty.

[Last edited by bomber50 at 08-25-2014 02:39 AM]
08-25-2014 at 02:37 AM
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icon Re: TSS Elements Showcase (+1)  
I agree with much of what bomber50 says above. I felt a lot of what was often confusingly explained in a scroll could and should have been better demonstrated by 'showing'. And then there are cases where a newbie is pretty much left on their own to work out a tricky concept. Also, too much depends on the player actually doing what is written, when in reality you can circumvent the point of the room pretty easily and accidentally 'cheat'. (Also: checkpoints please!)

On the other hand, it's nice to see an effort being made to explain new elements to new players. It is pretty hard to cram in so many elements into a small tutorial. Maybe a series of small holds, each explaining a few elements would have been better.
08-25-2014 at 02:34 PM
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icon Re: TSS Elements Showcase (0)  
I found this a useful little hold. While I had to experiment a bit (temporal split points) I feel it covered the new elements in a concise way.

Am struck on TSS and so trying other DROD 5 holds, and unable to find info on the TSS elements on the forums or help I found this gave me enough info to be able progress.

I recommend this to TSS newbies, but bear in mind the other comments :thumbsup
12-05-2014 at 06:56 AM
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Level: Delver
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icon Re: TSS Elements Showcase (+1)  
I understand you so much!

I hope someone will create a new Advanced Concepts hold with TSS elements. Advanced Concepts and Advanced Concepts 2 for TCB were and are priceless.
JoMax wrote:
I found this a useful little hold. While I had to experiment a bit (temporal split points) I feel it covered the new elements in a concise way.

Am struck on TSS and so trying other DROD 5 holds, and unable to find info on the TSS elements on the forums or help I found this gave me enough info to be able progress.

I recommend this to TSS newbies, but bear in mind the other comments :thumbsup
12-05-2014 at 08:07 PM
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