Level: Smitemaster

Rank Points: 2708
Registered: 02-05-2003
IP: Logged
The Tomb of Nomb (revised edition) (0)
I was going to sleep - but I just couldn't resist having my 500th post be the first hold posted on the new forum. So, here, finally, is the fixed version of my hold - the Tomb of Nomb.
The most important change now is that I've given up on expanding this hold - It's had so many troubles and re-do's that I've had enough of it, and want to start fresh with my other ideas. So, I joined all the levels together to make one big level. It includes the rooms in my old nameless hold, as well as the mimic rooms that were in the first edition of the Tomb of Nomb, and a few new rooms. I've left editing rights on so that people who just want to play the new rooms can do so.
Anyway, other than fixing bugs I won't be doing anything new to this hold - but I'm still interested to know what people thought about it. Also, for those involved in collecting holds for collaboration, feel free to use this hold.
Edit - This version has been made obsolete by the special DVD edition. Find it in its own thread!
[Edited by eytanz on 10-22-2003 at 04:24 AM GMT]
I got my avatar back! Yay!