Caravel Games
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Life in the Basement (February 5, 2006)

No one can ever be caught up with their workload, I've learned. Why, my first sentence of this article was supposed to start off with "There. I'm finally caught up with everything that I've gained permission to put up", but I just remembered two of Doom's mods and leroy00's Toscany mod that have to go up still. Sorry, guys. Next time, I promise!

But this update is a biggie. First of all, Wesley Chua's back in the reigns, and he single handedly put up the majority of the Fan Art section, and has given us a brand-new article on How Much You Should Pay a Smitemaster, which all of the canon hunters will be interested in.

Martin Jacobson, better known to all of you as Watcher, has finally finished his article! Be sure to check out "On the (Ab)Use of Tarstuff". If you even remotely thought that you knew everything there is to know about Tar and Mud, I can guarantee that you have nothing compared to Watcher. This guy had fighting the substances down to a math formula.

You'll notice a few more contest summaries are up, along with February's contest rules. We now have dedicated sections along with one or two mods in AE GeneralTiles,AE Styles, JtRH Styles, and JtRH Clocks, all of which have a nice little picture to give you an idea of them before downloading. And yes, that DRODIS one took a while.

But it doesn't stop there! Well, it does for today, but we have at least six articles sitting around that are extremely close to publishing. What better way to start off a month than which a blizzard of new content?

And, as always, feel free to let us know how the site's coming along. Feedback, whether it be good or bad, is always welcome here.
