The force arrows at the entrance to rooms in level four are nothing but an annoyance, as all they do is force the player to restore if he steps into the room with his sword pointing the wrong way. In fact, I'm going to be controversial and say that force arrows shouldn't be allowed at the entrance to *any* room. Even the ones on level 25 of KDD were a nuisance. Umm.. so there!
Level 4 1N1E. I think you need to make the player do a bit more work. After clearing the tar, even being inefficient, you are waiting at least 50 moves before the yellow door opens.
2S2E. I killed the roaches but couldn't reach the door before the mimic struck the orb.
Click here to view the secret text
×I had to leave and re-enter the room to get through. Is that intentional?
Level 5 1N1W, a checkpoint or two wouldn't go amiss in this one, for me anyway. I like it, though I haven't beaten it yet. (I have now)
Level 5 1S1W (great room btw) If you complete the room and exit north, you can't reach 1S.
The blue door hasn't dropped. Is 1E or whatever is beyond there marked as required?
It makes it much easier to test and report problems if the hold is anyone edit.
[Last edited by bandit1200 at 08-01-2006 09:54 PM]