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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Bugs : Some imperative pushable options result in unexpected invulnerability and pushability
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File: ZZ Pushable Test.hold (1.1 KB)
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icon Some imperative pushable options result in unexpected invulnerability and pushability (+5)  
Build 6046 on Windows.

The attached hold has five characters which look like brains, all with identical scripts (basically "Wait for someone to push me") but five different pushable imperatives. From left to right:
1) not mentioned in script
2) default pushable behaviour
3) pushable by body
4) pushable by weapon
5) pushable by both

Expected effective pushability:
1) pushable by weapon
2) pushable by weapon
3) pushable by body
4) pushable by weapon
5) pushable by both
All) Script triggers on successful push, not on failure
All) Not vulnerable to flat pickaxe surface, vulnerable to points

Actual results, unexpected ones highlighted:
1) pushable by weapon, script does not trigger, vulnerable to points
2) pushable by weapon, script does not trigger, vulnerable to points
3) pushable by both, script triggers on both, vulnerable to points
4) pushable by weapon, script triggers on weapon, not vulnerable to points
5) pushable by both, script triggers on both, not vulnerable to points

In other words:
a) Without a specific pushable imperative the "Wait for someone to push me" test is never met.
b) "Pushable by body" seems to actually be "pushable by both".
c) "Pushable by weapon" and "Pushable by both" cause invulnerability to the pickaxe.

[Last edited by Tuttle at 07-21-2014 01:34 PM : Added version info]
07-21-2014 at 12:42 PM
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icon Re: Some imperative pushable options result in unexpected invulnerability and pushability (+1)  
Alright it seems there is some misunderstanding here - Imperative Pushable by Body was always intended to mean that the character is pushable by Body AND regular weapon pushbacks. In fact the only way to prevent the stick and company from pushing a character is to use "Not pushable".

So, to reiterate:
- Not Pushable makes character completely invulnerable to pushing.
- Pushable by Weapon makes character pushable by all types of weapons except dagger. If a character is NOT pushable by body then dagger won't help you here. Also this makes the character invulnerable to all weapons (but explosions, spikes and firetraps still kill it).
- Pushable by Body makes character pushable by the body of the player (and only of the player) similar to how mirrors and kegs can be pushed. Of monsters only constructs can push these. Characters with identity construct or any human identity can push them (so if a given type can push mirrors it should also be able to push a character with imperative Pushable by Body). Such a character can still be pushed by staff and other weapons which are natural pushers.
- Pushable by Both combines the two above options.
- Default pushable acts as if you had never changed the pushability.

That's how it works in 5.0.2.

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05-24-2015 at 10:19 PM
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icon Re: Some imperative pushable options result in unexpected invulnerability and pushability (+1)  
Also fixed an issue with Wait for someone to push me - now it reacts correctly. And fixed a bug I introduced which made some commands after being stunned be delayed by one extra turn.

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05-24-2015 at 11:11 PM
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icon Re: Some imperative pushable options result in unexpected invulnerability and pushability (+1)  
More information abotu how pushable by body is supposed to work in this post.

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07-24-2015 at 03:38 PM
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icon Re: Some imperative pushable options result in unexpected invulnerability and pushability (+1)  
This appears to be working correctly in Build :thumbsup

Unfortunately, a new bug sees to have been introduced that removes the "light-stun" graphic that shows up on an object the turn after a "heavy-stun". This light stun will still appear if the push directly resulted in it, e.g. you pushed it into a wall, but the turn after a successful push the object will be stunned for a second turn but will not show any swirl above their head. :no

In sort of related news, the "wait for someone to push me" command triggers correctly but if the push resulted in stunning the object, any following commands will not execute until the object recovers, which I guess is technically correct. Just thought that was interesting.
11-07-2015 at 03:53 PM
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icon Re: Some imperative pushable options result in unexpected invulnerability and pushability (+1)  
kieranmillar wrote:
Unfortunately, a new bug sees to have been introduced that removes the "light-stun" graphic that shows up on an object the turn after a "heavy-stun". This light stun will still appear if the push directly resulted in it, e.g. you pushed it into a wall, but the turn after a successful push the object will be stunned for a second turn but will not show any swirl above their head. :no
As we established in chat it seems it has worked like that always :). Check out this Alex Diener's video, 0:52 - 0:55.

kieranmillar wrote: In sort of related news, the "wait for someone to push me" command triggers correctly but if the push resulted in stunning the object, any following commands will not execute until the object recovers, which I guess is technically correct. Just thought that was interesting.
Yep, that's how it must work - a stunned entity does not act, and for characters acting=running the script, so when a character is stunned their script just can't physically run.

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11-08-2015 at 12:46 PM
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