I was wandering through the FAQ today, and I found a bunch of things that were probably true at one point, but are no longer.
-If you need help on a room, you can use CaravelNet's Hints and Solutions system. It will show you a map of rooms you've already visited and you can choose the one for which you want help. Then existing messages from other other players for that room will be shown. If none of the messages apply to you, you can post a new question about the room. The people on CaravelNet are a friendly group and it isn't hard to get a few hints to help you along."
This is usable without CaravelNet, even though it has less awesome involved.
-You can download over 4,000 player-created rooms..."
This seems outdated. How many rooms are there now?
-You can make your own level collections with the editor and publish them on CaravelNet."
You can do all of this without CaravelNet, and people with CaravelNet can download your stuffs regardless.
Upcoming: Master Locks and Smitemastery 101"
This SS has already been released like a year ago.
If I subscribe now, will I get access to all of the holds previously released?"
This whole section is totally wrong. You have to pay for SS's now, but I don't know as to whether you need CaravelNet or not.
You probably have an older version of DROD:Journey to Rooted Hold. Find the latest version (currently 2.0.12) here."
Version is outdated. Also, there are numerous references to Journey to Rooted Hold that should probably be changed to The City Beneath.
Another limitation of the Holds system is that a hold must be rated at least once before it gets published on CaravelNet."
Is this still true? I don't know.
A hold author will update a hold when he or she find unintended solution..."
Now this is just plain wrong. As a bonus, grammatical error!
Those were all the errors that weren't simply grammar or spelling that I could find. I'm not sure who can use this data for updating, but I promise I would love you forever if you fixed all the errors and maybe even added new content.
In other news,
is a considerably more stylish way to express sarcasm than
, because everybody uses
and I am /indie/. INDIE, I TELL YOU.