13th Slayer wrote:
Kwakstur wrote:
Inspired by this topic. Basically, the value of _MyType (or whatever you would like to call it) would correspond to the appearance of the NPC.
I'm also thinking of a parallel variable for the player. In other words, a _PlayerRole var.
Second haved. It is only needed for IF's i think and IF
-PlayerRole Slayer
Would work
With best regards, yours <<subject name here>>
Hello Miss (as <
Subject Name Here>
a.k.a. Chell is most probably a woman),
That could be useful for playtesting. Imagine a hold which consists of many (ten) levels, and in the very beginning you have to choose a player role to be used in all the following hold. When playtesting a room in the last level, instead of playing all the hold again you may F4 _PlayerRole.
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×My DROD progress:
Official holds:
King Dugan’s Dungeon 2.0: Postmastered!
Journey to Rooted Hold: Postmastered!
The City Beneath: Mastered, 1 room left in postmastery area
Gunthro and the Epic Blunder: Mastered, 2 rooms left in postmastery area
The Second Sky: Completed (bad ending), 26% secrets; now playing:
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×Constructs Warehouse 3/More Fluff/Mother of all Roaches; saved Akandia (Empty Space), Tueno (Englos Defense), and Clarbag (Save Our Surfacers!)
Smitemaster’s Selections related to the main plot:
Devilishly Dangerous Dungeons of Doom: Completed, 16% secrets
Suit Pursuit: Mastered
Finding the First Truth: Completed, 18% secrets
Smitemater’s Selections unrelated to the main plot:
Complex Complex: The Complex
Flood Warning: Water Damage
Best quote ever (TSS ending spoiler):
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דThere will be no Turning in the throne room unless I say so!”