Level: Smiter

Rank Points: 385
Registered: 05-05-2006
IP: Logged
Re: A Delete Room *button* (0)
On the bright side, I still have one room of it, and I also can remember exactly what another was (because it was a really small puzzle involving goblins).
The room that I still have is actually on the Architecture board. I was trying to make hard puzzles, and I decided to make one involving invisibility, and unkillable roaches next to tunnels.
When I make another version, I'll at least have some of it still there.
I just am disappointed, though. I have a really short attention span. I'm lucky when I can finish making a puzzle, because the tedium involved in making/testing some types of puzzles makes me want to give up and work on making a room for another concept in my mind. You see, I have all these ideas, but it takes me forever to stick with one and finish a room.
You should see my list of unfinished SubTerra levels. Because I'm such a pack rat, it's way too hard to find the levels I actually did finish making, because those 15 levels are buried among 85 that don't even have a start point!
Also known as ExpHP everywhere else.