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icon Bluff Me submission thread (0)  
Here is where you compose and post your carefully stated statement. In the secret tag will be a list of all the entrants in the following format.

If you want to check back on the rules or look for ideas, check the announcement topic.

Please use this thread for discussion of the entries, and the announcement topic for discussion of the contest.

Thanks :)

List of Entries
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Ineligible entires
Early TCB download, By Golfrman
Danforth Strout message, By halyavin
Beam me up scotty!, By Dex Stewart

[Last edited by NiroZ at 04-14-2007 06:12 AM]
03-31-2007 at 03:07 PM
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icon Re: Bluff Me submission thread (+1)  
A Bottle of Interest

A label on a bottle of drain cleaner warns: “If you cannot read all directions, cautions and warnings on this bottle, do not use this product."

The reason this warning label exists is because someone sued them that they couldn't read the warning labels.

True. Check out this website for more listings of stupid labels: MLAW You could have found it by searching for "A label on a bottle of drain cleaner warns" in Google. The rest I changed around a bit.

[Last edited by Ezlo at 04-01-2007 04:00 PM]
03-31-2007 at 04:04 PM
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icon Re: Bluff Me submission thread (0)  
I can see Ezlo's entry. Should it be hidden from me?

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.
03-31-2007 at 06:31 PM
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icon Re: Bluff Me submission thread (+1)  
mrimer wrote:
I can see Ezlo's entry. Should it be hidden from me?

From the Contest rules thread:
"This time it won't be a submission thread, which means anyone can see and comment on your statement."

"Meanwhile, from the start of the contest right up to 21-04-2007 05:00, which is in 2 weeks, 6 days, potential voters can grill entrants."

Winner of: Novice Architect Excellence 2006.
FAPCA - Technical Design Excellence in Layout and Aesthetics

03-31-2007 at 06:40 PM
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icon Re: Bluff Me submission thread (0)  
Ezlo, I've kinda erred. You might want to change the unhide date from 14 to 21 :blush

[Last edited by NiroZ at 04-01-2007 12:29 AM]
04-01-2007 at 12:27 AM
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icon Re: Bluff Me submission thread (0)  
Way too much time last month

As of now(Local Time:04-01-2007 at 01:00 AM) 43.576% of my current #1s were gained in the last month.

This should be pretty easy(if tedious) to check, at least until someone beats one of them (act fast, it'll happen soon. ;))
False, it's actually 43.57541899441340782122905027933%(156/358)

edit: added a the title that I forgot before.

"To understand recursion you must first understand recursion."

[Last edited by Dolan42 at 04-12-2007 12:27 AM]
04-01-2007 at 06:14 AM
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icon Re: Bluff Me submission thread (0)  
Forum, Shmorum

There is a post on my forum advertising TCB.

No, I'm not telling you where that is.

True. The post is at

Who, me?

[Last edited by Sillyman at 04-01-2007 06:53 AM]
04-01-2007 at 06:47 AM
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icon Re: Bluff Me submission thread (0)  
If it helps, here's a example

Belgian Biogas

In Belgium, twenty-three public restrooms have been outfitted with equipment that captures elimination biogasses for later use as a fuel source. If the trial is successful, the Belgian government plans to convert 60% of public restrooms to use the new equipment by 2008.
Although Belgium is currently the only country in Europe to publicly announce a biogas collection initiative, several organization, both public and private, are watching with keen interest. It is speculated that if Belgium's biogas campaign is successful, the European Union will draft legislation in support of further deployment. McClean, a private corporation which owns and operates over 700 pay-for-use restroom facilities in Europe, plans to conduct a trial similiar to Belgium's later in 2007, and has expressed the possibility of waiving bathroom use fees for "contributing" customers from which the equipment gathers sufficient methane gas.

No additional Info

I acutally don't know if this one is real or fake, Erik wrote it.

04-01-2007 at 06:52 AM
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MeckMeck GRE
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icon Re: Bluff Me submission thread (+1)  
Light, which is faster than light

Japanese scientist claimed that they accelerated a light beam over the speed of light (c)

They used a special acceleration chamber filled with alcali-metal atoms.

It's true! Look here:,30481.html

[Last edited by MeckMeck GRE at 04-01-2007 11:36 AM]
04-01-2007 at 11:30 AM
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icon Re: Bluff Me submission thread (+1)  
Fermat's Last Theorem (original proof) Discovered

A mathematician in Munich has discovered a much more elegant (and shorter) proof of Fermat's Last Theorem.

The proof still doesn't fit into the margin of a notebook, but it's currently undergoing formal review and should be officially announced within the next six weeks. Although the theorem had recently (and finally) been proven, the existing proof is quite involved and is thus believed to not be the proof Fermat claimed to have discovered. Sadly, the margins of the book he was writing in were too small to contain his proof...

OK, not really. Well, not as far as I know, anyway.

"Rings and knots of joy and grief, all interlaced and locking." --William Buck

[Last edited by jbluestein at 04-01-2007 11:56 AM]
04-01-2007 at 11:56 AM
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icon Re: Bluff Me submission thread (+1)  
My Broken Adventures

Back when I was ten (3 years ago), one day, I was driving with my mom and dad, and we got into a serious car accident. A drunk driver slammed into our car from the front. We were rushed to the ER. I got out with a broken collarbone, two broken wrists, and a broken leg. But, however, the next day, at school, I fell down the stairs in my wheelchair, and broke my other leg.

By the way, this only happend three years ago, so I remember it all. And I still have the casts from my legs. (With tons of signatures).

Nope, 100% false!

04-01-2007 at 03:39 PM
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icon Re: Bluff Me submission thread (+1)  
Longest Month

Due to a recent turn of events, there is no longer a single longest month in the year.

It was only a matter of time something like this would happen.

This is a true statement. The longest month was October since it gained an extra hour due to Daylight Savings Time. But since they have pushed the end of DST to Nov. 4, October isn't the only longest month now.

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04-01-2007 at 10:50 PM
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MeckMeck GRE
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icon Re: Bluff Me submission thread (+1)  
I was the first non-official to download Drod:TCB

I downloaded TCB (Windows,Demo) a few hours before the Illumination appeared

It was a rainy evening in germany when a mad guy with a old bicylce came to our house. He said he was from Delver's witnesses, a kind of special church. He gave me a magazine of them called "Watchtower is spreading TCB demos". Inside there was a very long secret download URL. He proudly uttered "Download and play it and you will be a new blessed person" and left. And so I got TCB-Demo hours earlier than everyone else.

It's correct. The stroy in red is rubbish but I found the URL before the Illumination.

[Last edited by MeckMeck GRE at 04-02-2007 11:55 AM]
04-02-2007 at 09:55 AM
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icon Re: Bluff Me submission thread (+1)  
I Never Did Find Out

Despite being both beta tester and voice actor, I still have yet to see the ending to TCB (as of this writing)

The ending wasn't added until a very late beta build and I was (and still am) on vacation, so I didn't bother downloading the bi-hourly builds released. When it was released, I completely forgot - I'm off to go watch it now. Also, the entry in the "Top Ten Reasons to Buy TCB" was just because Erik told us all what was going in a week or two ago.

Wrong. As soon as the version with the ending was out (on the 29th), I downloaded it. There wasn't a Windows version, so I just copied the data files over. I really wanted to see the ending after Erik has said it was a big surprise.

[Last edited by coppro at 04-14-2007 03:14 AM : Added truth to the end.]
04-02-2007 at 12:48 PM
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Someone Else
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icon Re: Bluff Me submission thread (0)  
Tarluke Mudwrits

Tarluke Mudwrits are the group of people in the eighth who are like tree huggers on earth.

Meaning, they protect the Living Tar and the Awakened Mud. They have opposed Black Doors (meaning that tar is contained and/or completely smited), built the Black Sister Gates, and many have become honorary Tar Technicians and Mud Coordinators. Many people have ignored their claims that Tar and Mud are helping to defend against Briar, probably because it is just about as plausible as 'Global Warming'.

My statement is obviously true, despite the fact that I have no evidence to back it up.

You could discover the true nature of my statement by sending me a PM, because I would have answered you.

[Last edited by Someone Else at 04-02-2007 06:54 PM]
04-02-2007 at 06:21 PM
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icon Re: Bluff Me submission thread (0)  
The Bear Revolution Will Not Be Televised

Grizzly bears are sieging towns in BC's central coast.

British Columbia's heavy logging and development has forced the local grizzly bear population to find new homes. This time, the homes seem to be ones previously owned by humans. It's been described by some as 'siege conditions', and others have said that 'the bears are in control'. It is suggested that all domestic animals be kept inside, as the bears seem to be taking a liking to making snacks of them.

It's true, actually. Was in a local paper on March 31st. I think it was the Vancouver Sun? One of those. It's kinda obvious how you could have found it out, as a matter of fact.
04-03-2007 at 10:25 AM
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icon Re: Bluff Me submission thread (+1)  
And you thought Vogon poetry was bad

You might have known that there is DROD fanfic out there. But did you know that someone was tasteless enough to write a slash (homoerotic) Beethro/Slayer fic?

No, I'm not telling you where to find it.

This is false. At least, as far as I know this is false.

Please, oh dark, unmerciful gods, let it be false. And while you're at it, swallow the soul of anyone depraved enough to take this as incentive to change that.

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04-04-2007 at 09:13 AM
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Away from the Action

While TCB was being released, I was without my computer in a hotel, 3.5 hours away from home.

I read the "Ask stuff about DROD 3.0" post on my phone, and was disapointed. When I got home, I saw the bar at 100%, read the illumination and downloaded the demo.

True. I was horrified to hear I was going to be away on April Fools, knowing that TCB would be released then. But when I got home, I downloaded it immeadiately and I am getting the full version now.

Play my holds?

[Last edited by Jason at 04-04-2007 09:35 AM]
04-04-2007 at 09:34 AM
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icon Re: Bluff Me submission thread (0)  
Hovercraft to Go

The government has recently finished it's testing on a prototype of a hovercraft successfully. They project civilian hovercars to be available in 5 years from now.

Popular Science is a nice way to learn things.

This isn't really true, as those who regularly get Popular Science would realize. But there is a jet that has the ability to stop in midair, which the lie is based on.

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04-05-2007 at 12:59 AM
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icon Re: Bluff Me submission thread (+2)  
So we're supposed to be grilling people on their assertions in this thread as well, I seem to recall. Guess I'll start with tokyokid, as I actually have a question about his tale:

Dude, if you were in a wheelchair with two broken wrists, a broken leg, and a broken collarbone...

Click here to view the secret text


"Rings and knots of joy and grief, all interlaced and locking." --William Buck

[Last edited by jbluestein at 04-05-2007 04:20 PM]
04-05-2007 at 04:20 PM
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icon Re: Bluff Me submission thread (0)  
Early TCB download

The download for TCB was actually put up midday on march 31st, but no announcment was made, so nobody realised it.

Nope, it was put up April 1st :P

Jesus is Lord and Messiah!
04-05-2007 at 06:52 PM
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You need to color that one.
04-05-2007 at 07:15 PM
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icon Re: Bluff Me submission thread (0)  
I have weird taste.

My favorite sandwich is as follows: Take a wrap, put some hummus on it, sprinkle cracked tortilla chips on it, put some Genoa Salami and cheddar cheese on, wrap it up and your done.

It's quite heavy, but it's very good. As far as I can tell, no one else has ever tried it.

Yeah, I do like that sandwhich, and it is my favorite.

[Last edited by Ezlo at 04-14-2007 03:16 AM]
04-05-2007 at 07:39 PM
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icon Re: Bluff Me submission thread (0)  
golfrman wrote:
Early TCB download

The download for TCB was actually put up midday on march 31st, but no announcment was made, so nobody realised it.
All I know is that there was a download available and announced, but not linked to, while the bar still read 99.75%. ;)

Who, me?
04-05-2007 at 08:34 PM
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icon Re: Bluff Me submission thread (0)  
jbluestein wrote:
So we're supposed to be grilling people on their assertions in this thread as well, I seem to recall. Guess I'll start with tokyokid, as I actually have a question about his tale:

Dude, if you were in a wheelchair with two broken wrists, a broken leg, and a broken collarbone...

Click here to view the secret text
Well, you see,
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by tokyokid at 04-05-2007 08:48 PM]
04-05-2007 at 08:47 PM
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icon Re: Bluff Me submission thread (+1)  
tokyokid wrote:
jbluestein wrote:
So we're supposed to be grilling people on their assertions in this thread as well, I seem to recall. Guess I'll start with tokyokid, as I actually have a question about his tale:

Dude, if you were in a wheelchair with two broken wrists, a broken leg, and a broken collarbone...

Click here to view the secret text
Well, you see,
Click here to view the secret text

See, that's when you hit the Backspace key.

"Rings and knots of joy and grief, all interlaced and locking." --William Buck
04-06-2007 at 01:11 AM
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icon Re: Bluff Me submission thread (0)  
Tastiest part of the rabbit

A Swiss chocolate manufacturer has introduced a new product: Hollow chocolate easter bunny ears. No bunny, just the ears.

It seems that many chocolate bunny buyers not only eat the ears first but also like them best.

True, and I bought one and took pictures to prove it.
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Znirk at 04-11-2007 12:55 AM : Unhidetime section added. Sorry, I just noticed I'd forgotten. Blue and red texts are unchanged.]
04-06-2007 at 08:12 PM
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icon Re: Bluff Me submission thread (0)  
Does Beethro watch Battlestar Galactica?

Mr. Budkin has been overheard using expletives from the popular series Battlestar Galactica.

A bizarre dimensional leak, similar to the one that leaked the song "Watchtower" during this year's season finale, has added the word "frak" to Beethro Budkin's vocabulary.

This statement is true. Had you found the secret room in Quest for Knowledge, you would have overheard Beethro say, "frakking," a 'profanity' invented by the creators of BSG. However, it is probably due to the word being adopted into English slang and the developers scripting it in, rather than, as suggested above, a dimensional leak.

[Last edited by noma at 04-08-2007 05:07 AM]
04-07-2007 at 07:44 PM
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icon Re: Bluff Me submission thread (0)  
Danforth Strout message.
If you finish TCB hold you can get this message:
"I see you finished The City Beneath and became an addictive DRODer. So I suggest you 2 pills: blue one returns you to the real world, red one binds you to the game forever. Which pill you choose?"
Blue pill variant: "Ok. But don't forget to run DROD later!"
Red pill variant: "You can add new levels to The City Beneath. Just change one bit somewhere in the beginning of the drod3_0.dat file to enable secret account of The Caravel Team. Then choose it at login screen and press "Build Levels". Hundrens of DRODers already diging out new dungeons here. Let us make The City Beneath hold infinite!"

Fortunately, you can't post changed hold due to copyright. I am afraid to see the 100Mb hold created by all architects in this forum.
04-08-2007 at 05:47 AM
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icon Re: Bluff Me submission thread (0)  
noma wrote:
Does Beethro watch Battlestar Galactica?

Mr. Budkin has been overheard using expletives from the popular series Battlestar Galactica.

A bizarre dimensional leak, similar to the one that leaked the song "Watchtower" during this year's season finale, has added the word "frak" to Beethro Budkin's vocabulary.

This message will be revealed in negative 909 weeks, 5 days.

Beethro actually does say "I'm fracking a-maze-ing" in one of the secret rooms in the TCB demo.

My gaming blog is at

[Last edited by DGM at 04-08-2007 06:06 AM]
04-08-2007 at 06:04 AM
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