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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Bugs : 2 Inexplicable TCB 3.0.0 crashes
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Level: Smitemaster
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icon 2 Inexplicable TCB 3.0.0 crashes (0)  
I was playing TCB, when for seemingly no reason at all, Windows 98 SE said DROD had done something illegal and would be closed. I lost progress both times, to where I was when I opened DROD (a terrible occurance after just beating the secret rooms in River Dugan). The first crash was in The City, somewhere around the stairs to Homeward Ascent (I forget exactly which room); the second, just after exiting River Dugan: 4S6E. Here're the "details":
DROD caused an invalid page fault in
module <unknown> at 0000:00000024.
EAX=00000022 CS=0167 EIP=00000024 EFLGS=00010293
EBX=07bce9f0 SS=016f ESP=009afb78 EBP=020ff334
ECX=07bce9f0 DS=016f ESI=00000000 FS=39a7
EDX=005ddb84 ES=016f EDI=02581280 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
28 00 39 d0 6f ef 00 f0 6f ef 00 f0 6f ef 00 f0 
Stack dump:
00492a3b 020ff334 020ff334 02581280 00be25b0 07bce9f0 020ff334 02581280 004933eb 00be25b0 639781a7 0213f0b4 0213f00c 02581150 78138884 000156c0 

DROD caused an invalid page fault in
module FMOD.DLL at 0167:1002d121.
EAX=fffe13a7 CS=0167 EIP=1002d121 EFLGS=00010206
EBX=00000000 SS=016f ESP=009afbf0 EBP=78138884
ECX=10047aa0 DS=016f ESI=02a3a800 FS=2477
EDX=02a3a800 ES=016f EDI=00000001 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
38 9e d6 04 00 00 75 2e 38 9e db 04 00 00 75 26 
Stack dump:
02596f60 00c30001 00550dc7 02a3a800 00000001 0151dbd0 0213f00c 00c30001 02596f60 0055ac8b 0213f00c 00c30060 01000001 00000003 bff71350 00000102 
Oh yeah, and nothing from those dates in drod.err.

DROD has some really great music.
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[Last edited by Jatopian at 04-13-2007 12:54 AM : drod.err]
04-13-2007 at 12:42 AM
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Level: Legendary Smitemaster
Rank Points: 5199
Registered: 02-04-2003
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icon Re: 2 Inexplicable TCB 3.0.0 crashes (0)  
Jatopian wrote:
I was playing TCB, when for seemingly no reason at all, Windows 98 SE said DROD had done something illegal and would be closed. I lost progress both times, to where I was when I opened DROD (a terrible occurance after just beating the secret rooms in River Dugan). The first crash was in The City, somewhere around the stairs to Homeward Ascent (I forget exactly which room); the second, just after exiting River Dugan: 4S6E. Here're the "details":
Ugh. Sorry, I don't know how to make use of memory dumps to figure out where the program crashed (also since I've been making many changes to it in the meanwhile). We'll have to treat this symptomatically. If you can observe a pattern in crashing, like it always happens when you press Undo when someone is speaking, for instance, then that's something we might be able to narrow down. Sorry for the trouble.

Edit: Oh, but I can see it looks like DROD tried to dereference a NULL pointer, and the other one probably involves memory given to the sound library to manage. That's all I can figure out, though.

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.

[Last edited by mrimer at 04-24-2007 03:53 AM]
04-24-2007 at 03:51 AM
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