Jeff_Ray... wrote:
Alright, so I have a big problem. Well, just like other problems I have, even with hints from people, I can't seem to fix my problems. So, here it is:
Just like many people, I have trouble with projects. From what I read, people say to focus on one project. But maybe I'm just too creative, but I just need help. What tricks must I use to focus on the 'One Project' roach?
Tell me if it's in the wrong place.
Well you could always try H&S

Anyway, the reason people suggest that you focus on 1 project is because otherwise you become tied down managing multiple holds at once. I would suggest that, whist focusing on the one hold, use each project idea to incorporate another aspect of it. In other words, bunch all your ideas together, or if that's not possible, write then down for further reference.
I actually know how you feel. I once went through a stage where I would think up a story idea, write the first chapter, then get bored of it and start a new story. One way of managing this is to, as tokyokid said, make short holds.
Another way to fight this is to make the start of a hold and the end of the hold, then go back and do the middle. Then, once you get bored, you could just cut out what you have yet to complete in the middle, polish it up and release it.
EDIT: woot, 444
[Last edited by NiroZ at 02-18-2007 12:51 AM]