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icon DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (0)  
Clarifying the question:

Playing TCB, I'm finding that The City Beneath, at times, reuses or appears to re-use (upgraded versions of) styles from Journey To Rooted Hold. The thing is, the music is styles from TCB.

I'm wondering if there is a (legal) way to get the music from JtRH's three styles and add it to the same styles when they come up in TCB, solely for the sake of more music variety. Assume that I own both JtRH and TCB, do not have any hacking tools, and don't have the installers immediately handy.

The secret to using a sword is that you hit people with the sharp end and then they die.
07-03-2007 at 12:38 AM
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icon Re: DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (0)  
It's probably possible, but no one has written/posted the tool yet.

DROD has some really great music.
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07-03-2007 at 03:21 AM
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icon Re: DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (0)  
Considering that you need to exact the songs from the dat file, it isn't legal. As far as I know you need to be given permission to do so.

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07-03-2007 at 03:34 AM
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icon Re: DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (+1)  
We don't want to distribute the music in any form other than embedded in the files that are included with setup. If someone writes a utility to rip the music out into music files, I'm okay to have the utility (not the music files) posted on the forum as an unofficial tool. The idea is that a DROD player who has already bought the game could use the tool in the privacy of his own computer to get the music files. And that player could continue using those music files on his own computer without distributing them on to other people.

How to write such a utility? Well, you need to do some programming. Your first place to look would be the source code for the DROD engine. In fact, all the answers on how to extract the music files are there.

P.S. Jatopian, I'm sorry, but looking over my e-mails, I don't see any from you. Perhaps, you could resend to I apologize for overlooking the e-mail you sent earlier.


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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07-03-2007 at 03:42 AM
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icon Re: DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (0)  
"If someone writes a utility to rip the music out into music files, I'm okay to have the utility (not the music files) posted on the forum as an unofficial tool. The idea is that a DROD player who has already bought the game could use the tool in the privacy of his own computer to get the music files. "

. . . and if anyone does "write a utility" can I make an earnest request that it is made in such a way as to be useable by numpties like me? (if that is possible). It never occured to me, until reading this thread, that it might be possible to 'move' the music from one version of the game to the other, but if it is I would like to try. Much as I like the TCB music, and especially the movement with the tubular bells, I miss that beautiful singing at the beginning of JtRH and the harpsichord variation which followed it.

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07-03-2007 at 08:48 PM
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icon Re: DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (0)  
Elfstone wrote:
. . . and if anyone does "write a utility" can I make an earnest request that it is made in such a way as to be useable by numpties like me? (if that is possible).
Well, if you just had to point it at the two directories where JtRH and TCB are installed I guess it would be doable - it's just that the program in your case also would have to run on a Mac...

So unless it's written in JAVA or some other language that's more or less OS-agnostic or the developer has a Mac (or knows someone who does) there might be a problem...

np: The Orb - Assassin (Chocolate Hills Of Bohol Mix) (Assassin)

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07-03-2007 at 09:24 PM
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icon Re: DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (0)  
Briareos wrote:
Elfstone wrote:
. . . and if anyone does "write a utility" can I make an earnest request that it is made in such a way as to be useable by numpties like me? (if that is possible).
Well, if you just had to point it at the two directories where JtRH and TCB are installed I guess it would be doable - it's just that the program in your case also would have to run on a Mac...

So unless it's written in JAVA or some other language that's more or less OS-agnostic or the developer has a Mac (or knows someone who does) there might be a problem...

np: The Orb - Assassin (Chocolate Hills Of Bohol Mix) (Assassin)

In theory, if the code in question were done in vanilla C++ and released in source and Windows binary forms, quick production of Linux and Mac binaries would not be a task of exceptional difficulty.

The secret to using a sword is that you hit people with the sharp end and then they die.
07-04-2007 at 12:12 PM
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icon Re: DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (0)  
NekoIncardine wrote:
In theory, if the code in question were done in vanilla C++ and released in source and Windows binary forms, quick production of Linux and Mac binaries would not be a task of exceptional
If it were a command line tool, sure. But userfriendlyness demands a (minimalistic) GUI, and that's probably not so easily portable...

"I'm not anti-anything, I'm anti-everything, it fits better." - Sole
R.I.P. Robert Feldhoff (1962-2009) :(
07-04-2007 at 12:34 PM
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icon Re: DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (0)  
I'm having success with this effort so far. But for modifying drod.ini, how do Game1 / Game2 / Game3 match up with Foundation / Deep Spaces / Iceworks?

Oh, and I intend to use Qt, which should be pretty portable. A bit of effort for whoever compiles things, but I don't know enough Java or have good documentation handy.

EDIT: Found my answer in DROD 2.0 EditScreens.uni. I actually had them in the right order above, it turns out.

[Last edited by schep at 07-05-2007 03:55 AM]
07-05-2007 at 01:36 AM
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icon Re: DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (0)  
I have a Java utility that can extract the files (all files) from the dats. It just needs some cleanup, and a (minimalistic, like the ScriptConv utility) GUI. I'll post it here later today.

I'm not sure if I can be bothered to make it perform some sort of autoconfiguration, though.

07-05-2007 at 06:01 AM
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icon Re: DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (0)  
Stefan wrote:
I have a Java utility that can extract the files (all files) from the dats. It just needs some cleanup, and a (minimalistic, like the ScriptConv utility) GUI. I'll post it here later today.

I'm not sure if I can be bothered to make it perform some sort of autoconfiguration, though.
Foundation is style 1. I believe 2 is Deep Spaces and 3 is Iceworks, but I'm not positive on those two.

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07-05-2007 at 08:58 AM
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File: (60.9 KB)
Downloaded 421 times.
License: Other
icon Re: DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (+15)  
...and here it is: MetaKitExtract.

In addition to the platform-independent .jar file, I've included launchers for Linux/UNIX, Windows and MacOS X. All of them launch the very minimalistic GUI. If you want the CLI version (preferred method, because it is more informative and "responsive" (I haven't bothered to care about Swing threads in the GUI version)), use
java -jar MetaKitExtract.jar
The file you'll be interested in is "data.dat" in the Data directory.

License: GNU GPLv2

Source code included, although it's very messy, because the whole thing is basically a hacked together MetaKit file dumper written mostly from scratch using the file format definition as reference material...

GUI Usage: It should be pretty self-explanatory, but anyway, begin by selecting the .dat, then the output directory and (optionally) restrict which files to extract by size and extension. Then press the Start button.

Command line usage (as output by the program):
   MetaKitExtract - Utility to extract files from DROD databases

 Version 0.01, Copyright (c) 2007 Stefan Michelsson

 MetaKitExtract comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY,
 to the extent permitted by law. For information about
 the terms of redistribution, see the COPYING file.


 Usage: MetaKitExtract [options] <dat-file>

 Searches for and extracts files from the specified .dat file.

 -gui            Start a very minimalistic GUI.
 -o <outdir>     Set directory to put extracted files in. Duplicate
                 files will be prefixed with a '_'. If no -o option
                 is given, the current directory is used.
 -e <extension>  Only extract files with the specified filename
 -s <size>       Only extract files larger than <size> bytes.
 -dump           Print the dat-file contents/structure to standard

To moderators: Note that this tool can extract not just the music files, but also graphics, etc. Feel free to remove it from the forum if you feel this is giving too much away too easily, or something of the sort...


[Last edited by Stefan at 07-08-2007 04:44 PM]
07-05-2007 at 07:56 PM
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icon Re: DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (+1)  
Ummm... your launcher for windows trys to run a "build\MetaKitExtract.jar" and, of course, fails.

Giving it the normal JAR treatment on the command line works, though.

And, uh... could you perhaps replace the oodles of "_" prefixed to file names when a file exists dozens of times with a number, or something like that? (Or maybe even compare the files and check if they're the same...)

I mean, it's all fun and games until someone gets a "________________________________________________________________________________________________________________hugedoor.ogg" out of data.dat (i.e. me)... :D

Oh, and any ideas why it's sitting there since over a minute, chewing up one of my 2 CPU cores (i.e. 50% CPU usage) without reading my DROD2_0.dat from disk?

Or, let me rephrase that - any idea why filemon reports the above file being read from disk byte by byte, without anything happening?

np: The Orb - Ubiquity (Orblivion)

"I'm not anti-anything, I'm anti-everything, it fits better." - Sole
R.I.P. Robert Feldhoff (1962-2009) :(

[Last edited by Briareos at 07-05-2007 08:21 PM]
07-05-2007 at 08:14 PM
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icon Re: DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (+2)  
Briareos wrote:
Ummm... your launcher for windows trys to run a "build\MetaKitExtract.jar" and, of course, fails.
Er, wops!? Yeah, I haven't tested it in Windows. Fixed now?
And, uh... could you perhaps replace the oodles of "_" prefixed to file names when a file exists dozens of times with a number, or something like that? (Or maybe even compare the files and check if they're the same...)
Yeah, I was just being lazy again. I'll make it output to ?_filename.

07-05-2007 at 08:21 PM
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icon Re: DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (0)  
So which music tracks go with which styles?

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07-05-2007 at 08:22 PM
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icon Re: DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (0)  
Fixed the filename renaming issue.
Briareos wrote:
Oh, and any ideas why it's sitting there since over a minute, chewing up one of my 2 CPU cores (i.e. 50% CPU usage) without reading my DROD2_0.dat from disk?

Or, let me rephrase that - any idea why filemon reports the above file being read from disk byte by byte, without anything happening?
Yes. In short, because the whole thing is an ugly hack. If there are lots of files in the .dat (many rows in the database), the utility will reread a lot of the file for every new row of data. So, you should be seeing the program going rather quickly in the beginning and then increasingly slower as it gets near the end. I'll try to figure something out to fix this (which whould require a rewrite of some key parts of the code), but my current recommendation is: Use the original data.dat, if possible.

Also, it is using, so the reads aren't buffered...

Edit: Oh, wait, I think I misread. Drod2_0.dat doesn't contain any data, so nothing should happen (wrt file outputting). The entire file is still "parsed", though. Run the CLI with -dump to see some stuff happening... :) (The utility was originally created to make "dumps" of the database contents. I only recently revamped it to extract files...


[Last edited by Stefan at 07-05-2007 08:49 PM]
07-05-2007 at 08:37 PM
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icon Re: DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (+3)  
Pinnacle wrote:
So which music tracks go with which styles?
Quick instructions:
1. First, run the utility on the original data.dat with the options -e ogg -s 500000 (or put "ogg" in the extension field and "500000 " in the size field (without the quotes!)) to get all the JtRH music.

The relevant section in the JtRH drod.ini is:
Finale=Smaller Plans.ogg
Game1Ambient=Sneaking around the docks.ogg
Game1Attack=WithoutFear.ogg;Ancient Machine I.ogg
Game1Puzzle=After Paraguay.ogg;Brood.ogg
Game2Ambient=Carve it Deep.ogg
Game2Attack=In My Skin.ogg;Far Enough.ogg
Game2Puzzle=Uncovered.ogg;Last Gameshow.ogg
Game3Ambient=Leave Everything.ogg
Game3Attack=Ive Been Here.ogg;The Steady Smite.ogg
Game3Puzzle=The Reward.ogg;Larger View.ogg
As AlefBet said, 1 is Foundation, 2 is Deep Spaces and 3 is Iceworks.

2. Copy those files (or the files you want; note that Construction.ogg and Busride.ogg are identical in both versions) to the right location (usually "<DROD install directory>/Data/Music"; I'm not sure, but it may be possible to override this location with an environment variable).

3. Close DROD if it's running and modify the TCB drod.ini "Songs"-section to your liking. The following example makes DROD play the JtRH style music when playing in one of the old styles. It also adds the JtRH title music as an alternate title music track.
AbovegroundAmbient=above ambient.ogg
AbovegroundAttack=above aggr 1.ogg;above aggr 2.ogg
AbovegroundExit=above win.ogg
AbovegroundPuzzle=above cont 1.ogg;above cont 2.ogg
CityAmbient=city ambient.ogg
CityAttack=city aggr 1.ogg;city aggr 2.ogg
CityExit=city win level.ogg
CityPuzzle=city cont 1.ogg;city cont 2.ogg
Deep SpacesAmbient=Carve it Deep.ogg
Deep SpacesAttack=In My Skin.ogg;Far Enough.ogg
Deep SpacesExit=Devious.ogg
Deep SpacesPuzzle=Uncovered.ogg;Last Gameshow.ogg
Finale=win game.ogg
FortressAmbient=fortress ambient.ogg
FortressAttack=fortress aggr 1.ogg;fortress aggr 2.ogg
FortressExit=fortress win.ogg
FortressPuzzle=fortress cont 1.ogg;fortress cont 2.ogg
FoundationAmbient=Sneaking around the docks.ogg
FoundationAttack=WithoutFear.ogg;Ancient Machine I.ogg
FoundationPuzzle=After Paraguay.ogg;Brood.ogg
IceworksAmbient=Leave Everything.ogg
IceworksAttack=Ive Been Here.ogg;The Steady Smite.ogg
IceworksPuzzle=The Reward.ogg;Larger View.ogg
4. That's it! You should now have the old JtRH songs playing in your TCB install.

Also note that you can just as well do the reverse - Run the utility on drod3_0.dat, copy the TCB music files to the Data/Music folder and modify the drod.ini to get TCB music playing in JtRH!

07-06-2007 at 12:00 AM
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icon Re: DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (0)  
Hmmm. On my Debian Linux machine, trying to java that gives me a complaint about not finding But I notice I have a /usr/lib/kaffe/pthreads/jre/lib/i386/, and replacing 'java' with 'kaffe' gets it running.

But then when I try to extract the music from my drod.dat (either in /usr/local/games/drod-jtrh/ or $HOME/.caravel/drod-2_0/), it works the CPU for a few seconds, then stops and prints 'Extracting "TitleErikMix.ogg"...' on stdout and 'Statur: Error occured!' [sic] in the GUI. Nothing's in the requested output directory.

Guess it's back to my own attempt. (An attempt which I probably wouldn't have started without a Metakit API in my language of choice, yeek.)
07-06-2007 at 01:32 AM
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icon Re: DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (0)  
What about alternate Credits & Finale music?

DROD has some really great music.
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07-06-2007 at 03:07 AM
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icon Re: DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (0)  
I can't find "above win.ogg". :( I'm using Windows X64, if that makes a difference. I did a search, and I couldn't find anything. I gave the search about 20 minutes, and... nothing. :~( And that's a no-go in my book, because I really wanted to put that in JTRH. :smile I did a search for OGG files with minimum set to 0 bytes, so the extraction program must've let something slip. And that ain't good. ;)

07-06-2007 at 03:17 AM
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icon Re: DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (+2)  
schep wrote:
Hmmm. On my Debian Linux machine, trying to java that gives me a complaint about not finding But I notice I have a /usr/lib/kaffe/pthreads/jre/lib/i386/, and replacing 'java' with 'kaffe' gets it running.
I have had/have similar problems with Kaffe (with any Java GUI, not just this one). I'd recommend the Sun JDK/JRE (I'm using the Sun JDK 1.4), but I understand if you don't want to use that.
But then when I try to extract the music from my drod.dat (either in /usr/local/games/drod-jtrh/ or $HOME/.caravel/drod-2_0/), it works the CPU for a few seconds, then stops and prints 'Extracting "TitleErikMix.ogg"...' on stdout and 'Statur: Error occured!' [sic] in the GUI. Nothing's in the requested output directory.
Does the same thing happen when you try to run it without the GUI? Does the output directory exist and is it writable? The "Error occured" indicates that an exception has been thrown, but the GUI doesn't show the details of those. Running the CLI version should get a stack trace.

I'll fix the typo when I get home.
Guess it's back to my own attempt. (An attempt which I probably wouldn't have started without a Metakit API in my language of choice, yeek.)
I would have used a Metakit Java API if such a thing existed...

Anyway, it's probably a good thing to have multiple programs to choose from. However, I'd prefer it if you didn't make it use QT. I don't really want to install that just to get it to run (not that I really need to, since I have my own utility). That's just my opinion, though, and you're free to ignore it.
Jatopian wrote:
What about alternate Credits & Finale music?
Well, you could always add/replace those if you want. In the TCB drod.ini:
Finale=win game.ogg;Smaller Plans.ogg
Monkey wrote:
I can't find "above win.ogg". :( I'm using Windows X64, if that makes a difference. I did a search, and I couldn't find anything. I gave the search about 20 minutes, and... nothing. :~( And that's a no-go in my book, because I really wanted to put that in JTRH. :smile I did a search for OGG files with minimum set to 0 bytes, so the extraction program must've let something slip. And that ain't good. ;)
Are you searching in (the original) drod3_0.dat or data.dat? The TCB data.dat doesn't contain the included Caravel media (it only has media for imported holds), so you should search in drod3_0.dat.


[Last edited by Stefan at 07-06-2007 03:29 PM]
07-06-2007 at 12:17 PM
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icon Re: DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (0)  
It was "data.dat". Kinda interesting, because I found 1085 files in there. It's all fun and games until someone looks in "data.dat" and finds 1000+ OGG files.

Well, guess it's time to look in "drod3_0.dat". :)
Edit: Whoh! Over 2000 Ogg Vorbis files???


[Last edited by Monkey at 07-06-2007 11:43 PM]
07-06-2007 at 03:27 PM
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icon Re: DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (+2)  
I think it's worth saying:

Remember, these files are copyrighted by Caravel Games. You can't redistribute them or redistribute files derived from them. You can't use these files inside holds (note: Erik may let you use tiles unmodified from the tilesets, but never from the TCB hold. Ask him first), you can't use them in your avatar permission, you can't do anything. You could probably modify them, but only for personal use. No changing, selling, or giving away. Or putting on the Internet.
07-06-2007 at 06:01 PM
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icon Re: DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (0)  
coppro wrote:
I think it's worth saying:

Remember, these files are copyrighted by Caravel Games. You can't redistribute them or redistribute files derived from them. You can't use these files inside holds (note: Erik may let you use tiles unmodified from the tilesets, but never from the TCB hold. Ask him first), you can't use them in your avatar permission, you can't do anything. You could probably modify them, but only for personal use. No changing, selling, or giving away. Or putting on the Internet.
It's definitely worth saying.

Keep any of these files you extract using Stefan's tool on your own computers. If we get people posting our DROD files here or elsewhere (or modified versions of them), then I'll probably want to remove Stefan's cool utility and links to it from the forum.


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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07-06-2007 at 06:18 PM
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Pilchard VIII
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icon Re: DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (0)  
Wow, that is one powerful tool. I've been wanting to do this for a long time.

Serious respect, Stefan.

The DROD Dragon
07-06-2007 at 11:33 PM
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icon Re: DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (+1)  
Stefan wrote:
Does the same thing happen when you try to run it without the GUI?
Aha, running it from the commandline, it works just fine, both with 'java' and 'kaffe'.
Anyway, it's probably a good thing to have multiple programs to choose from. However, I'd prefer it if you didn't make it use QT. I don't really want to install that just to get it to run (not that I really need to, since I have my own utility).
Nah, I probably won't bother at this point, unless other reasons come up. My C++ program (commandline only, no Qt yet) did the trick for me yesterday, but it seems like yours is working for most folks (and the shared library issue seems to be just me and just in -gui mode).
07-07-2007 at 12:49 AM
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icon Re: DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (0)  
Awesome Stefan! Thanks!
07-09-2007 at 05:10 AM
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icon Re: DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (0)  
I just used a slightly modified version of drodutil. It didn't have an extract function until I got to it (now it has a badly written, non-formatted extract function)
07-09-2007 at 05:55 PM
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icon Re: DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (0)  
It is a bit fiddly to get this huge pile of files from the DAT file, but now I have this great music tracks playing while solving even non-DROD related puzzles (a.k.a. work :P )

Stefan, thanks for the tool :thumbsup
07-10-2007 at 09:27 AM
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icon Re: DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (0)  
There is a utility simply called Extractor that does the job very well, there is a link in this forum
Note that it's not Universal Extractor but Extractor that you are looking for.You can only do a limited amount with it unless you "register" though
02-04-2008 at 09:18 PM
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Caravel Forum : Caravel Boards : General : DROD 2 music in DROD 3 (Any (legal) way to do it?)
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