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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Feature Requests : Map: Hotkey and Click (wherein I bitch yet again)
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icon Map: Hotkey and Click (0)  
1) You cannot enter the minimap when there is not an unexplored segment within range to click on, which is awful (KDD 13 comes to mind). There should be a hotkey to enter the map, and you should also be able to enter the map by clicking the border of the square (or some button or region).

EDIT: nevermind! I now see you can bring up the map by clicking the same room you're in. Is that new? :P

2) When looking at a room remotely, it would be very very useful if you could click to examine features (left-click and right-click). To exit the view, you could just click outside the room display.


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[Last edited by Trickster at 09-06-2011 07:07 PM : whoops]
09-06-2011 at 07:03 PM
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icon Re: Map: Hotkey and Click (0)  
Sounds like someone's been playing Figure or Ground. :D

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09-06-2011 at 08:57 PM
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icon Re: Map: Hotkey and Click (0)  
Trickster wrote:
EDIT: nevermind! I now see you can bring up the map by clicking the same room you're in. Is that new? :P
It's old, but I had to ask in order to learn about it (possibly in chat, I forget). I wonder if it's documented somewhere.
09-12-2011 at 08:09 AM
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icon Re: Map: Hotkey and Click (+1)  
I didn't know about it until I read Trickster's post. I was always frustrated map-wise in holds where you couldn't get an 'open' edge. But then there seems to be an awful lot I'm clueless about that most everyone else seems to know -- like clicking on clones to switch between them, a feature I only recently stumbled upon. To be fair, I think this mostly shines a light on my poor observation skills and tendency to skim, than on any actual lack of information. However, in this case, once you finally dig up the info in Help for the minimap (and it's a pretty deep dig) all you get are two lines : one about double clicking to get the map, and one on how to dismiss it. As well, since there are no headers on the indexed Help page, it took some scanning to even realize I was in the right area. Gotta say : the Help section isn't really very well organized.
09-12-2011 at 03:29 PM
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icon Re: Map: Hotkey and Click (0)  
I forgot you could click on the map so you're one step ahead of me :)
10-01-2011 at 09:41 AM
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