So, here's my next set of levels.
SubTerra 1
A quick jaunt: If I recall correctly, this was my first Subterra level. I made a few small changes recently, though. In particular, I accounted for the fact that you can't pass a blocked gate.
Explosions: Another simple, easy level.
Four Quarters: There are a fair number of 2-player levels, but this one doubles that! By which I mean, it has 4 players.
House of Ice: The only one of these four that was made recently; it's the one where I recorded a hard mode solution, and then in the replay the poltergeists behaved differently. So while the solution does not satisfy the hard gem quota, it
is possible by trapping poltergeists.
SubTerra 2
Shops Madness: I already submitted this one, but I decorated it to fill the whole screen. For the purpose of contests (if there even is a ST2 contest), this should supercede the original. Functionally, however, it is identical.
Fairy Madness: I think this was already "
at the time I submitted my last level pack (ie my first level pack). However, it did not have a hard mode solution, so I expanded it and added one.
Trap those Fairies!: Or "
Fairy Madness 2"
. Just a simple level; not hard at all.
Be Fairy Precise: Or "
Fairy Madness 3"
. I haven't yet seen a level in which you must kill a fairy with a conveyor block. This one requires that – twice.
Quirks 2: I took Wonkyth's level, stripped out everything except the basic structure, and made a similar level to demonstrate a few odd and undocumented things. Unfortunately, I could not find 8 things to mention... so I used the Mountain King to fill it two of them, and a pair of undocumented yet probably fairly well-known facts for two others. In fact, I'd say the first two are the most interesting.
Keys Madness: Another simple level. Very easy.
The Vault of Eternity: Formerly called "
Keys Madness"
. I was unable to record a solution for this one because when I entered the exit, nothing happened, as I reported in the other thread. If that issue is ever resolved, I'll resubmit it with a hard mode solution.
King: This is in fact the first Subterra 2 level I ever made. Well, sort of – in fact I took that level, decorated it, and added a hard mode solution.
Why does this forum not have a [list] BBCode?
Also, I've been wondering: how many more ST2 levels are needed before an expansion pack can be released?
[Last edited by Celtic Minstrel at 06-30-2009 10:33 PM : Whoops, forgot to attach]