Level: Master Delver
Rank Points: 296
Registered: 05-04-2005
IP: Logged
Re: Move to NPC (+3)
Turn Order plays a big part in this.
"Move to NPC" will force the scripted NPC to move to the LOWEST numbered NPC in the room.
Here's an example:
1. You place an NPC in the NW corner. He is considered NPC #1 by the game.
2. You place a second NPC, a Stalwart, in the SW corner and give him the imperative, "Move to NPC". He is considered NPC #2.
3. Now, if everything goes well, ol' Mr. Stalwart will move up to the first guy and kill him. Mr. Stalwart now becomes NPC #1 and will forever after try to move to himself... which means he'll stand still until something about his script logic changes.
The rule for creating an NPC that will never get stuck moving to itself while other NPCs exist is to create this NPC LAST, after all other NPCs have been placed/created/pasted.
Of course, if you don't want certain NPCs to be movement targets, give them a turn order number that is higher than the seeking character.
Check this out -- place NPCs in an empty room in this order.
NPC 1 - A Brain
NPC 2 - A roach
NPC 3 - A Stalwart set to "Move to NPC" and "Deadly" so it will kill others.
NPC 4 - A Wubba set to "Move to NPC"
In this situation, the Stalwart will first chase after the Brain, and then the Roach, and will stop. The Wubba has a higher Turn Order number so it will not be a target, but since it is also set to move to NPC, it will race the Stalwart to the Brain, and then to the Roach. "Move to NPC" will only make the Stawart smart enough to move adjacent to an NPC, never smart enough to know to turn and kill it too.